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Human Genome News Archive Edition

Vol.10, No.3-4   October 1999 
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In this issue... 

DOE '99 Oakland Highlights
* Meeting Intro
* HGP Progress, Challenges
* Joint Genome Institute
JGI Facility Opening
Device Speeds Sequencing
* Chromosome 19 Genes
* Functional Genomics
* Sample Prep System
* Informatics
* Education & Bioethics
* Microbial Genomes
* Next Meeting Feb. 2000

Genome Project
* Accelerated Timetable
* FY1999 Budgets
* JGI Refits Facility
* Progress

In the News 
* Drosophila Near Completion
* Directors, Researchers Receive Awards
* Chromosomes 21, 22 Near Finish
* Human MHC Region Sequenced
* Mouse Probes Aid Mapping
* Genetic Testing Committee
* DOE Labs & Biomedicine
* Biomedical Engineering Proposals
* Drug Firms Create SNP Resource
* SBIR 1999 Awards
* HUGO News
* 1999 Hollaender Winners

Microbial Genomics 
* EcoCyc Database for E. coli
* Developing EcoCyc
* Thermotoga Sequence
* Clostridium Sequenced
* Microbial Gene Finder
* Neisseria Sequence
* Microbial Web Sites

Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues
* Education, Counseling Foundation
* ELSI Studies
* ELSI Retrospective
* Protecting Privacy

* MGI 2.2 Released
* DNA Repository

Web, Other Resources, Publications 
* Metabolic Pathways
* New Staden Package
* PDB Newsletter
* Polymorphism Database
* Bacterial Protein Database
* DOE BER Publications
* HGP Information Web
* Biotechnology Business Webs
* Behavioral Genetics
* Office of Science Reports
* Articles on Genetics

* Genome Research Funding

Meeting Calendars & Acronyms 
* Genome & Biotech Meetings 
* Training Courses & Workshops 
* Acronyms 

*HGN archives & subscriptions 
*HGP Information home

New Device Speeds Sequencing

Report from 1999 DOE Genome Meeting

Richard Mathies, University of California, BerkeleyThe "microplate DNA analyzer" features 96 channels etched in a radial pattern into a 4- or 6-in. glass wafer disk. Sample injection occurs near the disk edge, and separated DNA fragments are detected near the center. Separations of ds-DNA fragments are complete in <120 seconds, and DNA sequencing separations take only 20 minutes for 500bp [see Anal. Chem. 71(1), 566-573 (1999)].

The electronic form of the newsletter may be cited in the following style:
Human Genome Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Human Genome News (v10n3-4).

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