Report to the Nation 2005, Fiscal Years 2003-2004
October 2005

Document Summary

This report outlines the activities and accomplishments of the Office for Victims of Crime during Fiscal Years 2003 and 2004. Each section summarizes victims' needs in that area and how OVC is helping to meet them. Topics include the Crime Victims Fund; meeting the needs of priority victims; victim funding in Indian Country, funding and assistance for victims of international trafficking, terrorism and mass violence, identity theft, and domestic violence; collaborating with the faith community; and OVC's priorities for the future. Also included in the report are notable recent events by states on behalf of crime victims and a tribute to the legacy of former President Ronald Reagan.


Part 1 (PDF 1.2 mb)


Message From the Director

Chapter 1. Crime Victims Fund Supports Victim Services

Chapter 2. Funding State Victim Assistance Efforts

Part 2 (PDF 710 kb)

Chapter 3. Victim Funding in Indian Country

Chapter 4. Programs Offer Support for Victims of International Trafficking

Chapter 5. Collaboration With the Faith Community Expands Victim Services

Chapter 6. Victim Assistance Strategies Meet the New Needs of Terrorism Victims

Part 3 (PDF 790 kb)

Chapter 7. Meeting the Needs of Priority Victims

Chapter 8. Strategies Address Growing Impact of Identity Theft

Chapter 9. Victims' Rights and Services Continue the Reagan Legacy

Chapter 10. Looking Back, Moving Forward

Part 4 (PDF 553 kb)

Appendix A. VOCA Victim Compensation Allocations in FYs 2003 and 2004

Appendix B. VOCA Victim Assistance Allocations in FYs 2003 and 2004

Appendix C. Tribal Victim Assistance (TVA) Allocations in FYs 2003 and 2004

Appendix D. Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities Grant Program Allocations in FYs 2003 and 2004

Appendix E. Services for Trafficking Victims Discretionary Grant Program Allocations in FYs 2003 and 2004

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This document was last updated on May 12, 2008