Mars Inside a Transparent Earth

  • Credit

    NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

Earth-Mars Volcano Comparisons: Mars inside a transparent Earth

Despite the 2:1 relative size difference between Earth and Mars, the Martian volcano, Olympus Mons, dwarfs Earth's Mauna Loa, Hawaii volcano. When measured from the ocean floor, Mauna Loa is approximately 10km. high compared to Olympus Mons at 23km. This animation not only shows the relative size differences between Mauna Loa and Olympus Mons, but also shows the size difference between these 2 planets. The equatorial radius of Mars is approximately 3397 km. compared to Earth's equatorial radius of 6378.1 km. This animation is match-framed to animations #2864 through #2872.

Animation starts with a distant view of both planets juxtaposed together and zooms into the region of interest which shows Olympus Mons where the Hawaiian Islands are located.


  • Sensor

  • Animation ID

  • Start Timecode

  • End Timecode

  • Animator

    Alex Kekesi, Greg Shirah, Marte Newcombe
  • Studio

  • Visualization Date

  • Scientist

    James Garvin (NASA/HQ), Gregory Neumann (Johns Hopkins University), Herbert Frey (NASA/GSFC)
  • Datasets

    MGS/MOLA topography, Viking true color, Terra/MODIS topography, Terra/MODIS clouds
  • Data Date

    MGS/MOLA:1997/09/15-2001/01/31, Viking:1976/06/19-1980/08/17, Terra/MODIS:2001/06-2001/09
  • Animation Type

  • Other Credits

    Virginia Butcher (SSAI)