Breast Pump Use in the Work Place is Win-Win for Employers and Employee-Mothers (Click Here)

Friday April 13th, 2008

The New Mexico WIC Breastfeeding Promotion Program is providing a web page that provides answers and advice about the law for employers and for employee-breastfeeding mothers who need to use breast pumps at their workplace. A state law mandates employers provide a private and clean space, other than a bathroom, for their breastfeeding employees to use to pump breast milk while they are away from their child. The law also requires that employers provide flexible break times to accommodate employee-mother breast pumping.

Click here visit our Breast Pumping in the Work Place page.

WIC Sees 60% Of New Mexico's Infants

Thursday, January 11th, 2007

At 110 clinic sites around the state, the WIC Program served 112,611 New Mexicans (6% of the population) from July 2005 to June 2006 and provided 740,000 monthly food benefit packages during the time period, through 244 authorized WIC grocers. During this time, the number of infants seen by WIC was 22,632, representing 60% of the infants born in New Mexico. In addition to providing participants with nutrition education and food benefits, WIC staff made nearly 60,000 referrals to health and social service programs.

New Mexico's Breastfeeding Initiation Rates Increase 4.45% In 2005

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

From almost 30 clinic sites across New Mexico, some 40 WIC Breast-feeding Peer Counselors are visiting, educating, and encouraging moms to initiate breastfeeding and to continue to breastfeed their babies through the babies first year. In 2005, New Mexico’s initiation rates have increased 4.45%.