University of Illinois Extension - Your Doorway to the University
If you're baffled by the myriad of environmental regulations that pertain to agricultural and horticultural operations, help is only a mouse-click away. Learn more...
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Program Areas
Featured Websites
Calhoun/Jersey Unit
Links to the information you need to cope with severe winter weather. A guide for choosing a container, selecting soil mixes, choosing and combining plants, fertilizing, watering and grooming basics.
The electronic version of the Illinois Manure Management Plan workbook. This interactive site teaches basic money management principles. The Illinois Steward features articles about stewardship, conservation, preservation, and restoration of natural areas in Illinois.
A guide for growing, harvesting, and exhibiting vegetables. This website provides residents of Illinois with information about how to coexist with Illinois wildlife. eXtension is an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from the smartest land-grant university minds across America.
En Español
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Business and Industry Services helps organizations remain globally competitive by providing the highest quality training and consulting services.
The Energy Education Council promotes the safe, efficient use of electricity.
The Illinois Water Resources Center conducts research and outreach programs on water resources issues critical to Illinois and the Midwest.
China Study Tour
Please visit the China Study Tour website and blog.
Donors Forum Toolbox
A grantseeker's resource library of tools and information.
News Alerts

Getting Through Tough Financial Times

New Horticulture and Design Course Offerings in the Chicago Area

News from Extension
Northwestern Tillage Seminar
Gateway Green Industry Conference Announced
Illinois Crop Management Conferences
Evaluating and Storing Vegetable Garden Seeds
Take Safety Measures during Extreme Winter Temperatures
New Container Gardening Website
Conference Set for Vegetable Growers
Hog Outlook 09
Silage corn and nitrogen
Propagating Grapes
Bartering in Tough Times
Illinois 4-H'ers Do Well at National Horse Contests
Getting Through Tough Times: It's Time for a New Year's Financial Checkup!
All-Youth Horse Judging Trials
Pesticide Records
Soup to Warm the Heart
Sulfur Trials
U of I Crop Management Conferences to Address Critical Issues
Main Navigation University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign College of Agricultural Consumer & Environmental Sciences University of Illinois Extension
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