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Winds/Temps at pressures:
rawinsonde plot at    850 mb    700 mb    500 mb    300 mb    250 mb    200 mb
including contours    850 mb    700 mb    500 mb    300 mb    250 mb    200 mb
Skew-T/Log-P diagrams created from rawinsonde data
rawinsonde sites
4-panel AGL plot
profiler sites
4-panel MSL plot
profiler sites
Click on a station on either map above for that station's time-series plot
Upper-Air plots from other internet sources


Pressure-level plots
Environment Canada
Univ of Illinois
Florida State Univ

SkewT/LogP charts
Univ of Wyoming
Univ of Illinois
Florida State Univ

Wind profiler plots
Univ of Wyoming
Texas A&M Univ
N. Illinois Univ
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