Highlights of Research Progress
Transitioning to large-scale sequencing

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    The early years of the Human Genome Program have been remarkably successful. Critical resources and infrastructures have been established, and technologies have been developed for producing several useful types of chromosomal maps. These gains are supporting the project's transition to the large-scale sequencing phase. Some highlights and trends in the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Human Genome Program after FY 1993 are presented in this section.

 Research Narrat 

Separate narratives contain detailed descriptions of research programs and accomplishments at these major DOE genome research facilities. 

Research Abstracts 
Descriptions of individual research projects at other institutions are given in Part 2, 1996 Research Abstracts.
    Clone Resources for Mapping, Sequencing, and Gene Hunting
    The demands of large chromosomal mapping and sequencing efforts have necessitated the development of several different types of clone collections (called libraries) carrying human DNA. Three generations of DOE-developed libraries are being distributed to research teams in the United States and abroad. In these libraries, human DNA segments of various lengths are maintained in bacterial cells. 

    NLGLP Libraries 
    The first two generations are chromosome-specific libraries carrying small inserts of human DNA (15,000 to 40,000 base pairs). As part of the National Laboratory Gene Library Project (NLGLP) begun in 1983, these libraries were prepared at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) using DOE flow-sorting technology to separate individual chromosomes. Library availability has allowed the very difficult whole-genome tasks to be divided into 24 more manageable single-chromosome projects that could be pursued at separate research centers. Completed in 1994, NLGLP libraries have provided critical resources to genome researchers worldwide. 

    Very high resolution chromosome maps based principally on NLGLP libraries were published in 1995 for chromosomes 16 and 19. These are described in detail in the Research Narratives section of this report (see LLNL and LANL).

    PACs and BACs 
    The third generation of clone resources supporting chromosome mapping is composed of P1 artificial chromosome (PAC) and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries. A prototype PAC library was produced by the team of Leon Rosner (then at DuPont) many years ago, but more efficient production began with improvements introduced by the DOE-supported teams headed by Melvin Simon at Caltech (BACs) and Pieter de Jong at Roswell Park (PACs). 

    In contrast to cosmids, BACs and PACs provide a more uniform representation of the human genome, and the greater length of their inserts (90,000 to 300,000 base pairs) facilitates both mapping and sequencing. Their usefulness was illustrated dramatically in 1993 when the first breast cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA1) was found in a BAC clone after other types of resources had failed. The next year, with major support from NIH, de Jong's PACs contributed to the isolation of the second human breast cancer­susceptibility gene (BRCA2). 

    The assembly of ordered, overlapping sets (contigs) of high-quality clones has long been considered an essential step toward human genome sequencing.  Because the clones have been mapped to precise genomic locations, DNA sequences obtained from them can be located on the chromosomes with minimal uncertainty. 
FISH Mapping
FISH Mapping on DNA Fibers  
(31k JPG)
BAC-PAC Map (86k JPG)
The large insert size of BACs and PACs allows researchers to visually map them on chromosomes by using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technology (see photomicrograph at left). These mapped BACs and PACs represent very valuable resources for the cytogeneticist exploring chromosomal abnormalities. Two major medical genetics resources have been developed: (1) The Resource for Molecular Cytogenetics at the University of California, San Francisco, in collaboration with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) team led by Joe Gray and (2) The Total Human Genome BAC-PAC Resource at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, developed by Julie Korenberg's laboratory (see BAC-PAC map, below left). 

Coordinated Mapping and Sequencing 
A simple strategy was proposed in 1996 for choosing BACs or PACs to elongate sequenced regions most efficiently [Nature 381, 364­66 (1996)]. The first step is to develop a BAC end sequence database, with each entry having the BAC clone name and the sequences of its human insert ends. In toto, the source BACs should represent a 15- to 20-fold coverage of the human genome. Then for any BAC or chromosomal region sequenced, a comparison against the database will return a list of BACs (or PACs) that overlap it. Optimal choices for the next BACs (or PACs) to be sequenced can then be made, entailing minimal everlap (and therefore minimal redundancy of sequencing). 

Two pilot BAC-PAC end-sequencing projects were initiated in September of 1996 to explore feasibility, optimize technologies, establish quality controls, and design the necessary informatics infrastructure. Particular benefits are anticipated for small laboratories that will not have to maintain large libraries of clones and can avoid preliminary contig mapping (see abstracts of Glen Evans; Julie Korenberg; Mark Adams, Leroy Hood, and Melvin Simon; and Pieter de Jong in Part 2 of this report). 

Updated information on BAC-PAC resources can be found on the Web.  [See Appendix C: Human Subjects Guidelines or DOE-NIH guidelines on using DNA from human subjects for large-scale sequencing.] 

cDNA Libraries  
In 1990, DOE initiated projects to enrich the developing chromosome contig maps with markers for genes. Although the protein-encoding messenger RNAs are good representatives of their source genes, they are unstable and must be converted to complementary DNAs (cDNAs) for practical applications. These conversions are tricky, and artifacts are introduced easily. The team led by Bento Soares (University of Iowa) has optimized the steps and continues to produce cDNA libraries of the highest quality. At LLNL, individual cDNA clones are put into standard arrays and then distributed worldwide for characterization by the international IMAGE (for Integrated Molecular Analysis of Gene Expression) Consortium (see box below at left). 

Initially supported under a DOE cDNA initiative, Craig Venter's team (now at The Institute for Genomic Research) greatly improved technologies for reading sequences from cDNA ends (expressed sequence tags, called ESTs). Together with complementary analysis software, ESTs were shown to be a valuable resource for categorizing cDNAs and providing the first clues to the functions of the genes from which they are derived. This fast EST approach has attracted millions of dollars in commercial investment. Mapping the cDNA onto a chromosome can identify the location of its corresponding gene. Many laboratories worldwide are contributing to the continuing task of mapping the estimated 70,000 to 100,000 human genes. 

All the previously described DNA clones are maintained in bacterial host cells. However, for unknown reasons, some regions of the human genome appear to be unclonable or unstable in bacteria. The team led by Jean-Michel Vos (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) has developed a human artificial episomal chromosome (HAEC) system based on the EpsteinBarr virus that may be useful for coverage of these especially difficult regions. In the broader biomedical community, HAECs also show promise for use in gene therapy. 


To IMAGE the Human  Gene Map 
Since 1993, the Integrated  Molecular Analysis of Gene Expression (IMAGE) Consortium has played a major role in the development of a human gene map. Founding members of the IMAGE Consortium are Bento Soares (Columbia University, now at University of Iowa), Gregory Lennon (LLNL), Mihael Polymeropoulos (National Institutes of Health's National Institute of Mental Health), and Charles Auffrey (Généthon, in France). Because cDNA molecules represent coding (expressed-gene) areas of the genome, sets of cloned cDNAs are a valuable resource to thegene-mapping community. The cDNA libraries representing different tissues have many members in common. Thus, good coordination among participating laboratories can minimize redundant work. The international IMAGE Consortium laboratories fulfill this role by developing and arraying cDNA clones for worldwide use. 

From the IMAGE cDNA clones, researchers at the Washington University (St.Louis) Sequencing Center determine ESTs with support from Merck, Inc. The data, which are used in gene localization, are then entered into public databases. More than 10,000 chromosomal assignments have been entered into Genome Database. Including replica copies, over 3 million clones have been distributed, probably representing about 50,000 distinct human genes. 

The IMAGE infrastructure is being used in two additional programs. At LLNL, the IMAGE laboratory arrays mouse cDNA libraries produced by Soares for the Washington University Mouse EST project with sequencing sponsored by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Additional clone libraries are being used in a collaborative sequencing project sponsored by the NIH National Cancer Institute as part of the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project to identify and fully sequence genes implicated in major cancers.

    Resources for Gene Discovery 
    Hunting for disease genes is not a specific goal of the DOE Human Genome Program. However, DOE-supported libraries sent to researchers worldwide have facilitated gene hunts by many research teams. DOE libraries have played a role in the discovery of genes for cystic fibrosis, the most common lethal inherited disease in Caucasians; Huntington's disease, a progressive lethal neurological disorder; Batten's disease, the most prevalent neurodegenerative childhood disease; two forms of dwarfism; Fanconi anemia, a rare disease characterized by skeletal abnormalities and a predisposition to cancer; myotonic dystrophy, the most common adult form of muscular dystrophy; a rare inherited form of breast cancer; and polycystic kidney disease, which affects an estimated 500,000 people in the United States at a healthcare cost of over $1 billion per year. 

    The team led by Fa-Ten Kao (Eleanor Roosevelt Institute) has microdissected several chromosomes and made derivative clone libraries broadly available to disease-gene hunters. This resource played a critical role in isolating the gene responsible for some 15% of colon cancers. 

    Of Mice and Humans: The Value of Comparative Analyses 

    A remaining challenge is to recognize and discriminate all the functional constituents of a gene, particularly regulatory components not represented within cDNAs, and to predict what each gene may actually do in human biology. Comparing human and mouse sequences is an exceptionally powerful way to identify homologous genes and regulatory elements that have been substantially conserved during evolution. 

    Researchers led by Leroy Hood (University of Washington, Seattle) have analyzed more than one million bases of sequence from T-cell receptor (TCR) chromosome regions of both human and mouse genomes. Many subtle functional elements can be recognized only by comparing human and mouse sequences. TCRs play a major role in immunity and autoimmune disease, and insights into their mechanisms may one day help treat or even prevent such diseases as arthritis, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis (possibly even AIDS). 

    Comparative analysis is also used to model human genetic diseases. Given sequence information, researchers can produce targeted mutations in the mouse as a rapid and economical route to elucidating gene function. Such studies continue to be used effectively at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). 

    DNA Sequencing 

    From the beginning of the genome project, DOE's DNA sequencing-technology program has supported both improvements to established methodologies and innovative higher-risk strategies. The first major sequencing project, a test bed for incremental improvements, culminated with elucidation of the highly complex TCR region (described above) by a team led by Hood. 

    A novel "directed" sequencing strategy initiated at LBNL in 1993 provides a potential alternative approach that can include automation as a core design feature. In this approach, every sequencing template is first mapped to its original position on a chromosome (resolution, 30 bases). The advantages of this method include a large reduction in the number of sequencing reactions needed and in the sequence-assembly steps that follow. To date, this directed strategy has achieved significant results with simpler, less repetitive nonhuman sequences, particularly in the NIH-funded Drosophila genome program. The system also is in use at the Stanford Human Genome Center and Mercator Genetics, Inc. 

    The preparation of DNA clones for sequencing involves several biochemical processing steps that require different solution environments. At the Whitehead Institute, Trevor Hawkins has improved systems for reversible binding of DNA molecules to magnetic beads that are compatible with complete robotic management. The second-generation Sequatron fits on a tabletop with a single robotic arm moving sample trays between servicing stations. This very compact system, supported by sophisticated software, may be ideal for laboratories with limited or costly floor space. 

    Fluorescent tags are critical components of conventional automated sequencing approaches. The team of Richard Mathies and Alexander Glazer (University of California, Berkeley) has made a series of improvements in fluorescence systems that have decreased DNA input needs and markedly increased the quality of raw data, thereby supporting longer useful reads of DNA sequence. 

    Complementary improvements in enzymology have been achieved by the team of Charles Richardson and Stanley Tabor (Harvard Medical School). Current widely used procedures for automated DNA sequencing involve cycling between high and low temperatures. The Harvard researchers used information about the three-dimensional structure of polymerases (enzymes needed for DNA replication) and how they function to engineer an improved Taq polymerase. ThermoSequenase, which is now produced commercially as part of the ThermoSequenase kit, reduces the amount of expensive sequencing reagents required and supports popular cycle-sequencing protocols. 
    The application of higher electrical fields in gel electrophoresis separation of DNA fragments can increase sequencing speed and efficiency. Conventional thick gels cannot adequately dissipate the additional heat produced, however. Two promising routes to "thinness" are ultrathin slab gels and capillary systems. An ultrathin gel system was developed by Lloyd Smith (University of Wisconsin, Madison) and licensed for commercial development. 

    The replacement of gels by pumpable solutions of long polymers is making capillary array electrophoresis (CAE) potentially practical for DNA sequencing. The first CAE system for DNA was demonstrated by the team of Barry Karger (Northeastern University). In 1995, Karger and Norman Dovichi (University of Alberta, Canada) separately identified CAE conditions under which DNA sequencing reads could be extended usefully up to the 1000-base range. Another CAE system, developed by Edward Yeung (Iowa State University), has been licensed for commercial production (see box). Mathies has developed a system in which a confocal microscope displays DNA bands. Application of this system to the sizing of larger DNA fragments binding multiple fluors allows single-molecule detection. 

    Replacing the gel-separation step with mass spectroscopy (MS) is another promising approach for rapid DNA sequencing. MS uses differences in mass-to-charge ratios to separate ionized atoms or molecules. Early efforts at MS sequencing were plagued by chemical reactivity during the "launching" phase of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI). MALDI badly degraded the DNA sample input. However, the degradation chemistry was elucidated in Smith's laboratory, leading to improvements. At ORNL, the team of Chung-Hsuan Chen has performed extensive trials of alternative matrices and has achieved significant improvements that now support sequence reads up to 100 DNA bases. The system is undergoing trials for DNA diagnostic applications. 
    The most revolutionary sequencing technology is being pursued by the team of Richard Keller and James Jett at LANL. Their goal is to read out sequence from single DNA molecules, work that builds on LANL's expertise in flow cytometry. The strand to be sequenced is labeled first with fluors that distinguish the four DNA subunits and is then suspended in a flow stream. An exonuclease cleaves the subunits, which flow past an interrogating laser system that reports the subunits' identities. All system constituents are operational but limited by the low subunit release rates of commercially available exonucleases. A current developmental focus is on identifying more active exonucleases. 

    Synthetic DNA strands in the 15- to 30-base range (oligomers) play essential roles in DNA sequencing; in sample-preparation steps for the polymerase chain reaction, which copies DNA strands millions of times; and in DNA-based diagnostics. The cost of custom oligomer synthesis once was a limiting factor in many research projects. A more economical, highly parallel oligomer synthesis technology was developed by Thomas Brennan at Stanford University. 

    The sequencing-by-hybridization (SBH) technology provides information only on short stretches of DNA in a single trial (interrogation), but thousands of low-cost interrogations can be performed in parallel. SBH is very useful for rapid classification of short DNAs such as cDNAs, very low cost DNA resequencing, and detection of DNA sequence differences (polymorphisms) over short regions. The team of Radomir Crkvenjakov and Radoje Drmanac invented one format of SBH while in Yugoslavia, made substantial improvements at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), and later started Hyseq Inc. to commercialize these technologies. At ANL, another implementation, SBH on matrices (SHOM) of gels, holds promise for high-accuracy sequence proofreading and diverse DNA diagnostics. The ANL team, led by Andrei Mirzabekov, collaborates with the Englehardt Institute in Moscow, where SHOM was demonstrated initially.

Grail Analysis
Grail Analysis (213k JPG)
GRAIL and GenQuest 
In 1996 the Gene Recognition and Analysis Internet Link (GRAIL) processed nearly 40 million bases of sequence per month, making it the most widely used "gene-finding" system available.  

Developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) by a team led by Ed Uberbacher, GRAIL uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to discover complex relationships in sequence data. The genQuest server, also at ORNL, compares information generated by GRAIL with data in protein, DNA, and motif databases to add further value to annotation of DNA sequences. 

GRAIL's latest version (1.3) combines a Motif Graphical Client with improved sensitivity and splice-site recognition, better performance in AT-rich regions, new analysis systems for model organisms, and frameshift detection. This system can be used on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, including Sun, DEC, and SGI. 

The many ways to access GRAIL include a command line sockets client that permits remote program calls to all basic GRAIL-genQuest analysis services, thus allowing convenient integration of GRAIL results into automated analysis pipelines. Contact GRAIL staff through the Web site or via e-mail. 

    Informatics: Data Collection and Analysis 
    Explosive growth of information and the challenges of acquiring, representing, and providing access to data pose continuing monumental tasks for the large public databases. Over the last 3 years, the Genome Database (GDB), the major international repository of human genome mapping data, has made extensive changes culminating in the enhanced representation of genomic maps and gene information in GDBV6.0. Major issues for the Genome Sequence DataBase (GSDB), established in 1994, are to capture and annotate the sequence data and to represent it in a form capable of supporting complex, ad hoc queries. Both GDB and GSDB have been restructured recently to handle the increasing flood of data and make it more useful for downstream biology (see Research Narratives: GDB, and GSDB)
    Victor Markowitz, formerly of LBNL, has developed a suite of database tools allowing substantial modifications of underlying data structures while the biologists' query tools remain stable.
    The Genome Annotation Consortium (based at ORNL) was initiated in 1997 to be a modular, distributed informatics facility for analyzing and processing (e.g., annotating) genome-scale sequence data. 

    The many improvements in World Wide Web software now enable maps to be downloaded simply by using a browser with accessory software provided by GDB. Computers sift stretches of DNA sequence for patterns that identify such biologically important features as protein-coding regions (exons), regulatory areas, and RNA splice sites. Other computer tools are used to compare a new sequence (i.e., a putative gene) against all other database entries, retrieve any homologous sequences that already have been entered, and indicate the degree of similarity. 

    The Gene Recognition and Analysis Internet Link (GRAIL) at ORNL localizes genes and other biologically important sequence features (see box at left).

    Another analytical service that returns informative, annotated data is MAGPIE, provided through ANL by Terry Gaasterland. MAGPIE is designed to reside locally at the site of a genome project and actively carry out analysis of genome sequence data as it is generated, with automated continued reevaluation as search databases grow. Once an automated functional overview has been established, it remains to pinpoint the organisms' exact metabolic pathways and establish how they interact. To this end, the WIT (What is There) system, which succeeds PUMA, supports the construction of metabolic pathways. Such constructions or models are based on sequence data, the clearly established biochemistry of specific organisms, and an understanding of the interdependencies of biochemical mechanisms. WIT, which was developed by Evgenij Selkov and Ross Overbeek at ANL, offers a particularly valuable tool for testing current hypotheses about microbial biology.
    Researchers at the University of Colorado have developed another approach for predicting coding regions in genomic DNA, combining multiple types of evidence into a single scoring function, and returning both optimal and ranked suboptimal solutions. The approach is robust to substitution errors but sensitive to frameshift errors. The group is now exploring methods for predicting other classes of sequence regions, especially promoters.
    The Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) Search Launcher improves user access to the wide variety of database-search tools available on the Web. Search Launcher features a single point of entry for related searches, the addition of hypertext links to results returned by remote servers, and a batch client. 

    FASTA-SWAP, also from the BCM group, is a new pattern-search tool for databases that improves sensitivity and specificity to help detect related sequences. BEAUTY, an enhanced version of the BLAST database-search program, improves access to information about the functions of matched sequences and incorporates additional hypertext links. Graphical displays allow correlation of hit positions with annotated domain positions. Future plans include providing access to information from and direct links to other databases, including organism-specific databases.

    PROCRUSTES uses comparisons of the same gene of different species to delimit gene structure much more accurately. The product of a collaboration between Pavel Pevzner (University of Southern California) and two Russian researchers, PROCRUSTES is based on the spliced-alignment algorithm, which explores all possible exon assemblies and finds the multiexon structure that best fits a related protein.
Judges tackle genetics
Judges tackle genetics 
(20k JPG)

Genome Radio Project
Genome Radio Project 
(18k JPG)

Protection of Human
Research Subjects

In 1996, President Clinton appointed the National Bioethics Advisory Commission to provide guidance on the ethical conduct of current and future biological and behavioral research, especially that related to genetics and the rights and welfare of human research subjects.

Also in 1996, DOE and NIH issued a document providing investigators with guidance in the use of DNA from human subjects for large-scale sequencing projects (see Human Subjects Guidelines). 

    Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues (ELSI)
    From the outset of the Human Genome Project, researchers recognized that the resulting increase in knowledge about human biology and personal genetic information would raise complex ethical and policy issues for individuals and society. Rapid worldwide progress in the project has heightened the urgency of this challenge.
    Most observers agree that personal knowledge of genetic susceptibility can be expected to serve humankind well, opening the door to more accurate diagnoses, preventive intervention, intensified screening, lifestyle changes, and early and effective treatment. But such knowledge has another side, too: risk of anxiety, unwelcome changes in personal relationships, and the danger of stigmatization. Often, genetic tests can indicate possible future medical conditions far in advance of any symptoms or available therapies or treatments. If handled carelessly, genetic information could threaten an individual with discrimination by potential employers and insurers. 
    Other issues are perhaps less immediate than these personal concerns but no less challenging. How, for example, are products of the Human Genome Project to be patented and commercialized? How are the judicial, medical, and educational communitiesnot to mention the public at largeto be educated effectively about genetic research and its implications? 

    To confront these issues, the DOE and NIH ELSI programs jointly established an ELSI working group to coordinate policy and research between the two agencies. [An FY1997 report evaluating the joint ELSI group is available on the Web.]

    The DOE Human Genome Program has focused its ELSI efforts on education, privacy, and the fair use of genetic information (including ownership and commercialization); workplace issues, especially screening for susceptibilities to environmental agents; and implications of research findings regarding interactions among multiple genes and environmental influences.
    A few highlights from the DOE ELSI portfolio for FY 1994 through FY 1997 are outlined below.
  • Three high school curriculum modules developed by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS).
  • An educational program in Los Angeles to develop a culturally and linguistically appropriate genetics curriculum based on a BSCS module (see above) for Hispanic students and their families.
  • A series of workshops to educate a core group of 1000 judges around the nation and a handbook with companion videotape to assist federal and state judges in understanding and assessing genetic evidence in an increasing number of civil and criminal cases (see photo above).
  • Educational materials developed by the Science+Literacy for Health Project of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and targeted at or above the 6th- to 8th-grade reading levels. [AAAS: 202/326-6453; Your Genes, Your Choices booklet]
  • A program at the University of Chicago aimed at developing a knowledge base for physicians and nurses who will train other practitioners to introduce new genetic services.
  • A series of radio programs (see photo above) on the science and ethical issues of the genome project and a TV documentary program on ELSI issues.
  • The Gene Letter, a monthly online newsletter on ELSI issues for healthcare professionals and consumers.
  • A congressional fellowship program in human genetics, administered through AAAS, for one annual fellowship for a mid-career geneticist.
  • The draft Genetic Privacy Act, prepared as a model for privacy legislation and covering the collection, analysis, storage, and use of DNA samples and the genetic information derived from them.
  • Privacy studies at the Center for Social and Legal Research, including an analysis of the effects of new genetic technologies on individuals and institutions.
For details on these and other projects, see ELSI Abstracts in Part 2 of this report. In addition to the specific projects listed in Part 2, the DOE program sponsors a number of conferences and workshops on ELSI topics.
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