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Programs and Grants

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Direct Assistance to Districts
These funds authorized by the State Legislature were awarded through a competitive grant process.   Districts use the funds for board member mileage and expenses, secretarial and technical assistance, office expense, and district elections.

Upper Colorado River Salinity Control Program
By improving the efficiency of irrigation systems in 5 Conservation Districts eligible (Bookcliff, Delta, Dolores, Mancos, Mesa, and Shavano), landowners can reduce the amount of salts entering the Colorado River.  This benefits water users in the Lower Colorado River Basin States and Mexico.    MORE INFO ON THE SALINITY PROGRAM...

The funds enable districts to hire technicians to provide technical assistance to Colorado's landowners for conservation planning and practice implementation to protect natural resources. The Program is a partnership between the Conservation Districts (CDs), the Colorado State Conservation Board (CSCB) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Funding is provided 50% by NRCS, 25% by the CSCB and 25% by the conservation districts.  MORE INFO ON DISTRICT CONSERVATION TECHNICIAN PROGRAM...


Natural Resources Conservation Matching Grants
Provides funds for conservation districts to address on-the-ground conservation problems identified at the local level.  Funds are appropriated annually through the Colorado State legislature and districts apply through the Colorado State Conservation Board (CSCB) to fund an important conservation project or program in their community. The district must provide a dollar-for-dollar match from local, private or federal cash or in-kind sources for program awards. MORE INFO ON MATCHING GRANTS...


 District Map

District Forms  



To see grant and funding opportunities for noxious weed projects,

please click here.