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Technology Assessment of the
U.S. Assistive Technology Industry

Sales & Revenues

The bulk of the U.S. AT industry’s revenues, survey data reveal, are concentrated among a handful of AT manufacturers. Of the 359 enterprises operating in the United States that responded to the survey, 11 firms accounted for nearly 69 percent ($1.9 billion) of all 1999 U.S. AT industry revenues. Seven of these 11 firms are located in the Midwest (Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin). Chart 2 illustrates the breakdown of AT company revenues by region.

Table 3 -- States Hosting The Most AT Firms
State Number of
AT Firms
California 58
Florida 28
New York 24
Michigan 22
Minnesota 21
Ohio 20
Wisconsin 14
Massachusetts 13
Texas 13
Pennsylvania 13
Total 226

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce/BIS AT Survey

Most of the 11 largest enterprises are engaged in manufacturing, assembly and distribution of a wide range of AT products.

Text Description of Chart 2 In contrast, the next-largest 27 U.S. AT companies had 1999 revenues totaling only $578 million–a little more than 20 percent of all industry revenues. The annual revenue of these firms ranged from $10 million to $70 million in 1999. The top three product categories represented by this group were mobility, orthotics/prosthetics, and aids to daily living.

In 1999, AT companies operating in the U.S. delivered $2.87 billion in products and services worldwide, achieving solid growth relative to 1998 sales of $2.66 billion and to 1997’s level of $2.35 billion. The U.S. AT industry posted gains in sales revenues of nearly 22 percent from 1997 through 1999.

Consumption of AT products by domestic customers accounts for most sales made by AT manufacturers in the United States. Domestic sales hit $2.32 billion in 1999 compared to 1998’s total of $2.13 billion and $1.78 billion in 1997. Revenues on domestic sales for AT companies operating in the United States grew by 19.6 percent for the 1997-1999 period.

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