PA Department of Environmental Protection


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Citing the urgent need to cut energy costs, move toward energy independence and stimulate the economy, Pennsylvania is investing $665.9 million to push PA into the top tier of states taking steps to cut consumer energy costs, and significantly expand the alternative fuel, clean energy and conservation sectors. The plan is estimated to cut PA's energy bills by $10 billion over the next 10 years.
On Election Day 2008, nearly two-thirds of Pennsylvania voters chose to approve the $400
million clean water referendum that will support thousands of jobs and enable communities
across the state to make critical repairs and upgrades to their water and sewer systems.
Pennsylvania's water and sewer systems are in need of substantial investments to ensure quality, dependable services that will position our economy to grow and the clean water referendum will serve as a springboard to meet those needs.
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{Pennsylvania Web Links} Pennsylvania
Web Links
{Cupped hands holding soil and a small green plant}
{Governor Rendell and Acting Secretary John Hanger}
Contaminated Groundwater Investigation in Meadville Moves Into New Phase
{Read More}
DEP Provides Update on Bacterial Contamination Investigation in Armstrong County
{Read More}
DEP Fines Exide $15,000 for Noncompliance of Stormwater Discharge Order
{Read More}

Governor Edward G RendellActing Secretary John Hanger
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection