Jan. 28, 2004

Northwest Flower & Garden Show

Federal pesticide ruling re-affirms King County's message promoting natural yard and garden care

2004 Archived News

Visit the King County Educational Exhibit Booth at the Northwest Flower & Garden Show, Feb. 4-8, to learn the pesticide-free path to a beautiful yard and garden. Gardeners can get tips on Natural Yard Care techniques and plenty of other gardening information from a pair of WSU Master Gardeners on hand.

King County has promoted Natural Yard Care for years because pesticides can harm salmon, wildlife and beneficial bugs, and even put children and pets at risk. The county's message has enjoyed increased awareness since a federal ruling last week restricted the use of dozens of pesticides, including products such as Weed and Feed, commonly used in King County yards.

In a precedent-setting ruling, federal district court Judge John Coughenour restricted the use of 38 pesticides near salmon streams and has required point-of-sale warnings on products containing pesticides that may harm salmon.

The bottom line is that chemical weed and bug killers are not necessary for a beautiful yard or garden. Overuse of these products can actually damage soil and plant health. By using Natural Yard Care practices in your garden you can save money, time and the environment. It's easy to do and will result in a great looking landscape that's easier to care for, conserves our natural resources and is healthier for your family and the surrounding wildlife.

Natural Yard Care practices often involve pest prevention, which includes building healthy soil with compost, using mulch to keep weeds down, selecting pest-resistant plants, and pulling weeds before they seed. Many pest problems can be avoided with correct mowing, pruning, watering, and by encouraging "good" bugs. If you must use a chemical pesticide as a last resort, use the least toxic product and "spot" apply it.

WSU Master Gardeners and King County volunteers will be on hand at King County's booth, ready to answer visitor's questions about Natural Yard Care practices and the resources the county offers. Visit the King County booth for information about healthy, environmentally friendly gardening, or check out the county's Web site for Natural Yard Care.

King County's booth will feature:

The Northwest Flower and Garden Show runs Wednesday, Feb. 4, through Sunday, Feb. 8 at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle. King County's Department of Natural Resources and Parks booth will be located within the 6th floor Educational Exhibits.