[NIFL-WOMENLIT:957] Re: how do i unsusubscribe?

From: Donna JG Brian (djgbrian@cls.coe.utk.edu)
Date: Mon Sep 18 2000 - 08:50:10 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-WOMENLIT:957] Re: how do i unsusubscribe?
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To Marilyn and others who want to "unsubscribe":

1.	Go to any of the LINCS pages, for example, http://www.nifl.gov/lincs/

2.	Across the top under the banner are four pill-shaped buttons.
Click "Discussions".

3.	Once on the "Discussions" page, look in the left navigation bar and
find and click on "unsubscribe".

4.	On the "Unsubscribe" page, fill in your email address and then click on
the NIFL discussion list(s) that you subscribe to that you want "off" of,
then click the "Unsubscribe" button at the bottom.

That's all there is to it.

To get back in on the discussion, click "subscribe" in step 3 above and
choose the list(s) you want to subscribe to.  Follow similar steps. 

Donna Brian, Program Coordinator
SLINCS--The southern Hub of the National Institute for Literacy's
        comprehensive communication and information system
Center for Literacy Studies at The University of Tennessee
600 Henley Street, Suite 312, Knoxville, TN 37996-4135
865/974-4109   FAX 865/974-3857

On Sat, 16 Sep 2000 Ayodele3@aol.com wrote:

> Would you tell me how I might unsubscribe???  I will not be able to read my  
> women-nifl mail for about 2 months and don't want my mailbox to be clogged 
> while I'm away.  How do I unsubscribe?   THanks.   Marilyn

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