[NIFL-WOMENLIT:899] x-post from NLA- Sharon Darling's response to discussion

From: Daphne Greenberg (ALCDGG@langate.gsu.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 09 2000 - 09:15:36 EDT

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Awhile ago, we had some discussion on this listserv regarding Sharon Darlings' speech at the Republican National Convention.  On the NLA listserv, there has been a lot of active discussion surrounding her talk, and I thought that some of you may be interested in a posting she sent to the NLA listserv in response to these discussions:
"Just returned from a recent trip and I was made aware of some of the discussion in the literacy community surrounding my appearance at the
Republican National Convention.   While asking that we put politics aside for a minute might be a bit much, let me say how thrilled I am to see the
vocal interest in what I saw as an opportunity to highlight literacy policy in a context which necessarily dictates our future -- the political arena.
For those who listened to my comments, I trust that you would not find them to be overly partisan, despite the setting.  I spoke to the importance of
family literacy in breaking a cycle which has kept parents and their children back from success in school, in work, and in life.  And, as I thought appropriate, I chose to give credit where I thought it was due -- to Governor Bush and the rest of the Bush family for their commitment to adult, family, and child literacy.  For those who know me best, you know that I'm ready to dole out credit for other good deeds in the family literacy arena -- without regard to political stripes.
Barbara Bush is a longtime friend of mine.  I've worked with Laura Bush and her husband to further the cause of family literacy in Texas and beyond.  I
will continue to do so in my private and public life.  I was invited to speak to the Republican Convention and accepted the invitation as a personal, rather than an organizational one.  For my part, my appearance in Philadelphia was personal indeed, despite the identifying caption ascribed to me on television.  And, for the record, while I had offered to address Democrats assembled in Los Angeles, scheduling and the like apparently will not permit my appearance there.  However, some of you may be pleased to know that the Director of NCFL's Washington Office will be there -- is his personal capacity as a lifelong Democrat, Hill staffer, and advocate for good causes (like family literacy).
On the issue of partisanship, for those who caught the entire evening, you might have heard Washington State Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn's introduction of my remarks, when she said, "family literacy is neither a Republican nor a Democratic issue."  I agree.  I do, however, take pride in elevating literacy issues to the forefront of political action -- and your political discussion.
Sharon Darling"

Daphne Greenberg
Center for the Study of Adult Literacy
Georgia State University
University Plaza
Atlanta, GA 30303-3083
Fax: 404-651-1415
Ph: 404-651-0400
E-mail: alcdgg@langate.gsu.edu

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