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Habitat Conservation Plan for Western Snowy Plovers (HCP) & Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
***HCP has been approved by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission***
The final HCP was approved for submittal to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  The department will work on the implementation agreement through the fall, before the final HCP and EIS are put out for public review.
Copies of the plans may be viewed in the section below.  For more information contact: Laura Todd (541) 867-4558 or Kathy Schutt (503) 986-0745.
The Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) is a federal planning process that can provide OPRD with protection from federal actions for approved activities for Oregon's Ocean Shores.  Because approval of the HCP is a federal action, an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is being prepared to assess the HCP.  OPRD has hired Jones & Stokes to complete the EIS.  

Frequently Asked Questions
Why do a habitat conservation plan?  What will happen on the ocean shore, and when?  These questions, and more, are answered in the Frequently Asked Questions.
Some areas already have plovers.  We'll improve the habitat in others and try to boost the population.  Take a look at the map to see an overview of the different areas.

Complete Draft Documents
July 2008 Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)
Cover and Table of Contents
Section 1. Executive Summary
Section 2. Introduction/Overview
Section 3. Covered Activities
Section 4. Natural History of & Factors Affecting Snowy Plover
Section 5. Conservation Plan
Section 6. Direct, Indirect, and Cumulative Effects
Section 7. Implementation, Organization, and Structure
Section 8. Alternative Actions Considered but Rejected
Section 9. References
Appendix A. Site Management Plan Outline
Appendix B. Species Considered but Excluded
Appendix C. Record of Public Involvement
Appendix D. Recreational Activities Occurring on Covered Lands
Appendix E. Activities Not Addressed in the HCP
Appendix F. Recreation Management Area Descriptions
Appendix G. Technical Memorandum
Appendix H. Implementation Agreement

July 2008 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
***Work in progress with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife on the updated draft of the EIS.***
Cover and Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Chapter 1. Purpose and Need
Chapter 2. Alternatives
Chapter 3. Affected Environment, Consequeces and Cumulative Effects
Chapter 4. References
Chapter 5. Distribution List
Chapter 6. Preparers
Chapter 7. Acronyms and Abbreviations
Appendix A. Recreational Management Areas
Appendix B. Noise Calculations

Page updated: September 24, 2008

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