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This page last updated:
July 31, 2007

 Why a Career at MMS?

There are a number of reasons to consider a rewarding career at Minerals Management Service (MMS).  In addition to offering a wide range of benefits, MMS offers its employees the opportunity to serve the Nation by overseeing the orderly and responsible development of America’s energy and mineral resources on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).  The offshore sea bottoms of the OCS produce about 27% of the Nation’s total daily oil production and 25% of its daily natural gas production, which is a significant contribution to our Nation’s economic strength and national security.  As an agency, MMS is second only to the IRS in terms of Federal revenues generated ($6-8 billion annually), making it the Federal Government’s greatest source of non-tax revenue.  MMS also serves as a global model for resource management, leading the way in helping developing countries around the world to establish proper regulatory methods and procedures.

Emphasizing the synergistic teamwork concept, MMS strives to develop a workforce that reflects our Nation’s diversity at all levels and in all occupations.  Geoscientists, engineers, computer personnel, accountants, auditors, economists, leasing specialists, biologists, oceanographers, physical and environmental scientists, and other professionals comprise a highly diverse and integrated workforce at MMS.  To accomplish their goals, MMS employees use the state-of-the-art technology made available to them and employ an enormous, multi-user petroleum-related database, the largest in North America, adding a new level of sophistication to data interpretation and analysis.

In addition to providing an important service to the U.S. and its people, MMS offers its employees a wide range of benefits.  These include generous Federal health benefits, insurance and retirement packages, savings plans, and numerous family-friendly policies such as alternative work schedules and leave-sharing programs.  MMS also strives to provide all of its employees with a positive work environment, which includes such things as a friendly atmosphere, a casual dress code, flexible arrival and departure times, safe and comfortable office buildings, and generous vacation and sick leave policies.  At MMS, the quality of worklife is highly valued.  There is an open environment that accepts individual differences, and all employees are encouraged to maximize their potential and exhibit a commitment to provide quality service to their customers, the citizens of the United States.

MMS employees are also encouraged to complement their career development through active memberships in professional organizations.  With financial support from the Government, MMS employees regularly attend professional meetings and conventions nation-wide, make presentations, and serve on professional committees.  To further expand their horizons, they are also given the freedom to publish the unique aspects of their work and research, and their papers frequently appear at professional association meetings and in numerous scientific periodicals with global distributions.  In addition, frequent in-house training courses are offered to all employees in order to provide the detailed instruction necessary for them to perform their jobs and enhance the high quality of their work.

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