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California office of USDA-NASS

Acreage Reports

Acreage Reports are listed by commodity and date of release.

Year Almonds Citrus Field Crops Grapes a/
Pistachios Dried Plums
2008 May 1 Nov 21 Jun 30 Mar 31 2008 b/ May 22 May 23
2007 May 1 b/ Jun 29 Mar 29 2007 b/ May 24 b/
2006 May 1 Jul 3 Jun 30 Mar 30 c/ b/ May 25 May 25
2005 Mar 30 b/ Jun 30 Mar 30 c/ b/ b/ b/
2004 May 10 Dec 14 Jun 30 May 25 c/ b/ May 25 May 25
2003 May 9 b/ Jun 30 May 23 c/ Jul 31 May 30 May 23
2002 May 9 Nov 25 Jun 28 May 24 c/  b/ May 24 May 24
2001 May 9 b/ Jun 29 May 25 c/ b/ May 25 May 25
2000 May 11 b/ Jun 30 May 25 c/ Aug 1 May 25 May 25
1999 May 25 May 12 Jun 30 May 25 c/ b/ May 27 May 27
1998 May 11 b/ d/ May 1 c/ b/ May 11 May 11
1997 May 9 b/ d/ Jun 1 c/ Aug 19 May 9 May 9

 a/ Includes raisin-type grapes. Released prior to detailed Grape Acreage Report.
 b/ Survey was not conducted.
 c/ Raisin Grape Overhead Trellis Report was initiated in 2007.
 d/ Not available for Internet.


Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
For California Email or call
(916) 498-5161.

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