ROSES 2007 Selections are Being Made Faster

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Bar graph showing the number of selection announcements for ROSES 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 falling within specified ranges of days past proposal due date.  In short, a measure of how long it took to make decisions on proposals.  What will follow is a breakdown of the data, with a range of days, and the corresponding numbers of proposals from each year that were announced within that many days after receipt of proposal.

50-75 days: 2 ROSES 2004 announcements, 1 Roses 2005 announcement 0 2006 announcements, and 1 Roses 2007 announcement.

76-100 days: 3 ROSES 2004 announcements, 3 Roses 2005 announcements 0 2006 announcements, and 2 Roses 2007 announcements.

101-125 days: 2 ROSES 2004 announcements, 4 Roses 2005 announcements 5 2006 announcements, and 6 Roses 2007 announcements.

 126-150 days: 4 ROSES 2004 announcements, 5 Roses 2005 announcements 6 2006 announcements, and 12 Roses 2007 announcements.

151-175 days: 6 ROSES 2004 announcements, 7 Roses 2005 announcements 0 2006 announcements, and 12 Roses 2007 announcements.

176-200 days: 2 ROSES 2004 announcements, 10 Roses 2005 announcements 13
2006 announcements, and 8 Roses 2007 announcements.

201-225 days: 6 ROSES 2004 announcements, 5 Roses 2005 announcements 7 2006 announcements, and 7 Roses 2007 announcements.

226-250 days: 5 ROSES 2004 announcements, 7 Roses 2005 announcements 10 2006 announcements, and 5 Roses 2007 announcements.

251-275 days: 6 ROSES 2004 announcements, 4 Roses 2005 announcements 1 2006 announcements, and 0 Roses 2007 announcements.

276-300 days: 3 ROSES 2004 announcements, 3 Roses 2005 announcements 3 2006 announcements, and 3 Roses 2007 announcements.

Greater than 300 days: 8 ROSES 2004 announcements, 10 Roses 2005 announcements 9 2006 announcements, and 1 Roses 2007 announcement.

The mean time between receipt of proposals and the announcements being made this year was fewer than 175 days, which is significantly less than in prior years. For further detailed information contact

Although we are not quite done with awards from ROSES 2007 proposals (about a half dozen program elements are yet to be announced), its clear that on average we have made decisions more rapidly this year than in past years. This is represented graphically above, where one can see that ROSES 2007 awards (in yellow) were announced between 150 and 170 days from receipt of proposals. This is a significant improvement over prior years. This bar graph contains recent data from ASTEP and GLAST Cycle 1, which were announced in the past month.