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Sustainable Fisheries
2000 Information Bulletins

  106a. - REVISED NMFS Announces Implementation of the First Stage of the Fishing Capacity Reduction Program for Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Crab Fisheries. Text Only Version
  106. - Removed
  105. NMFS Closes Specified Fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  104. NMFS Closes Specified Fisheries in the GOA. Text Only Version
  NOAA Fisheries Announces January 1 Opening for 2001 Fisheries .
  103. NMFS Announces the Implementation of the Scallop License Limitation ProgramText Only Version
  102. NMFS Intends to Revise the Closure of Steller Sea Lion Critical Habitat to Commercial Fishing for Pacific Cod. Text Only Version
  101. NMFS Announces a Revision to the Critical Habitat Closure to all Commercial Groundfish Fishing with Trawl Gear. Text Only Version
  100. NMFS Announces 2000 Cost Recovery Fee for the Halibut and Sablefish IFQ Programs in the BSAI and GOA. Text Only Version
  99. NMFS Closes the Pacific Cod Fishery for Catcher Processor Vessels Using Hook-and-Line Gear in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  98. NMFS Announces Procedure for Publication of 2001 TAC Specifications for Groundfish in the BSAI and the GOA. Text Only Version
  97. NMFS Adds Anchorage to 2001 R&R ScheduleText Only Version
  96. NMFS Closes Sablefish Fixed Gear Fisheries Managed under IFQ ProgramText Only Version
  95. NMFS Reallocates Pacific Cod to Vessels Using Hook-and-Line or Pot Gear in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area. Text Only Version
  94. NMFS Announces Workshop on Proposed Pollock Catch-Monitoring Standards for AFA Inshore Processors. Text Only Version
  93. NMFS Reallocates Pollock from the Incidental Catch Amount to the Directed Fisheries for Pollock in the Bering Sea
  92. NMFS Announces 1999 Top Fishing Ports in Alaska(Adobe Acrobat .pdf file)
  91. Dutch Harbor-Unalaska Is Nation's Top Fishing Port for 1999(Adobe Acrobat .pdf file)
  90. NMFS Requests Comments on Proposal to Reallocate Pacific Cod from Trawl Catcher/Processors to Vessels Using Fixed Gear in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  89. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Shortraker & Rougheye Rockfish in Eastern GOA. Text Only Version
  88. NMFS Announces R&R Workshop at Fish Expo. Text Only Version
  87. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Sharpchin and Northern Rockfish in Aleutian Islands Subarea. Text Only Version
  86. Trawling for Groundfish Is Prohibited in Designated Critical Habitat for Steller Sea Lions. Text Only Version
  85. NMFS Closes Directed Fishing for Atka Mackerel by Non-CDQ Trawl Gear in Aleutian Islands Subarea to Prevent Overfishing of Sharpchin and Northern Rockfish. Text Only Version
  84. NMFS Closes Directed Fishing for Atka Mackerel by Gear Types Other-Than-Jig Gear in Eastern Aleutian District and Bering Sea. Text Only Version
  83. NMFS Closes Directed Fishing for Groundfish by Vessels Using Hook-and-Line Gear in the GOA. Text Only Version
  82. NMFS Opens the Pacific Cod Fishery for Trawl Catcher Vessels in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  81. NMFS Closes the Pacific Cod Fishery for Certain Vessels Using Hook-and-Line or Pot Gear in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  80. NMFS Issues Regulations Implementing Amendment 64 to the BSAI Fishery Management PlanText Only Version
  79. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Pollock in Statistical Area 630 of the GOA. Text Only Version
  78. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Other Red Rockfish in the Bering Sea Subarea. Text Only Version
  77. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Rock Sole/Flathead Sole/Other Flatfish by Trawl Gear in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  76. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Deep-Water Species by Trawl Gear in the GOA. Text Only Version
  75. NMFS Opens Directed Pollock Fishery for Non-Exempt AFA Catcher Vessels in Areas 620 and 630, GOA. Text Only Version
  74. Pollock Fishery Cautioned to Avoid Chum Salmon Bycatch in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  73. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Shallow-Water Species by Trawl Gear in the GOA. Text Only Version
  72. Trawling for Groundfish is Prohibited in Designated Critical Habitat for Steller Sea LionsText Only Version
  71. NMFS Closes the Arrowtooth Flounder Fishery in the Western GOA. Text Only Version
  70. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Pacific Cod in the Western GOA. Text Only Version
  69. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Pollock by "Open Access" Vessels in Bering Sea Subarea. Text Only Version
  68. NMFS Closes the Other Rockfish Fishery in West Yakutat District, GOA. Text Only Version
  67. NMFS Closes the Northern Rockfish Fishery in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  66. NMFS Closes the Pelagic Shelf Rockfish Fishery in West Yakutat District, GOA. Text Only Version
  65. NMFS Closes the Pelagic Shelf Rockfish Fishery in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  64. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Sablefish by Trawl Gear in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  63. NMFS Closes the Northern Rockfish Fishery in the Western GOA. Text Only Version
  62. NMFS Closes the Pacific Ocean Perch Fishery in the Western Aleutian District. Text Only Version
  61. NMFS Closes the Pacific Ocean Perch Fishery in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  60. NMFS Closes the Pacific Ocean Perch Fishery in the Central Aleutian District. Text Only Version
  59. NMFS Closes the Pacific Ocean Perch Fishery in the West Yakutat District in the GOA. Text Only Version
  58. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Pacific Ocean Perch in the Eastern Aleutian District. Text Only Version
  57. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Pacific Ocean Perch in the Western GOA. Text Only Version
  56. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Pollock by "Open Access" Vessels in the SCA of the BSAI. Text Only Version
  55. NMFS Reallocates the Halibut Bycatch Mortality Allowance in the Nontrawl Fishery Category in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  54. NMFS Opens Three Rockfish Fisheries for Non-Exempt AFA Catcher Vessels in Central and Eastern GOA. Text Only Version
  53. NMFS Extends AFA Emergency Interim Rules, Establishes a December 1, 2000 Deadline for AFA Permit Applications, and Issues Inshore Sector C/D Season Pollock TAC Specifications. Text Only Version
  52. NMFS Amends Prohibited Species Bycatch Allowances to Reflect Reduced Trawl Limits for Pacific Halibut and Crab. Text Only Version
  51. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Shallow-Water Species by Trawl Gear in the GOA. Text Only Version
  50. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Greenland Turbot in Bering Sea Subarea. Text Only Version
  49. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Deep-Water Species by Trawl Gear in the GOA. Text Only Version
  48. NMFS Prohibiting Directed Fishing for Groundfish by Hook-and-Line Gear in the GOA. Text Only Version
  47. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Rock Sole/Flathead Sole/Other Flatfish by Trawl Gear in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  46. NMFS Closes the Pacific Cod Fishery to Catcher Vessels Using Trawl Gear in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  45. NMFS Apportions Pacific Cod Reserves in the GOA. Text Only Version
  44. NMFS Closes Directed Fishing for Rock Sole by Non-Exempt AFA Catcher Vessels in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  43. NMFS Opens Directed Fishing for Atka Mackerel in Central Aleutian District and Prohibits Trawling within Steller Sea Lion Critical Habitat. Text Only Version
  42. NMFS Opens Pollock in the West Yakutat District in the GOA. Text Only Version
  41. NMFS Issues Opilio Tanner Crab Processing Limits to AFA Entities. Text Only Version
  40. NMFS Opening Several Species for Non-Exempt AFA Catcher Vessels in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  39. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Pollock in West Yakutat District, GOA. Text Only Version
  38. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Pollock in Shelikof Strait Conservation Area in the GOA. Text Only Version
  37. NMFS Prohibits Trawling in Steller Sea Lion Critical Habitat in the Western Aleutian District. Text Only Version
  36. NMFS Closes 610 Pollock in the GOA. Text Only Version
  35. NMFS Closes 630 Pollock Outside Shelikof Strait in the GOA. Text Only Version
  34. Individual Fishing Quota Cost Recovery Program Effective March 15, 2000. Text Only Version
  33. NMFS Closes 620 Pollock Outside Shelikof Strait in the GOA. Text Only Version
  32. NMFS Closes Hook-and-Line Gear in the GOA. Text Only Version
  31. NMFS Closes the Pacific Cod Fishery for Vessels Using Hook-and-Line or Pot Gear in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  30. NMFS Closes Trawl Rock Sole/Flathead Sole/Other Flatfish in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  29. NMFS Closes Inshore Pacific Cod in the Western GOA. Text Only Version
  28. NMFS Closes Inshore Pacific Cod in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  Atlantic Salmon Watch Program.
  27. NMFS Closes Mothership Component Pollock in Steller Sea Lion Critical Habitat. Text Only Version
  26. NMFS Closes the Atka Mackerel Fishery in the Central Aleutian District. Text Only Version
  25. - REVISED - NMFS Reduces Certain Observer Coverage Requirements for the Multispecies CDQ Fisheries(Adobe Acrobat .pdf file)
  25 - Removed
  24. NMFS Opens Trawling in Steller Sea Lion Critical Habitat in the Central Aleutian District. Text Only Version
  23. NMFS Opens Pacific Cod for Non-Exempt AFA Catcher Vessels in the Western and Central GOA. Text Only Version
  22. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Inshore Pollock by Vessels Not Participating In Cooperatives. Text Only Version
  21. NMFS Publishes Final 2000 Harvest Specifications(Adobe Acrobat .pdf file)
  20. NMFS Announces the March 15, 2000, Opening of the IFQ FisheryText Only Version
  19. NMFS Closes Specified Fisheries in the BSAI for 2000Text Only Version
  18. NMFS Closes Specified Fisheries in the GOA for 2000Text Only Version
  17. NMFS Closes Pollock by Certain Vessels Catching Pollock for the Inshore Component in the SCA of the BSAI. Text Only Version
  16. NMFS Closes Pollock in the Shelikof Strait Conservation Area in the GOA. Text Only Version
  15. NMFS Closes Trawling in Steller Sea Lion Critical Habitat in the Central Aleutian District. Text Only Version
  14. NMFS Closes Offshore Pacific Cod in the Western GOA. Text Only Version
  13. NMFS Closes Pollock by Certain Vessels Greater Than 99 feet LOA Catching Pollock for Processing in the SCA of the BSAI. Text Only Version
  12. NMFS Closes 610 Pollock in the GOA. Text Only Version
  11. NMFS Closes Atka Mackerel in the Eastern Aleutian Island and Bering Sea Subarea. Text Only Version
  10. NMFS Closes Pollock in 620 Outside the Shelikof Strait in the GOA. Text Only Version
  09. NMFS Adjusts the Interim TAC of Pollock in the GOA. Text Only Version
  08. NMFS Provides Notification of a Correction to the Steller Sea Lion Protection MeasuresText Only Version
  07. NMFS Opening 610 and Shelikof Strait Conservation Area for Non-Exempt AFA Catcher Vessels. Text Only Version
  06. NMFS Closes 630 Pollock Outside Shelikof Strait in the GOA. Text Only Version
  05. Emergency Interim Rule to Implement AFA Management Measures, Inshore Co-op Allocations and Sideboard Closures. Text Only Version
  04. - Removed
  03. American Fisheries Act Sideboard Closures During 2000Text Only Version
  02. - Removed -
  01. Draft National Plan of Action for the Reduction of Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries Available for Review. Text Only Version

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