(Red rockfishes with strong head spines)

Splitnose rockfish
(Sebastes diploproa)

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Body color:
Uniform rose-red.
Maximum length: 18 in (45 cm) Peritoneum color: dark
Maximum depth: 437 fm (800 m) Shape between eyes: concave
Common depth: 82-246 fm (150-450 m) Counts: D:XIII,11-14, Ar:5-8, P1:17-19, GR:32-37,
LLp:32-43, LLs:53-57,V:26

Similar species:

Aurora RF - head spine count differs; knobs bordering notch in upper jaw less prominent; gill rakers 24-28 (32-37 in Splitnose RF); lateral line pores typically 27-30 (32-42 in Splitnose RF); spines on lower margin of operculum typically absent (typically present in Splitnose RF).

Stripetail RF - body yellow-pink w/ green; dorsal blotches present; notch in upper jaw absent.

Thornyheads (genus Sebastolobus) - 8-10 strong cheek spines; 15-17 dorsal spines (13 in Splitnose RF); body round in cross section (elliptical in Splitnose RF).

Distribution: Gulf of Alaska - Baja California

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