FORMAT FOR TREE RING DATA FILES RAW DATA FILES (File Extension .RWL) These are measurements in units of .01mm of the thickness of tree ring width for each year. Each file consists of all the measurements for a given site. As many as 50 Core ID numbers and 50 data series may comprise one (site) file. Missing value code is 999 or blanks. The 10 values following the decade are the 10 annual measurements for the 10 years of that decade. The format is: Core ID Number Decade Data Values Site ID Number (file contains many) column 1-6 9-12 10(I6), column 74-78 column 13-72 Processed Data Files (Site Chronologies, File Extension .CRN) These are the normalized averages from a stand of trees, representing percentage of mean growth observed for each year over the entire stand. Site Chronologies are used in climate analysis, and it is these values which are displayed by the ITRDB software. Data are stored as 4-digit numbers, with a value of 1000 representing mean growth and 900 representing 90% of mean growth, etc. There is only one time series per file, in contrast to the raw data files. Missing value code is 9990. Site information is stored in the first 3 records of the file. Format for chronology header records: Record #1: 1-6 Site ID, 10-61 Site Name, 62-65 Species Code, optional ID#'s Record #2: 1-6 Site ID, 10-22 State or Country, 23-30 Species, 41-45 Elevation, 48-57 Lat-Long, 68-76 1st & last Year Record #3: 1-6 Site ID, 10-72 Lead Investigator, 73-80 comp. date Chronology Data, Records 4-?? Site ID# Decade Annual Value # of samples TRL ID#(optional) column 1-6 7-10 column 11-14 column 15-17 col.82-88 . . . . column 74-77 column 78-80 (repeated 10x) (repeated 10x) Chronology Statistics, Last Record, Optional: Site ID# Number of Years First Order Autocorrelation Standard Deviation column 1-6 column 8-10 column 13-16 column 19-22 continued: Mean Sensitivity Mean Index Value Sum of Indices Sum of Squares of Indices Max# of series column 25-28 column 29-35 column 37-44 column 46-53 column 62-63