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08.01.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Infrastructure and Transportation »
07.31.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about college affordability »
07.31.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth  »
07.30.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Trade and the WTO »
07.24.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Oil Prices »
07.22.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the Shaw High School Marching Band and their upcoming trip to Beijing »
07.16.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about HIV »
07.16.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Food Safety »
07.14.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Wilmington Families and DHL »
07.10.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about DHL and Wilmington »
06.26.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Paul Lawrence Dunbar »
06.26.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Student Loans »
06.25.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Minimum Wage »
06.25.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks to Wilmington area families »
06.19.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Gas Prices »
06.18.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Trade and China »
06.17.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about unemployment insurance »
06.16.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about trade »
06.12.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Medicare »
06.06.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the Climate Security Act of 2008 »
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