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Because we need you!

Your voice will be added to those of more than 1.3 million of your fellow Americans who are committed to leave our children a living legacy — clean air, clean water, and natural grandeur.
The Sierra Club has been instrumental in preserving wilderness, wildlife and nature's most splendid wild places for over 100 years — Yosemite National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, the Florida Everglades and the Sequoia National Monument to name just a few — helping protect over 150 million acres of wildlands and wildlife habitat.

The Sierra Club is America's most effective advocate for the environment and helps you protect the environment locally and globally. From community issues and action to lobbying on a national level, membership helps you take action where it's needed most. As a member you'll have opportunities to get involved with local chapters, as well as be part of the largest national network of environmental advocates. You'll have the satisfaction of helping preserve irreplaceable wildlands and wildlife. Your voice will be heard through congressional lobbying and grassroots action. Your membership counts!

Becoming a member means you'll receive Sierra Magazine, which features spectacular nature photography and in-depth reporting on the hottest environmental issues. You will also be eligible for discounts on our distinguished books and celebrated nature calendars as well as our Worldwide Outings Program.

The Sierra Club's dedicated volunteers and grassroots activists make your dollars go further. Each dollar of your support is "multiplied" by the effective work of the Club's tens of thousands of dedicated volunteers.

So please — join the fight and Join the Club today!

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