Asset Management and Small Business Programs Division
Business and Information Services Directorate




Request For Proposal/Solicitation For Offer

Solicitation for Offer MVR002 Modular Office Complex
Cover Letter - Solicitation For Offer MVR002:  Three-Plex Modular Office Complex
Fire Alarm Wiring Drawing


Special Articles And Forms

Definition of Net Usable Space

General Solicitation Instructions (Mar 2004)

GSA Form 3516A, Solicitation Provisions (Dec. 2003)

Offer To Lease Space (Oct. 2000) Fillable PDF Form

GSA Form 1364, Proposal To Lease Space Fillable PDF Form

GSA Form 1217, Lessor's Annual Cost Statement Fillable PDF Form

Terms and Conditions Lease for Real Property (OCT 2006)

GSA Form 3517B, General Clauses (July 2005)

Representations and Certifications – Lease of Real Property (Oct. 2000) Fillable PDF Form

GSA Form 3518, Representations and Certifications (July 2004)

Solicitation For Offer Unit Costs For Adjustment (Oct. 2000) Fillable PDF Form

ORNL-669 - Request for Leased Space Fillable PDF Form

ORNL-669 - Request for Leased Space - Sample


Click here for Internal Procedures


For any questions concerning Real Estate please contact:
Jon Bartlett (865-576-1605) or Truman Trotter (865-574-2632).

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