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The Minnesota Department of Human Services supports quality care and services for Minnesotans with physical disabilities, chronic health conditions, developmental disabilities, mental illness, chemical dependency and HIV/AIDS so they can live as independently as possible.

Consumer Directed Community Supports Service

What is the Consumer Directed Community Supports service?
Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) is a unique service option that gives persons more flexibility and responsibility for directing their services and supports, including hiring and managing direct care staff. CDCS may include services, support and/or items currently available through the MA waivers, as well as additional allowable services that provide needed support to persons.

Who is eligible for CDCS?
CDCS is a service option under several home and community-based programs. As of April 1, 2005, CDCS is available as a statewide service when persons are enrolled in one of the following programs:

What services are available through CDCS?
CDCS has a range of allowable services and supports that can be tailored to meet a person’s needs. The flexibility built into CDCS allows a person to describe the services and supports in ways that are meaningful to the person. A person’s plan can include a mix of required and optional services and supports.

How can I find out more about the CDCS service?
For more information on CDCS, contact your local county agency or if enrolled in MSHO or MnDHO, contact your health plan.

Consumer Directed Community Supports Brochure (PDF)
Consumer Directed Community Supports Consumer Handbook (PDF)

Consumer Directed Community Supports Lead Agency Operations Manual

What do I do if I do not agree with a county or state decision?
When a person and/or their legal representative do not agree with a county or state agency action, they have the right to ask for the following:

• Reconsideration by the county
• Appeal hearing
• Conciliation conference (DD Waiver).
For general information on how and when to appeal, click on Appeal hearings, conciliation conferences and reconsideration. For CDCS specific information, click on CDCS Appeals and Reconsideration.

CDCS Involuntary Exit (PDF)

CDCS Budget Methodology report and recommendations
The Consumer Directed Community Supports Budget Methodology workgroup was created to complete an analysis of a newly developed formula for setting waiver budgets for persons who receive services through the waiver for persons with mental retardation or related conditions and, if necessary, develop an alternate approach using data available from existing state systems. Members of the workgroup included DHS staff and external stakeholders. The workgroup met from January 20, 2005, to April 15, 2005.

To view the final report and DHS recommendations, click on the following:

DHS MR/RC CDCS Budget Methodology Workgroup Final Report (PDF)
DHS Response to Recommendations of the MR/RC CDCS Budget Methodology Workgroup (PDF)

Frequently asked questions and answers
Questions and answers have been put together to help people understand:

• New Consumer-Directed Community Supports Service
• Changes that begin October 1, 2004, for people who receive CDCS through the DD Waiver
Click here for CDCS Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.

If you have comments and other input related to CDCS, send them to

While e-mails will not be answered directly, CDCS staff will consider comments and input for continued CDCS program development.

Additional resources
CDCS Independent Evaluation

Related Pages
•  2008 Odyssey
•  Appeal hearing, conciliation conference and reconsideration
•  CAN DO Initiative
•  CDCS Service
•  DSD initiatives
•  Federally-funded initiatives
•  Home care advisory group
•  Home care services
•  Pathways to Employment (PTE)
•  PCA Program
•  Waiver programs
•  Waiver Review Project

Related Links
•  Americans with Disabilities Act
•  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
•  County Web sites
•  DHS licensed programs
•  MHCP Provider Directory
•  MinnesotaHelp.Info™
•  Minnesota State Legislature
•  Olmstead v. L.C.decision
•  Contact us

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