Technology Transfer Partnership Opportunities
The USGS encourages technology transfer and use of its research developments and technologies by the private sector. As part of technology transfer, the USGS is interested in forming collaborative partnerships, such as Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs), with interested participants. The following are USGS research projects offering an opportunity for partnerships between the private sector and USGS:
- New Protocol Verifies Sterility of Newly Hatched Fish
- Scientists of the USGS's Biological Resources Discipline have developed a procedure that could save commercial producers of triploid grass carp between $2000 and $3000 per pond. Instead of producers stocking and maintaining newly-hatched fish for nearly a month before analyzing individuals, they could use a simple and rapid procedure developed by USGS biologists to cut back on that time, labor and wasted space. This is likely to apply to other species used for triploidy induction such as black carp for snail and zebra mussel control, bighead carp for filtering water, and crappie for recreational fishing.
- Model of Animal Behavior - MOAB
- The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) seeks a private industry partner to work with it through a CRADA to create a more-user friendly commercial version of the existing Model of Animal Behavior program. MOAB can be used in studies of how animals interact with each other and the importance of landscape and environment in an animals existence.
- Three-Component Borehole Seismometer for Earthquake Seismology
- Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) have developed a three-component borehole seismometer with leveling capability for use during earthquake site response studies. The USGS is seeking company partners to commercialize this technology.
- Air-Powed Impulsive Shear-Wave Source With Repeatable Signals
- Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) have designed an instrument that can be used by engineers, consultants, municipalities, and in other geophysical applications to help provide information needed to monitor and plan for earthquakes.The USGS is interested in making the device commercially available. It is seeking business partners to refine and test the instrument and to market it.
- New Technique Treats Acid Mine Drainage
- Scientists and engineers at the USGS's Biological Resources Discipline have developed a new way of treating and restoring water degraded by acid mine drainage (AMD).The system will super-treat the acid mine drainage and will provide the effluent acidity and alkalinity required while also allowing side stream treatment. Preliminary economic evalu ations indicate a savings in treatment of between 21 and 77% over conv entional systems.
- Development of Corrosion-Resistant Hydrothermal Cells
- Researchers at the USGS have designed and constructed two laboratory test cells--a flexible and a fixed--that provide a new level of experimental capability in terms of corrosion resistance. The USGS is seeking an industrial partner to work with it through a CRADA to assist in testing and refining the cells.
- Controlled-Release Fertilizers Using Zeolites.
- The USGS has experimented with zeolites to help control the release of fertilizer nutrients in soil. The use of soluble fertilizers can lead to water pollution and to wasted nutrients.
- Selenate Removal From Waste Water
- This patented method is available for license from the USGS and for collaborative development. Microbial agents are used to removed nitrates and toxic selenium compounds from waste water.
- CD-ROM Training Program on the Hazards of Volcanic Ash to Aviation
- A CRADA partnership is being sought to refine and develop an interactive training system for alerting airline pilots to the hazards of volcanic ash and ash clouds.
- Aquatic Contaminants in Colloidal Phases and Humic Complexes
- The USGS has developed sampling and isolation techniques to determine the size and chemical form of trace metal and organic contaminants in ground and surface waters. Materials obtained by these techniques can be characterized to assess chemical reactions responsible for the contaminant associations. The USGS wants partners to assist in developing this technology for uses in environmental remediation.
- A Computer Program for Calculating Mineral Size Distributions from X-ray Diffraction Data
- USGS scientists have developed a computer code that calculates crystallite size distributions and strain for minerals from X-ray diffraction data. The program would be useful to many types of manufacturers who use or synthesize clay-size crystalline materials.