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Other Cancers

Cancer happens when some body cells don't work right, then those unhealthy cells divide over and over to make tissue that becomes a tumor. Cancerous tumors then invade healthy cells.

Hispanics/Latinos have a lower rate of new cancer cases and lower death rates for all cancers combined compared to other groups. But Hispanics/Latinos have higher rates of certain kinds of cancers than whites. These include cancers of the stomach, liver, gallbladder, and cervix, as well as leukemia. For cancers of the breast and cervix, death rates have gone down less among Hispanics/Latinas than they have among non-Hispanics. Both of these types of cancers can be found early through screening. There is less access to screening programs as well as less use of available screening programs by Hispanics/Latinos. Both of these types of cancers can be found early through screening.

We do not know how to prevent cancer. But there are some things you can do to reduce your risk:

  • Don't smoke. If you smoke, try to quit. For help along the way, check out our Quitting Smoking section.
  • Keep a healthy weight.
  • Eat right. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Get moving. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise a day, most days of the week. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Or, walk during breaks at work.
  • If you drink alcohol, have no more than one drink per day.

Resources in English


  1. Federal resource  Colorectal Cancer(PDQ®) Screening - Patients - This publication gives information on colorectal cancer and general risk factors. It also describes colorectal cancer screening methods and what is known about their effectiveness.

  2. Federal resource  Financial Assistance and Other Resources for People With Cancer - This publication provides information on the Federal and non-Federal sources that provide financial assistance for cancer care. Included are telephone numbers of the contact organizations.

  3. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Ovarian Cancer - This fact sheet explains what ovarian cancer is, why you should be concerned about it, and where you can get more information.

  4. Federal resource  Report Finds Lower Cancer Rates Among Latinos - This publication summarizes the annual assesment of cancer in the United States performed by the nation's leading cancer organizations that found that Latinos had lower incidence rates than non-Hispanic whites (NHW) for most cancers.

  5. Federal resource  What You Need to Know About Cancer - An Overview - This publication describes some of the warning signs of cancer and stresses the importance of early detection. It also explains how this disease is diagnosed and treated and has information to help people deal with cancer if it affects them or people they know.

  6. Federal resource  What You Need To Know About™ Liver Cancer - This booklet about liver cancer discusses symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, emotional issues, and questions to ask the doctor. It also includes a glossary of terms and other resources.

  7. Federal resource  What You Need To Know About™ Stomach Cancer - This booklet on stomach cancer discusses symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, emotional issues, and questions to ask the doctor. It also includes a glossary of terms and a list of other resources.

  8. Cancer Health Disparities in Hispanics/Latinos (Copyright © UTHSCSA) - This publication discusses the continuing disparities that exist in the burden of illness and death from cancer experienced by Hispanics/Latinos compared to the U.S. population as a whole.


  1. Federal resource
  2. American Cancer Society
  3. Gynecologic Cancer Foundation
  4. National Alliance for Hispanic Health
  5. Ovarian Cancer National Alliance

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources

Recursos en español


  1. Recurso Federal  El cáncer de hígado: preguntas y respuestas - Este folleto contiene información acerca del cáncer del hígado. Le explica la función del hígado y cómo es afectado a causa del cáncer. También lista los síntomas del cáncer del hígado, como se hace el diagnóstico y métodos de tratamiento,

  2. Recurso Federal  Cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas- Profesionales - Esta publicación es para el profesional. Ofrece una descripción del cáncer de pulmón e incluye las etapas de desarrollo de la enfermedad.

  3. Cáncer: puntos para considerar acerca del fin de la vida para quien provee cuidados (Copyright © AAFP) - Esta publicación da consejos de lo que una persona que provee cuidado necesita pensar antes que su cargo muera. También da recursos de otras organizaciones que pueden ayudar.

  4. PDF archivo  Latinos/hispanos y cáncer (Copyright © ICCC) - Este folleto contiene estadísticas acerca del cáncer y como afecta a la comunidad Hispana/Latino Americana.

  5. ¿Qué es el cáncer del estómago? (Copyright © ACS) - Este folleto ofrece información acerca el cáncer del estómago. A la vez discute los diferentes tipos de tumores y contiene algunas estadísticas sobre los casos de personas con cáncer de estómago.


  1. Recurso Federal en Español
  2. Recurso Federal  Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, HHS
  3. Sociedad Americana del Cáncer

Recurso Federal = Recurso Federal

Current as of December 2007

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