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Vol.12, Nos.1-2   February 2002

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program

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In this issue...

In the News
Countering Bioterrorism
Genomes to Life Program
TIGR Anthrax Sequencing
Chromosome 20 Sequence
Pufferfish, Poplar Sequence
Microarrays, Anthrax ID
Patrinos Wins Award as Distinguished Executive
Spinach DNA: Hope for Blind
TIGR Functional Genomics
DOE Medical Technologies
Protein Trinity, Disorder
Gene p53 Research
PROSPECT Prediction
Low Dose Radiation Program
Award for Microscope
Bio-Science News at National Labs
Microbial Genome Program

Special Meeting Report
Genes and Justice
GM Products
Genetic Discrimination
What are GM Organisms and Foods?

Web, Publications, Resources
Biosciences Online
DNA Files on Radio
Primer on DNA Basics
CD-ROM Wins Rave Review
Other Resources

Funding Information
GTL Program Announcements
US Genome-Related Research Funding

Meeting Calendars & Acronyms
Genome and Biotechnology Meetings
Training Courses and Workshops

HGN archives and subscriptions
Human Genome Project Information home

Other Resources

DOE Genome Abstracts

Proceedings from all DOE Human Genome Program contractor-grantee workshops, including this year’s Oakland meeting, are on the Web:

The 2002 proceedings also contain abstracts of DOE’s Microbial Genome and Low Dose Radiation Research programs.

Beryllium Symposium in June

A Beryllium Symposium will be held June 25–26 at the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland ( It is sponsored by DOE in cooperation with the National Jewish Medical and Research Center and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Exceptional Chromosome Region Abstracts

Abstracts from the second meeting on Exceptional Chromosome Regions (ECR2), along with abstracts and references from ECR1, are at ECR2 was held in Oakland, California, in May 2001 to continue consideration of special resources and technologies for clarifying chromosome structure and DNA sequence in particularly difficult regions, including near telomeres and centromeres and at large duplications.

Protein Data Bank Annual Report

The Protein Data Bank Annual Report: July 2000–June 2001 is on the Web ( It contains information on the purpose, mission, and history of PDB; data distribution and access; outreach and education; administration; progress and achievements; collaborations with other organizations; future of PDB; and selected references.

Transcribed Sequences Meeting on Web

A meeting report and abstracts from the 11th annual Beyond the Identification of Transcribed Sequences: Functional and Expression Analysis workshop held November 9–12, 2001, in Washington, D.C., are on the Web (

NABIR Strategic Plan on Web

The NABIR Strategic Plan (2001) is on the Web ( The Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Research program focuses on radionuclides and metals that are of great concern at DOE sites and are tractable through bioremediation. The current NABIR program announcement is at

GTL Program Announcements

Program Notice 02-13

The DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research and the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research have issued an RFA for large multidisciplinary teams to support the Genomes to Life program ( A central theme of GTL is to develop capabilities for predicting the behavior of microbes and microbial communities of interest to DOE (see Genomes to Life Program Funded for FY 2002 for more details).

Applications due: May 7

Contacts:, 301/903-9817 and, 301/903-5800

A complementary request for proposals from teams led by DOE national laboratories was issued earlier (

DOE Seeking Microbial Sequencing Candidates

DOE is seeking nominations for candidate microbes and microbial communities to sequence in support of the Microbial Genome and Genomes to Life programs ( Candidate microbes should be relevant to DOE missions including waste remediation, carbon management, energy production, and biodefense. Sequencing will be carried out at the DOE Production Genomics Facility of the Joint Genome Institute (

Nominations are due March 28, and review will be completed early in the summer. Draft sequencing will begin later in the year after high-quality DNA has been provided.

New NHGRI System for Sequencing Targets

The NIH National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has developed a new competitive process for selecting genomes to be sequenced with NHGRI support. Based on the submission and review of white papers, the new procedure will apply to all organisms except eubacteria, archaea, and plants, which are more appropriate to the missions of other NIH components or other agencies.

White papers will be accepted three times a year: February 10, June10, and October 10.

DOE Human Genome Program

Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications
Program Notice 02-14

Topic: Issues of genetics and the workplace, storage of genetic information and tissue samples, education, and complex or multigenic traits.

Applications due: March 28

Contact:, 301/903-6488

Latest ELSI awards:

Mouse Genome Newsletter

Mouse Genome Monthly, being produced for several months by the Mouse Sequencing Liaison Group, is designed to keep the research community abreast of sequencing progress. The newsletter and related information are available on the Web (

The electronic form of the newsletter may be cited in the following style:
Human Genome Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Human Genome News (v12n1-2).

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Last modified: Monday, October 09, 2006

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Office of Science Site sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program