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Travel, Transportation, and Recreation

Official information and services from the U.S. government

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Air Travel
Travel warnings, air travel security tips, real-time airport status, preparing to fly...

Historic Places and Preservation
Historic preservation, National Register of Historic Places, White House, historic landmarks...

International Travel
Currency exchange rates, foreign per diem rates, entry requirements, international driver's licenses, travel warnings, international travel tips...

Recreation and Tourism
National parks, National Atlas, outdoor maps, the National Zoo, museums, hobbies, leisure activities...

Road and Train Travel
Gas prices, National Scenic Byways, road closure and traffic information, Amtrak, rail travel information...

Travel Safely
Airline status, airport screening, foreign travel advisories, citizens abroad...

Visiting the United States
Travel, Study, Work, and Learn about the United States of America – for Visitors to the U.S.

Recreation Area Search

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Page Last Reviewed or Updated: August 22, 2008