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Liquefied Petroleum Gas Program
Program Overview
Applicable Statutes, Rules & Fire and Life Safety Codes
Probationary Status, On-The-Job Training
License Types & Examinations
LPG Licensed Companies and Employees in Oregon
Scheduling an Examination
Examination Special Accommodations
Examination Fee
Examination Location & Contact Information
Examination Dates & Times
Examination Study Materials
License Application (New)
License Renewal
Tank Installation Reporting Requirements
Tank Inspections
Educational Materials & Brochures
Program Overview
The Liquefied Petroleum Gas program carries out the requirements of Oregon Revised Statutes 480.410 through 480.460 relating to individuals and businesses that do propane work in Oregon. Any individual or business doing propane work must first obtain a license from the Office of State Fire Marshal. License types are listed below in the License Examinations section.

Applicable Statutes, Rules & Fire and Life Safety Codes
Oregon Revised Statutes 480.410 through 480.460
Oregon Administrative Rules 837-030-0100 through 837-030-0280 
National Fire Protection Association 54 - National Fuel Gas Code, 2002 Edition
National Fire Protection Association 58 - Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, 2004 Edition
Oregon Fire Code, 2004 Edition

Probationary Status, On-The-Job Training
Individuals who desire to obtain a fitter and/or truck equipment operator license may work up to 60 days of on-the-job training under the supervision of a licensed fitter or truck equipment operator respectively. The 60 days of training are actual workdays. Individuals receiving on-the-job training must pass the written license examination and obtain their license by the end of the 60 days or they must stop doing liquefied petroleum gas work at the end of the 60 days probationary status time.

License Types & Examinations
Listed below are the examination combinations and the amount of time allowed to complete each examination. Applicants must pass each section of the examination with 80% or more of the questions answered correctly to receive a passing score to be eligible to apply for the licenses covered by the examination. A company license is valid for one year from date of issue. Fitter and Truck Equipment Operator licenses are valid for two years from date of issue. Licenses are subject to suspension and/or revocation for a violation of Oregon Revised Statutes 480.410 through 480.460 or Oregon Administrative Rules 837-030-0100 through 837-030-0280.
Company License  1 hour
Each business site must obtain a company license prior to doing business at the site. Each site is required to have a company representative unique to that site. The company representative is required to pass an examination prior to the issuance of the company license. The company license fee is $85 for a one-year license.
Master Fitter License  2 hours 15 minutes
Individuals who  perform liquefied petroleum gas work and  install liquefied petroleum gas tanks; repair equipment utilizing liquefied petroleum gas; connect or disconnect liquefied petroleum gas to tanks and other appliances; complete repairs on liquefied petroleum gas equipment or appliances; repair or remodel any piping or venting; or any installation, repair service, connection or disconnection of any liquefied petroleum gas appliance must first obtain a master fitter’s license. The individual is required to pass an examination prior to the issuance of the license and must be working for a licensed company. The master fitter license fee is $15 for a two-year license.
HVAC (Heating, Venting and Air Conditioning) Fitter License  1 hour 30 minutes
Individuals who perform liquefied petroleum gas work on HVAC equipment, including hearth products must first obtain an HVAC fitter license. The individual is required to pass an examination prior to the issuance of the license and must be working for a licensed company. The HVAC fitter license fee is $15 for a two-year license.
RV (Recreational Vehicles) Fitter License  1 hour 30 minutes
Individuals who perform liquefied petroleum gas work on recreational vehicles must first obtain an RV fitter license. The individual is required to pass an examination prior to the issuance of the license and must be working for a licensed company. The RV fitter license fee is $15 for a two-year license. Note: License is not required for construction or warranty work for manufactured dwellings or recreational vehicles.
IC (Internal Combustion) Fitter License  1 hour 30 minutes 
Individuals who perform liquefied petroleum gas work on internal combustion engines of forklifts and vehicles must first obtain an IC fitter license. The individual is required to pass an examination prior to the issuance of the license and must be working for a licensed company. The IC fitter license is $15 for a two-year license.
Truck Equipment Operator License  1 hour 30 minutes
Individuals who operate liquefied petroleum gas delivery equipment installed on a motorized vehicle must first obtain a truck equipment operator license. The individual is required to pass an examination prior to the issuance of the license and must be working for a licensed company. The truck equipment operator license fee is $15 for a two-year license.

LPG Licensed Companies and Employees in Oregon
LPG Licensed Companies and Employees in Oregon
Scheduling an Examination
To schedule an examination, an Application for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Examination form must be completed and forwarded to the address on the application form along with the examination fee of $40. A letter will be issued to the company representative to confirm the examination date and time.
Examination facilities are limited to 25 applicants per session. The applicant´s company will be notified in writing of examination scores. Allow three weeks for notification to be received. Call 503-373-1540, ext. 272 for more information. Note:  In some instances, examinations are provided at a local site. The examination is open book and covers the materials listed in  “Examination Study Materials.”
Application For Liquefied Petroleum Gas License Examinations

Examination Special Accommodations
If special accommodations are required to take an examination, the request must be submitted in writing at least two weeks in advance of the applicants scheduled examination date.

Examination Fee
$40 for each examination.

Examination Location & Contact Information
Office of State Fire Marshal
4760 Portland Rd NE
Salem, OR 97305
503 373-1540 ex.272
Note:  In some instances, examinations may be provided at a local site.

Examination Dates & Times
      First Tuesday 7:45am and 1:15pm
For the 7:45am examination time, arrive at 7:30am to allow time to check in.
For the 1:15pm examination time, arrive at 1:00pm to allow time to check in.

Examination Study Materials
Study materials may be used during the examination. Study materials acceptable for use during the examination include:
Oregon Revised Statutes 480.410 through 480.460
Oregon Administrative Rules 837-030-0100 through 837-030-0280
Sample Questions  
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) National Fuel Gas Code 54, 2002 Edition
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) LP Gas Code 58, 2004 Edition
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard on Recreational Vehicles 1192, 2002 Edition
The OSFM does not provide NFPA 54, 58 and 1192. They may be purchased from any one of the following sources or any other source the applicant chooses to use:
National Fire Protection Association 1-800-344-3555 or http://www.nfpa.org/catalog/search.asp?action=search&scope=0&query=NFPA+54
Building Technical Bookstore / Portland 1-800-275-2665

License Application (New)
Once the examination has been passed for the license requested, the applicant must complete the required application shown below and submit to the Office of State Fire Marshal with the appropriate fee. The applications and fees shown below are for new companies, fitters, and truck equipment operator licenses only.  

Company License Application (new company only)
Fitter’s License Application (new fitter only)
Truck Equipment Operator License Application(new truck equipment operator only)

License Renewal
When licenses are being renewed, use the renewal notice sent to the company. If the renewal notice cannot be located, a duplicate copy may be obtained by calling 503-373-1540 ex t. 274.

Tank Installation Reporting Requirements
Propane companies are required to notify the Office of State Fire Marshal of all liquefied petroleum gas tank installations. The notification must be submitted no later than the last day of the month following the month of  installation. Example: all tanks set in February must be reported no later than March 31. The notification must be postmarked with a U.S. Postmark no later than the last day of the month, or a late fee is assessed. Each tank installed must be submitted on a separate LPG Tank Installation Notice Form. 
If the liquefied petroleum gas tank was installed underground, an Underground LPG Tank Installation Worksheet must be submitted with the LPG Tank Installation Notice Form which provides detailed information on the installation of the underground tank. 
A Notice of Installation of LPG Tank Summary Sheet must accompany the tank installation notices being submitted for the month. Each tank installed shall be reported on an Office of State Fire Marshal “ LPG Tank Installation Notice Form.” 
A $35 notice fee shall accompany each tank reported. Exception: If the total quantity of tanks reported at one site does not exceed 200 gallons, only one fee of $35 needs to be submitted.  However, even if the total quantity does not exceed 200 gallons, each tank still must be reported on a separate form.
Notice of Installation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tank Summary Sheet
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tank Installation Notice Form
Underground Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tank Installation Worksheet

NEW!   Information on installation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas tanks in flood plains


Tank Inspections
Tank installations are inspected to ensure tanks have been properly installed to protect homeowners and businesses from unforeseen hazards to life and property and to ensure the requirements of NFPA 58, 2004 Edition, NFPA 54, 2002 Edition, and the Oregon Fire Code (OFC), 2004 Edition are met. If a deficiency is identified during the inspection, a Notice and Order of Correction is issued to the company that installed the tank, providing an opportunity for the correction of the deficiency. Once the company notifies the inspector the deficiency has been corrected, the tank may be reinspected to ensure compliance. Questions regarding the installation of a tank may be directed to the company who installed the tank or to the Office of State Fire Marshal at 503-373-1540, ext. 278.

Bulk Storage Sites: Sites that have bulk storage of propane are inspected annually. Any changes to the bulk site, including but not limited to the installation of one or more additional tanks, removal of one or more tanks, and closure of the site shall be reported to the Office of State Fire Marshal in writing within two weeks of the change. Any change or addition of any size tank to the bulk site shall require the submission of plans to the Codes Unit of the Office of State Fire Marshal. The Codes Unit may be contacted at 503-373-1540, ext. 269.
Application to Install Liquefied Petroleum Gas Containers (PDF) (Codes Unit)
Delivery Unit Tanks may be inspected annually and shall be made readily available for their annual inspection after notification by the Office of State Fire Marshal that the annual inspection is due. Any changes to delivery units, including but not limited to the addition of one or more delivery units to the company, and the transfer, sale, disposal, or taking out of service of one or more delivery units shall be reported to the Office of State Fire Marshal in writing within two weeks of the change. Inspection fees are $24 per delivery unit inspected. (In most cases, Oregon Department of Transportation completes this inspection.)

Educational Materials & Brochures
Listed below are educational materials that have been developed to assist individuals and businesses regarding liquefied petroleum gas. Click on a title to access the information.
The Pineapple Connection
Is Your Propane Cylinder Safe? Check Out OPDs
Overfill Prevention Device (OPD) Requirement Exceptions
Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Consumer Safety
Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Cylinder Safety
Common Residential LPG Inspection Elements
LP Gas Code Interpretations
LP-Gas Tank (Container) Concealment
Residential Tank Installations (Important Information About Your Tank Installation)
Liquefied Petroleum Gas License Requirements Brochure
National Propane Gas Association Wildfire Brochure

Page updated: August 01, 2008

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