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Technology Assessment of the
U.S. Assistive Technology Industry

Cover Art (link to text description)IV. Positioning U.S. AT Firms for Growth

Although many U.S. AT companies have a positive outlook about their future business prospects, managers recognize that to retain and expand their market positions they must reduce delays in the development, introduction and marketing of new products. With the likelihood of increased foreign competition in the years ahead, the time-to-market equation will become increasingly critical to establishing market position.

For many U.S. AT companies, a change of operating culture may be required. Some firms, for example, may need to strengthen product design and manufacturing capabilities. Several survey respondents described their manufacturing processes and marketing methods as inadequate and out-of-date when compared to other, more technologically advanced and competitive industries. In some instances entirely new technologies will have to be mastered and employed by AT manufacturers operating in the United States if they are to remain competitive with offshore companies.

In parallel, AT firms must continue to work with state and federal regulatory agencies streamline processes for setting reimbursement levels for AT products used by people with disabilities. The U.S. AT industry should work with private insurers to more quickly post new products on their schedules of eligible AT equipment for people with disabilities. In concert with these steps, U.S. trade agencies must intensify their efforts to assist U.S. companies in penetrating foreign AT product markets.

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