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Technology Assessment of the
U.S. Assistive Technology Industry


AT Industry Data

Regulation & Trade


Research & Development

Engineering and research organizations at the Departments of Commerce, Defense, and Energy — as well as those at NASA, the National Science Foundation and elsewhere — should on a biannual basis conduct joint information forums to highlight inventions and other intellectual property that might have application in assistive devices for people with disabilities. Many AT companies are too small to spare the time or money to try to personally visit dozens of federal R&D and engineering organizations. Survey data show that fewer than seven percent of survey participants said they had the experience or capability to tap the expertise at federal R&D facilities.

In addition, consideration should be given to the establishment within the federal government of an interagency advisory committee for assistive technology R&D. Its charge would be to: 1) help identify promising technologies that may be applied to address the needs of specific groups of people with disabilities; 2) advise federal agencies on research priorities; and 3) make recommendations on AT-specific R&D programs that should be reduced in scope or eliminated. The group should issue public reports every three years to Congress and executive branch agencies. Membership would include: DOC (NIST), DOE, DOD, Education, HHS (NIH), NASA, NSF and VA.


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