Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program
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Species Lists
These lists contain only species of special concern in PA, not all species.
Background Image
Jeweled Shooting-Star: Click on this image to open NatureServe Explorer for information about this organism. Redbelly Turtle: Click on this image to open NatureServe Explorer for information about this organism. Least Shrew: Click on this image to open NatureServe Explorer for information about this organism. Massasauga: Click on this image to open NatureServe Explorer for information about this organism.


The Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program provides scientific information, expertise, and assistance to support the conservation of biological diversity

The Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) is a member of NatureServe, an international network of natural heritage programs that gather and provide information on the location and status of important ecological resources (plants, vertebrates, invertebrates, natural communities and geologic features). Our purpose is to provide current, reliable, objective information to help inform environmental decisions. PNHP information can be used to guide conservation work and land-use planning, ensuring the maximum conservation benefit with the minimum cost.

The Seasonal Pools registry is now available.
Please check out the site here

PA Fish and Boat Commission Home Page DCNR Home Page Western PA Conservancy Home Page PA Game Commission Home Page

PNHP is a partnership between The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources,
the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, the Pennsylvania Game Commission,
and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.
