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Use of the Council logo must be approved by the Council Director at the Office of Management and Budget and the Council Vice Chair      Today: 09.21.2008
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Pictured are David Wennergren, Amy Harding, Paul Bartock, Ricki Vanetesse, Ken Heitkamp, and Karen Evans.

Darlene Meskell, John Moses, Michael Sorrento and the Federal Desktop Core Configuration Team are winners of the 2008 Chief Information Officers Council Leadership Award. The winners were recognized at the Interagency Resources Management Conference (IRMCO) on Monday, April 14.
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Message from the Council
Welcome to the Federal CIO Council Website, the central resource on the activities of the Federal CIO Council. The Chief Information Officers Council is the principal interagency forum to assist CIOs in realizing their mandates to ensure the rapid and effective implementation of information management and information technology (IM/IT) solutions within each agency and to create a more results-oriented, efficient, and citizen-centered Federal government. The CIO Council works to improve agency practices related to the acquisition, modernization, use, sharing, and performance of Federal government information resources. This website was recently redesigned to create an easily navigable resource to share the efforts and progress of the CIO Council as it works to achieve its vision of better government through better use of information, people, processes and technology. Users are encouraged to contact us to let us know if you have found the website useful or to offer comment on how utility can be improved.
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