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Density Determination Research

Energies of Reaction
Vapor Pressure
Acoustic Resonance Spectrometer
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Physiochemical properties data used to design modern refineries resulted in 95% energy efficiency for plant operations (Photo source: Oil & Gas Journal).
The Physical Properties Research Facility is internationally recognized as being uniquely qualified to perform precision density measurements and derive physical property values.

The vibrating tube densitometer measures liquid-phase densities in the temperature range of 100-650 K. It can also provide a determination of compound decomposition under vapor saturation pressure.

Applications include:

-green.jpg (694 bytes) Data for safety evaluations and Material Safety Data

-green.jpg (694 bytes) Predict regulatory compliance
-green.jpg (694 bytes) Size equipment during plant design
   - Containment vessel thickness
-green.jpg (694 bytes) Optimize plant operating conditions

Contact Bill Steele, PPRF Director
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This page updated 02/27/02

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is operated by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy.