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Earth Day 2009: New Energy for America

Earth Day 2009 poster feature 'New Energy For America; Stimulate our Economy; Protect the Environment; Increase Energy Independence' on top of a globe focused on the United States with photovoltaic cells and wind turbines sitting on top of the globe.

This year's theme is: New Energy for America.

The Federal Government is summoning the nation "to face one of the great challenges of our time: confronting our dependence on foreign oil, addressing the moral, economic, and environmental challenge of global climate change, and building a clean energy future that benefits all Americans." This call is the Administration's New Energy for America plan.

The 2009 Earth Day theme is New Energy for America. It showcases the potential and importance of New Energy for America as a means to stimulate our economy, protect the environment, and increase energy independence.

New Energy for America is not an abstract idea. It represents aggressive implementation of renewable projects that bring clean energy on line. It exemplifies the innovation of people harnessing the cheapest, fastest, and cleanest energy source — energy efficiency. It demonstrates the accelerated use of high-efficiency, high-performing vehicles and the increased use of alternative fuels produced right here at home.

New Energy for America is a change in attitude, a vibrant transformation of public and private cooperation, and a positive new direction to create a clean energy economy. It is the new energy of Federal workers who serve the nation each and every day, working to transform the ways we produce and use energy for the sake of our environment, our economy, and our security.

The time for action is now. Federal agencies must lead by example. Bold plans are set to modernize the Federal fleet with fuel-efficient, American-made vehicles running on cleaner-burning fuels, and to retrofit more than 75% of all Federal buildings with best practices in sustainable design, operations, and maintenance.

These bold new programs not only save money over the long run, but also increase demand and production of clean fuels, spur innovation in energy efficiency, and expand the manufacture of solar panels, wind turbines, and other environmental technologies that create new jobs for Americans.

With the New Energy for America plan, FEMP asks Federal employees across the country to join us in celebrating and conserving our energy resources not only on Earth Day, April 22, but every day.

Energy Efficiency

The Federal Government is playing a unique role in facilitating and encouraging wise energy use, while simultaneously protecting the environment and conserving natural resources. For an agency, conserving energy means lower bills. Every decrease in energy costs is an increase in funds available to meet other mission-critical needs. Each and every individual action we take—from turning off lights in unoccupied rooms to turning off computer monitors and computers, if possible—add up to a brighter future for us all. Learn more about Energy Savers and discover easy ways to save energy. Doing a little saves a lot on Earth Day and every day.

Download this tip sheet for a simple checklist of energy conservation and efficiency measures to use at work (PDF 331 KB). Download Adobe Reader.

Renewable Energy

Federal agencies are finding a variety of creative ways to meet Federal requirements to use renewable energy. From purchasing energy through utility green pricing programs to renewable installations, the Federal Government is leading by example.

Earth Day Promotional Materials

For Earth Day 2009, FEMP produced materials to support energy awareness campaigns at Federal agencies. Promotional materials include posters, computer monitor calendars, bookmarks, and magnets. Agencies participating in FEMP's You Have The Power campaign will receive these items; however, limited quantities of selected items are available to other agencies.

Please call the EERE Information Center at 877-337-3463 to request a limited supply of Earth Day materials. Materials are available to order now.

A Power Kit: Energy Awareness Resources on CD ROM with high resolution graphics for creating and printing your own materials will be available to order by April 7, 2009. The CD also contains the handbook, Creating An Energy Awareness Program, the You Have the Power campaign core graphics and images for the current Earth Day campaign, as well as previous Earth Day and Energy Awareness Month campaign images.

FEMP also has a number of animated energy awareness messages that can be used year-round. These messages can be sent via e-mail as a simple, cost-free way for agencies to spread the word about energy efficiency. Download the animated gif files.

You Have the Power

FEMP promotes saving energy every day of the year through its You Have the Power campaign. To learn more about Federal energy awareness campaigns and the people who work to save energy and taxpayer dollars at Federal facilities—Energy Champions—visit FEMP's You Have the Power Web site.

More About Earth Day

Earth Day, established by Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970, is an annual event celebrating the earth and our responsibility toward it. Read more about how Earth Day first began with this letter from its founder. The Earth Day Web site contains details on Earth Day history, activity ideas, and events. In addition, is a government Web site providing information about Earth Day and other related events sponsored by Federal agencies.