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Dilute Acid/Metal Salt Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosics

U.S. Patent 6,423,145

Technology Description

A modified dilute acid method of hydrolyzing the cellulose and hemicellulose in lignocellulosic material under conditions to obtain higher overall fermentable sugar yields than is obtainable using dilute acid alone, comprising:impregnating a lignocellulosic feedstock with a mixture of an amount of aqueous solution of a dilute acid catalyst and a metal salt catalyst sufficient to provide higher overall fermentable sugar yields than is obtainable when hydrolyzing with dilute acid alone;loading the impregnated lignocellulosic feedstock into a reactor and heating for a sufficient period of time to hydrolyze substantially all of the hemicellulose and greater than 45% of the cellulose to water soluble sugars; and recovering the water soluble sugars.


Quang A. Nguyen; Melvin P. Tucker

Interested in this Technology?

  • See the full U.S. Patent for this technology.
  • NREL is looking for an organization to develop and commercialize this innovative technology. Interested organizations may consider developing/commercializing this technology through a license agreement, Cooperative Research Agreement, or Work for Others agreement. Please contact Richard Bolin at (303) 275-3028 for licensing, CRADA, and Work for Others opportunities.