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Department in Action - Transportation

To encourage more O`ahu commuters to carpool and reduce traffic congestion, the department will change the minimum ridership requirement for the H-1 Freeway ZipperLane and the Nimitz Highway Contraflow Lane from two to three riders.

The change takes effect with the morning commute on July 8, 2008.

The three-person ridership requirement is intended to encourage more commuters to carpool in an effort to relieve traffic congestion on O`ahu. 

"As more people choose to carpool, it is important to provide them with incentives to continue to do so," said state transportation director Brennon Morioka, who noted Hawai`i already has one of the highest rates of carpooling in the country.  

“Carpooling is one of the fastest and least expensive ways to reduce traffic congestion.  This change in the ZipperLane ridership requirement will reward those who choose to carpool by giving them a less crowded lane to use to get to work,” said Morioka.  

The new ridership requirement will apply to any vehicle entering the ZipperLane and the Nimitz Highway Contraflow Lane during regular hours of operation from 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on weekdays, except on state holidays.  The ZipperLane runs along the H-1 Freeway from Waikele to the end of the Airport Viaduct and connects with the Nimitz Highway Contraflow Lane, which runs from Kalihi to downtown Honolulu.

Motorcycles will still be allowed to use the ZipperLane and Nimitz Highway Contraflow Lane.

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