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Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Thread-Topic: caBIG SAE Dz List
Thread-Index: AcdXLqaEo7syrT/xTyOESTxE1nZPvQA/vN1Q
Message-ID:  <[log in to unmask]>
Date:         Sat, 24 Feb 2007 11:25:36 -0500
Reply-To:     "Setser, Ann (NIH/NCI) [E]" <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       "caBIG(TM) CTMS Adverse Events Reporting SIG listserv"
              <[log in to unmask]>
From:         "Setser, Ann (NIH/NCI) [E]" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      caBIG SAE Dz List
Comments: To: Lynne Wilkens <[log in to unmask]>
Comments: cc: "Wright, Larry (NIH/NCI) [E]" <[log in to unmask]>,
          "Gore-Langton, Rob" <[log in to unmask]>,
          "Hartel, Frank (NIH/NCI) [E]" <[log in to unmask]>,
          "Montello, Mike (NIH/NCI) [E]" <[log in to unmask]>
In-Reply-To:  A<[log in to unmask]>

All, The list of MedDRA diseases has also been a challenge for CTEP. Dr. Rob Gore-Langton has worked with CTEP CIB physician specialists since the initial release of MedDRA and can provide valuable background regarding the actual current medical/scientific issues with both the CTEP Disease List and MedDRA. Rob has worked closely with Dr. Larry Wright and I suggest we request their participation in these discussions. I am a frequent MedDRA user and suggest that before a decision is made to use the entire MedDRA Neoplasm SOC of diseases, we all become well aware exactly what that means for end users and for sponsors analyzing AE data. Thank you. Ann -----Original Message----- From: Lynne Wilkens [mailto:[log in to unmask]] Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 4:30 AM To: List CABIG_CTMS_AESIG-L Subject: Re: FW: AE SIG Teleconference - January 25th Hi all, I mentioned some of the concerns from the AE SIG in the VCDE meeting about using only the CTEP list of diseases for coding AEs ( rather than the full Medra list or another alternative (I missed the acronym for the alternate). My understanding is that another concern is that the disease grading that is presently in caDSR does not allow the specificity to classify AEs at the individual, as opposed to the protocol, level. The VCDE group was very interested in following up on this issue, and agreed that this is an issue for CTMS more broadly. To follow up, we would appreciate having some specific examples to better understand the problem. Thanks, Lynne Lynne Wilkens VCDE Liaison to caAERs [log in to unmask] >>> "Pannoni, Susan" <[log in to unmask]> 02/21/07 15:11 PM >>> Hello everyone, Our next AE SIG is tomorrow. The agenda for the call and the minutes from our last one are attached. I have also attached the version of the Accomplishments and Priorities that was provided to BAH and will go to the CTMS Steering Committee. The communication details are provided below: CALL DATE: Thursday, February 22 , 2007 CALL TIME: 12 noon - 1:00 pm ET / 9:00-10:00 Pacific USA TOLL FREE NO.: 1-888-790-8404 PASSCODE: 61147 Centra: <> Event ID: AE_SIG You will note that the agenda has changed slightly from what was advertised in caBIG This Week. We will not be having a demonstration, but we will be getting an update on caAERS development activities. Hope you can join us! Susan B. Pannoni Project Manager Dept of Biomedical Informatics - Div Info Sciences City of Hope National Medical Center 626-840-9861 (cell) "EMF <COH.ORG>" made the following annotations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ SECURITY/CONFIDENTIALITY WARNING: This message and any attachments are intended solely for the individual or entity to which they are addressed. This communication may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure under applicable law (e.g., personal health information, research data, financial information). Because this e-mail has been sent without encryption, individuals other than the intended recipient may be able to view the information, forward it to others or tamper with the information without the knowledge or consent of the sender. If you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or person responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, any dissemination, distribution or copying of the communication is strictly prohibited. If you received the communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message and deleting the message and any accompanying files from your system. If, due to the security risks, you do not wish to receive further communications via e-mail, please reply to this message and inform the sender that you do not wish to receive further e-mail from the sender. ======================================================================= ======

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