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California office of USDA-NASS

Grape Crush

NOTE: The files below are for the California Grape Crush Inquiry Report.

There are four files included in the workbook:

Electronic Certification Sheet
Grape Crush and Purchase Inquiry, 2007 Questionnaire
Workbook Instructions and
GrapeCrushInquiry.XLS Spreadsheet

If you have any questions or problems accessing this information, please contact Jennifer Van Court
at (800)851-1127.

Select the Workbook needed to complete the report:

  • 300 Data Page lines
  • 1000 Data Page lines

    Workbook Instructions:

  • Workbook Instructions (PDF)

    These documents are in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF). If you need the Acrobat Reader, it is available for free from the Adobe web site.

  • Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
    For California Email or call
    (916) 498-5161.

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