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Reduced image of the front page of the newspaper Svoboda (Sofia), September 7, 1892
Front page of Svoboda
September 7, 1892

Bulgarian Newspapers
at the Library of Congress

Index:   Introduction   Published in Bulgaria   Published Outside of Bulgaria
Edinichni listove


Publication of the first Bulgarian periodicals began in the 1840s, at a time when Bulgaria was still part of the Ottoman Empire and when the Ottoman authorities prohibited printing presses on Bulgarian territory. The first such periodical was the journal Liuboslovie, which appeared in Smyrna (present-day Izmir, Turkey) in 1844. The first Bulgarian newspaper, Bulgarski orel, appeared in Leipzig in 1846, but ceased after just three issues. A second attempt at newspaper publishing began some two years later and proved to be more successful. Tsarigradski vestnik began publication in Constantinople in 1848 and appeared continuously until 1862.

In the following years, periodical publishing experienced significant growth. By 1878 over a hundred titles had appeared, more than half of which were newspapers. Most of these titles, however, were short-lived and published outside of Bulgaria due to Ottoman restrictions. After Bulgaria achieved autonomy from the Ottoman Empire in 1878, periodical publishing continued to grow. By 1900, more than five hundred newspapers had appeared, most of which were published in Bulgaria. Today there are close to 350 newspapers published in Bulgaria.

With over 200 titles on microfilm and in paper, the Library of Congress has the largest collection of Bulgarian newspapers in the United States. This collection includes newspapers published in Bulgaria regardless of language as well as Bulgarian language newspapers published outside of Bulgaria. The Library's holdings begin with a few facsimile editions of the earliest titles from 1846-1877 and some scattered holdings from the late 1800s. However, most of the collection is from the post-World War II era. The majority of the titles are in Bulgarian, but some are in English, German, French, Armenian, Turkish, and Russian. This finding aid lists every newspaper in the Library's collections, and provides details regarding holdings - information that is not included in the Library's online catalog.

Most of the titles are on microfilm, but some are in bound volumes. The Library continues to subscribe to newspapers from Bulgaria. Recent issues of these newspapers are available in the European Reading Room. They eventually will be microfilmed or bound.

This finding aid provides either a microfilm number or a call number for bound issues, as well as holding locations within the Library of Congress. In general, Bulgarian language titles in paper form or on microfilm are held in the European Reading Room, while microfilm of titles in other languages are held by the Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room, which also has a small number of titles that are bound. In addition, some titles are held in the Microform Reading Room. For the purposes of this list, the term "newspaper" is applied in a broad sense. Thus any title that is published on newsprint or that a reader generally would consider to be a newspaper is included. A number of Bulgarian titles that the Library considers to be regular periodicals rather than newspapers are indexed in the section of Bulgarian national bibliography that covers newspapers, thereby providing a further justification for using an expansive definition of newspapers in this finding aid. If a desired title is not to be found on this list, readers are advised to check the Library's holdings in the online catalog.

The list is arranged alphabetically by city of publication. Newspapers published outside Bulgaria are detailed in a separate section at the end. Each listing contains the following information if available: city of publication, full title and preceding or succeeding titles if the Library holds those titles as well, dates of publication, call number or film number, holding location, actual issues or years held, indexing information, and URL for Internet sites. Titles are transliterated using the ALA-LC Romanization Tables - 331KB (requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view).

Abbreviations for locations are:
  • Eur (European Reading Room)
  • N&CPR (Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room)
  • MicRR (Microfilm Reading Room)
  • Gen Coll (General Collections)
  • AMED (African and Middle Eastern Reading Room)
  • Landover (off-site storage, request in Main Reading Room)

Because where titles are held within the Library is usually determined by format, information about format is provided in the holdings section. With regard to interlibrary loan, it is important to note that the Library of Congress does loan microfilm, but that it does not circulate bound volumes or loose issues of newspapers. Incomplete holdings for a given time period are indicated by square brackets. A few titles or issues on various Library of Congress lists were not found on the shelf during the compilation of this finding aid. They are indicated in square brackets with the words "not located."

Newspaper Bibliographies: A number of bibliographies have been consulted in the compilation of this list. The first pertains specifically to the Library of Congress collections: Newspapers of East Central and Southeastern Europe in the Library of Congress (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1965). Although this work was published more than forty years ago, it is still helpful for determining exact holdings of older receipts.

Other bibliographies listed below contain important information related to the history of Bulgarian periodical publishing. They include several outstanding retrospective bibliographies as well as sections of the Bulgarian national bibliography. These sources provide detailed information about publishers, dates of publication, numbers of issues per year, editors, and so forth. The annuals listed below also have lists of new titles, ceased titles, title changes and the like for each year.

Bulgarski periodichen pechat 1844-1944. Anotiran bibliografski ukazatel. Sofiia: Nauka i izkustvo, 1962-1969. 3 volumes. European Reading Room, Bulgarian Reference Collection Z6956.B9 B88 Volume One contains a long article about the development of periodical publishing in Bulgaria beginning in 1844. Volume Three has indexes for names, printers, publishing collectives, subjects, and place names with a chronological component. Volume Three also contains sections for single-issue papers, papers in foreign languages, and additions and corrections.

Bulgarski periodichen pechat 1944-1969. Bibliografski ukazatel. Sofiia: Narodna Biblioteka "Kiril i Metodii", 1975. 3 volumes. European Reading Room, Bulgarian Reference Collection Z6956.B9 S76

This 3-volume work has detailed indexes and specialized sections similar to the title described above.

Bulgarski periodichen pechat. 1947-1950. LC has 1947, 1950. General Collection Z6956.B9 B87

Periodichni izdaniia v NR Bulgariia. 1953-1955. Annual. LC has 1953, 1954, 1955. General Collection Z6956.B9 P4

Natsionalna bibliografiia na N.R. Bulgariia. Seriia 4. Bulgarski periodichen pechat. Sofiia: Narodna Biblioteka "Kiril i Metodii". 1965 - present. Annual. LC holds 1968-1980. General Collection Z6956.B9 B87

Newspaper Indexes: Listed below are two main sources for locating citations for articles published in Bulgarian newspapers. These titles form part of the Bulgarian national bibliography. From 1952 until 1971 newspapers and journals were indexed in the same source, Letopis na periodichniia pechat (LNPP), but beginning in 1972 each genre received its own index, with the newspaper articles appearing in Letopis na statiite ot bulgarskite vestnitsi (LNSOBV). Both of these titles arrange the citations into broad subject categories and provide name indexes. During some, but not all, years the indexes in each issue were collated into an annual index. The indexes are much easier to use for finding a specific piece of information than for locating articles on a topic -- unless that topic is quite broad in nature. In addition, each issue provides a list of the newspaper titles and issue numbers that it covers. Readers should keep in mind that the indexes cover only central Bulgarian newspapers and a few major regional newspapers. They also provide citations for selected articles only. Thus when the newspaper title index indicates that a specific issue of a newspaper is indexed in Letopis na statiite ot bulgarskite vestnitsi it does not mean that all of the articles published in that issue are cited.

Natsionalna bibliografiia na N.R. Bulgariia. Seriia 6. Letopis na statiite ot bulgarskite vestnitsi. LC holds 1972-1976, 1978-1980, 1982-1994, 1997. General Collection AI15.L377; 1995-1996, 1999:2-12 + annual index for 1993-1994 held in current periodical section of the European Division.

Letopis na periodichniia pechat. LC holds 1952-1971. General Collection AI15.L37 During this period the journal and newspaper article indexes were issued under one title.

The website of the National Library of Bulgaria in Sofia presents an online catalog, which once again combines the two article series of the national bibliography into one tool, Статии от българските списания, вестници и сборници found at Because this catalog uses abbreviations for most periodical titles without providing a key to these abbreviations, it is easier to search if one is looking for articles on a particular subject rather than articles from a particular newspaper. The catalog must be searched using Cyrillic characters. Although no information is provided about the depth of the catalog, it includes material from the current year as well as citations dating back to 1993. Just as the corresponding print version of Series 6 of the national bibliography, this catalog indexes the contents of periodicals selectively.

Online Bulgarian Newspapers: The websites of currently published Bulgarian newspapers present the most recent issue and sometimes archives of previous issues. URLs for websites are provided in this finding aid only if the Library of Congress has some holdings of the title in paper or on microfilm. There are other current titles to which the Library does not subscribe. A convenient place to investigate online news sources for Bulgaria is the Library of Congress Portals to the World, under Bulgaria: Media and Communications.

For additional newspaper and media sites, readers should use a Bulgarian search engine or subject directory, such as or , and look under the headings for Медии or Вестници or Новини.

The Library of Congress subscribes to several databases that include the full-text of some Bulgarian newspapers (Emerging Markets, Factiva, Newspaper Direct Press Display), but these databases are available only to readers who come into the Library. Newspaper titles provided by Emerging Markets as of November 2005 are: (In English) Banker Daily, Dnevnik Daily, FIA Daily News, Pari Daily, Standart Daily, Banker Weekly, Capital Weekly, Sofia Echo, Banking and Insurance Rankings; (In Bulgarian) Standart, Dnevnik, Pari, Kapital, Banker. Newspapers provided by Factiva as of March 2006 are: (In English) Capital Weekly, Pari; (In Bulgarian) Kapital (weekly), Dnevnik. Newspaper Direct Press Display has only the latest 60 days of Pari.

Bibliography of Bulgarian Newspapers at the Library of Congress

Bulgarian Newspapers Published in Bulgaria

City:  Blagoevgrad
Title:  Pirinsko delo
Dates of Publication:  Jan 29, 1945 - May 26, 1995
LC Call Number:  Film # 60
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1951-1952], 1953-1955, [1956-1961], 1962-1963, 1965-1986, [1987-1988], 1989-1994 Paper: 1987:264, 289-301
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956, LNSOBV - through 1987

City:  Burgas
Title:  Burgaski far
Dates of Publication:  Apr 9, 1924 - Sep 30, 1944
LC Call Number:  Film # 2747
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Jul 4-8, Aug 5-15, 1944

City:  Burgas
Title:  Chernomorski far (continues Chernomorski front)
Dates of Publication:  Jan 1, 1988 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 908
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1988-1994
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Burgas
Title:  Chernomorski front (Continues Naroden far , continued by Chernomorski far)
Dates of Publication:  May 1, 1950 - Dec 31, 1987
LC Call Number:  Film # 908
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1951-1954], 1955, [1956-1959], [1961], 1962, 1964-1982, 1984-1987
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956, LNSOBV

City:  Burgas
Title:  Naroden far (Continued by Chernomorski front)
Dates of Publication:  Oct 30, 1944 - Apr 30, 1950
LC Call Number:  Film # 2747
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Jan 30, Feb 1-6, 14, Mar 16-18, Apr 7, 1945 - Jan 12, 1946

City:  Dimitrovgrad
Title:  Dimitrovgradska Pravda = Stroim Dimitrovgrad
Dates of Publication:  Sep 9, 1950 - Dec 24, 1997
LC Call Number:  Film # 61
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1954-1955, 1961], 1962-1963

City:  Dimitrovo
Title:  Dimitrovsko zname
Dates of Publication:  Aug 21, 1953 - Dec 18, 1992
LC Call Number:  Film # 62
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1955-1958], 1959, [1960], 1961-1970
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959, LNSOBV - through 1987

Dobrich: SEE Tolbukhin

City:  Gabrovo
Title:  Balkansko zname (Continues Stakhanovski glas, continued by Gabrovo dnes)
Dates of Publication:  Jul 2, 1955 - Dec 28, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 63
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1955-1961], 1962-1972, 1974-75, 1977-1985, [1986-1987] Paper: 1986:85-89, 124-129, 146, 148-156; 1987:1-2, 7, 106, 155-156; 1988:1-5, 7-36, 38-52; 1989:1-11, 16-49; 1990:1-7, 9-27, 29-31, 33-42, 44-50, 52-55, 57-58, 68, 75, 77-78, 83-84, 86-87, 89-96
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959, LNSOBV - through 1987

City:  Gabrovo
Title:  Gabrovo Dnes (Continues Balkansko zname)
Dates of Publication:  Jan 4, 1991 - present
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8 G3
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1991:41-80; 1992:18, 74-102; 1993:1-10, 30-47, 53-80, 82-93; 1994:20-31, 57-82, 85-100; 1995:1-28, 38-64, 77-80; 1996:1-18, 20-69, 100-102; 1997:1-15, 85-96; 1998:1-34, 36-51, 53-98; 1999:1-98; 2000:1-34, 36-100; 2001:1-8, 12-16

City:  Gabrovo
Title:  Stakhanovski glas (Continued by Balkansko zname)
Dates of Publication:  May 1, 1952 - Jun 25, 1955
LC Call Number:  Film # 2747
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1953], 1954, [1955]

City:  Iambol
Title:  Fakt: obshtinski vestnik (Continues Naroden drugar)
Dates of Publication:  Aug 24, 1990 - May 10, 1991
LC Call Number:  AP58. B8 F35
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1990:15-19; 1991:1-10

City:  Iambol
Title:  Naroden drugar (Continued by Fakt)
Dates of Publication:  Feb 1, 1943 - Aug 17, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 91
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1953], [1955-1958], 1959, [1960-1961], 1962-1969
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959, LNSOBV - through 1987

City:  Kazanluk
Title:  Iskra = Kazanlushka iskra
Dates of Publication:  Jun 1, 1924 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 64
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1953-1960], 1961-1967, [1968], 1976-1979 Paper: 1991:29-34; 1992:1-3, 11-16, 18-19, 22-29, 31-34, 37-39, 44-52; 1993:2-4, 6-15, 32-52; 1994:1-9, 16-78, 80-81; 1995:1-30, 36-58, 60-98; 1996:1-57, 59-61, 65-86, 99-101; 1997:1-10, 18-25, 31-53; 1998:1, 10-41, 51-52; 1999:1-6, 8-11, 14, 16-17, 19-27, 29-38, 40-45, 47-52; 2000:3-45, 47-57, 60-89; 2001:1-19

City:  Khaskovo
Title:  Khaskovska tribuna (Continues Rodopska borba)
Dates of Publication:  Jan 1, 1959 - May 18, 2000
LC Call Number:  Film # 65
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1959], 1960-1982
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959, LNSOBV - through 1987

City:  Khaskovo
Title:  Rodopska borba (Continues Narodna borba, continued by Khaskovska tribuna)
Dates of Publication:  Jan 7, 1950 - Dec 30, 1958
LC Call Number:  Film #2739
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1951-1955], [1957-1958]
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956

City:  Khaskovo
Title:  Rodop mücudelesi (Years I-IV, 1951-1954, were issued as the 4th page of Rodopska borba, in Turkish)
Dates of Publication:  Aug 4, 1951 - Mar 27, 1959
LC Call Number:  Film #2739
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1951, [1952-1953]

City:  Kiustendil
Title:  Kiustendilsko delo (Continued by Narodna tribuna)
Dates of Publication:  Sep 23, 1947 - Feb 21, 1959
LC Call Number:  Film #2747
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1952-1954], 1955, [1956-1958], 1959
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959

City:  Kiustendil
Title:  Narodna tribuna (Continues Narodno delo and Kiustendilsko delo)
Dates of Publication:  Feb 28, 1959 Dec 31, 1964
LC Call Number:  Film # 1561
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1959-1961], 1962-1963
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959

City:  Kolarovgrad
Title:  Kolarovgrad savasi (Generally appears as page 4 of Kolarovgradska borba, in Turkish)
Dates of Publication:  Nov 10, 1951 - Dec 29, 1954
LC Call Number:  Film # 66
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1951-1952], 1953, [1954]

City:  Kolarovgrad
Title:  Kolarovgradska borba (Includes a Turkish language section called Kolarovgrad savasi)
Dates of Publication:  Sep 30, 1950 - Dec 30, 1965 (Although Turkish language articles began appearing months earlier, the Turkish section did not receive the Title Kolarovgrad savasi until Nov 10, 1951)
LC Call Number:  Film # 66
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1951-1952], 1953, [1954], 1955, [1956-1959], 1960-1963
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956

City:  Kurdzhali
Title:  Nov zhivot
Dates of Publication:  Jan 1, 1956 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 1738
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1958-1961], 1962, 1964-1966, 1968-1973, 1975-1985, 1987 Paper: 1988:113-250; 1989:1-11, 13-22, 27-30, 36-52; 1990:1-14, 16-80, 114-153
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959, LNSOBV - through 1987

City:  Lom
Title:  Narodna tribuna
Dates of Publication:  Sep 16, 1944 - Dec 29, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 67
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1953-1959], 1960-1963

City:  Pazardzhik
Title:  Septemvriisko zname (Continued by Zname)
Dates of Publication:  Dec 7, 1952 - 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 68
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1954-1961], 1962-1969
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959, LNSOBV - through 1987

Pernik: SEE Dimitrovo

City:  Pleven
Title:  Septemvriiska pobeda = Pobeda
Dates of Publication:  Oct 7, 1944 - Jul 17, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 69
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1945], [1952-1961], 1962-1982
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956, LNSOBV - through 1987

City:  Plovdiv
Title:  Glas (Continues Otechestven glas, continued by Glas dnes)
Dates of Publication:  May 22, 1990 - Feb 28,1995
LC Call Number:  Film # 70
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1990], 1991-1994 Paper: 1995:25-48
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Plovdiv
Title:  Glas dnes (Continues Glas)
Dates of Publication:  Apr 3, 1995 - Feb 6, 1996
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1996:5-30
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Plovdiv
Title:  Komsomolska iskra = Iskra (continued by Mach Shou)
Dates of Publication:  Jan 3, 1959 - August 19, 1991
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8 I84
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1990:9-52; 1991:1-2, 4-16, 18-19, 25-28

City:  Plovdiv
Title:  Otechestven glas (Continued by Glas)
Dates of Publication:  Sep 10, 1944 - May 19, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 70
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1944-1946], [1951-1954], 1955, [1956-1961], 1962-1963, [1964], 1965-1970, 1972-1989, [1990]
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956, LNSOBV

City:  Plovdiv
Title:  Pobeda
Dates of Publication:  Aug 20, 1945 - Jul 19, 1948
LC Call Number:  Film # 2739
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Aug 27, 1945 - Jan 9, 1946

City:  Plovdiv
Title:  Vakhan (in Armenian and Bulgarian)
Dates of Publication:  ? - present
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  New subscription beginning with 2008

City:  Plovdiv
Title:  Volia
Dates of Publication:  Apr 22, 1935 - Sep 9, 1944
LC Call Number:  Film # 2739
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Mar 19 - Sep 8, 1943

City:  Plovdiv
Title:  Vreme
Dates of Publication:  Mar 12, 1945 - Jul 22, 1946
LC Call Number:  Film # 2774
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: May 21 - Oct 15, Dec 20-31, 1945

City:  Ruse
Title:  Dunavska Pravda (Includes a Turkish language section called Tuna gerçegi and Tuna doglurugu)
Dates of Publication:  Apr 15, 1950 - Jul 31, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 71
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1951-1952], 1953, [1954], 1955, [1956-1961], 1962-1964, [1965], 1966-1987, [1988], 1989, [1990]
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956, LNSOBV - through 1987

City:  Ruse
Title:  Dunavski otechestven front
Dates of Publication:  Sep 17, 1944 - Apr 14, 1950
LC Call Number:  Film # 2739
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Feb 1 - Aug 3, 1945

City:  Ruse
Title:  Tuna doglurugu = Tuna gerçegi (generally appears as page 3 of Dunavska Pravda)
Dates of Publication:  Oct 19, 1951 - July 4, 1953; July 7, 1953- Dec 28, 1954 (Turkish language articles began appearing in Dunavska pravda in August 1951, but the Turkish section did not receive the title Tuna gerçegi until Aug 31, 1951 and it did not receive its own masthead until Oct 19, 1951)
LC Call Number:  Film # 71
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  [1951], 1952-1953, [1954]

City:  Samokov
Title:  Samokovska tribuna
Dates of Publication:  May 1, 1947 - 1960
LC Call Number:  Film # 2739
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Apr 19, May 10, 1958

City:  Sliven
Title:  Slivensko delo = Slivensko delo NV. Regionalen vestnik
Dates of Publication:  Jan 5, 1945 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 72
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1956-1961], 1962-1969 Paper: 1996:36-39, 41-56; 1998:10-51; 1999:1-51; 2000:1-25, 27-44; 2001:3-4
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959, LNSOBV - through 1987

City:  Sofia
Title:  Abagar. Katolicheski vestnik
Dates of Publication:  Oct 12, 1991 - present
LC Call Number:   BX1599.A1 A28
LC Location:   Eur
LC Has:  Bound Volumes: 1991:1(1)-2005:4(160) Paper: 2005:5-12, 2006:1-12; currently received

City:  Sofia
Title:  A.B.V.
Dates of Publication:  Jan 2, 1979 - Dec 1993 [last issue is dated only "dekemvri"
LC Call Number:  Microfilm (o) 94/4893
LC Location:  MicRR, Eur
LC Has:  Film: [Jan 2, 1979 - Dec 29, 1992] Paper: 1984:1; 1991:22; 1992:8; 1993:1-45
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Agro Pari = Agropari
Dates of Publication:  Jul 5, 1995 - Aug 2, 2000
LC Call Number:  HD1941.A775
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1995:8-13, 15-26; 1996:1-4, 13, 39 (27-30, 39, 65); 1997:23-26 (102-105); 1998:12 (143)
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Anteni
Dates of Publication:  Jan 8, 1971 - Oct 15, 1996
LC Call Number:  Microfilm (o) 94/4894
LC Location:  MicRR, Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1985-1991 Paper: 1992:1-34, 37-43, 46 (1092-1124, 1127-1133, 1136); 1993:8-12, 14-31, 33-52 (1149-1153, 1155-1172, 1174-1193); 1994:1-12, 14-22, 24-33, 36-52 (1194-1205, 1207-1215, 1217-1226, 1229-1245); 1995:1-14, 16-28, 31-33, 35-40, 42-52 (1246-1259, 1261-1273, 1276-1278, 1280-1285, 1287-1297); 1996:1-29, 32, 34-37, 39-41 (1298-1326, 1329, 1331-1334, 1336-1338)

City:  Sofia
Title:  Art (Weekly supplement to Faks)
Dates of Publication:  1991 - ?
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has: Paper:  1991:13-38

City:  Sofia
Title:  Az-buki
Dates of Publication:  Apr 10, 1991 - present
LC Call Number:  LA950.A9
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1991:2-3, 6-21, 25, 27, 30, 32-35; 1994:1,2,10; 1995:1-28, 30-36, 38-41, 44-52; 1996:1-20, 23-30, 32, 35, 37-43, 45-48; 1997:14-50; 1998:1-5,13-52; 1999:1-52; 2000:1-38
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Balkanski dialog
Dates of Publication:  Jan 21/28, 2000 - Aug 18/24, 2000
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 2000:1-2, 4-6, 8, 11, 13-30

City:  Sofia
Title:  La Bulgarie
Dates of Publication:  Aug 26, 1882 - Feb 2, 1884; Jan 1, 1888 - Sep 25, 1897
LC Call Number:  Film # 2725
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Film: 1892

City:  Sofia
Title:  La Bulgarie (Continues L'Echo de Bulgarie, in French)
Dates of Publication:  Jun 1, 1923 - Dec 30, 1935
LC Call Number:  Film # 2725
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Film: [1925-1930], 1931-1932, [1933-1935]

City:  Sofia and Berlin
Title:  Bulgariia bez granitsi
Dates of Publication:  1997 - present [first issue is dated only "1997"]
LC Call Number:  DR93.42 .B854 fol.
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1998:2-3; 1999:1-3

City:  Sofia
Title:  Bulgarische Wochenschau (In German)
Dates of Publication:  Jul 24, 1940 - Dec 22, 1943
LC Call Number:  Film # 2774
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Film: 1940, [1941-1942]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Bulgaro-sovetsko edinstvo
Dates of Publication:  Jun 20, 1946 - Dec 30, 1955
LC Call Number:  Film # 2736
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Jan 17 1951 - Dec 30, 1954
Index:  LNPP

City:  Sofia
Title:  Bulgarska armiia (Continues Narodna armiia)
Dates of Publication:  May 27, 1991 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 76
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1991], [1992], 1993-1994, 1996, [1997-1998], 1999-2000, [2001], 2002-2003 Paper: 1992:410-413; 1995:13646-13665, 13709-13729, 13761, 13796, 13800, 13802, 13804-13806; 1997:14286, 14303-14306; 1998:14644; 2001:1536; 2003:15607; 2004:760-1014; 2005: 16015-16265; 2006:16266-16513, currently received
Index:  LNSOBV

City: Sofia
Title:   Bulgarska natsiia
LC Call Number:   Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:   Paper: 1997:1-2; 1998:1-2; 1999:1-2

City:  Sofia
Title:  Bulgarski biznes
Dates of Publication:  Sep 10, 1990 - present
LC Call Number:  HF3721.B85
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1995:8-9, 18, 20, 35, 37, 51-52; 1996:19, 24-29, 43-44; 1997:17-19, 21, 28, 45-50; 2001:1-2; 2002:1-7; 2003:5-6, 9-44; 2004:1-2, 7-37; [2001-2004 not located]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Bulgarski glas
Dates of Publication:  May 21, 1990 - Jul 27, 1998
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1990:2-38; 1991:1, 3-18, 24-46 (39, 41-56, 62-84); 1992:1-4 (85-88); 1998:1-19 (89-92, 94-108); [1998:5 not located]
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Bulgarski pisatel (Continued by Slovoto dnes)
Dates of Publication:  May 17, 1994 - Nov 5, 2003
LC Call Number:  PG1000.B84
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1994:1-12; 1995:3, 21-22, 41-43, 48-49; 1996:2-4, 7-43; 1997:1-8, 11-27; 1998:1-10, 14-22, 24-39; 1999:1-2, 4-6, 11-12, 22, 28, 30, 33, 39; 2000:1-8, 12-14, 16-19, 23-24, 26-36; 2001:1, 5-6,10-17, 21-41; 2002:1-9, 11-40; 2003:1-15, 21-35
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Danuchen vestnik
Dates of Publication:  Nov 1994 - present
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1994:1 [lst issue of paper, dated only "noemvri"]; 1995:9; 1996:23-50; 1997:1-35, 37-50; 1998:1-50; 1999:1-20, 22-25, 27-32, 34-50; 2000:1-50

City:  Sofia
Title:  DARpres
Dates of Publication:  1994-Dec 22, 1994
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  1994:8-10, 12, 20-24, 26-33

City:  Sofia
Title:  Debati
Dates of Publication:  Aug 28, 1990 - Mar 10, 1993
LC Call Number:  DR93.44 .D43
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1991-1992], 1993 Paper: 1990:1-18 [full year]; 1991:2-47; 1992:1-4 [different editors but continuous numbering from previous year]; 1992:1, 3-31, 34-50 [different editors from other 4 1992 issues]; 1993:1-10) G. 1-4 (the 4 issues of 1992 have g.2, the bulk of 1992 issues have g.3)
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Demokratichna sedmitsa
Dates of Publication:  May 31, 1990 - May 30/Jun 6, 1991
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1990:1-2, 4-29; 1991:3-12
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Demokratsiia
Dates of Publication:  Feb 12, 1990 - Jun 29, 2002
LC Call Number:  Film # 3711
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1990-2002
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Demokratsiia dnes
Dates of Publication:  Dec 24, 2005 - present
LC Call Number: Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  2005:1-2; 2006:3-55, currently received
Index: Statii ot bulgarskite spisaniia, vestnitsi i sbornitsi

City:  Sofia
Title:  Den
Dates of Publication:  Aug 14, 1945 - Apr 5, 1946
LC Call Number:  Film # 2736
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Aug 14, 1945 - Apr 5, 1946

City:  Sofia
Title:  Den
Dates of Publication:  Mar 16, 1990 - Oct 18/24, 1991
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1990:2-8, 10-17, 20-25, 27-38, 40-41; 1991:42, 44-75, 79
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Dennitsa daidzhest
Dates of Publication:  1995-Nov 1996 [last issue dated "nemvri"]
LC Call Number:  PG1000.D46
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  1996:1,3,5-6

City:  Sofia
Title:  Dnes
Dates of Publication:  Apr 10, 1940 - June 15, 1944
LC Call Number:  Film # 2774
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1941-1942], 1943, [1944]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Dnevnik
Dates of Publication:  May 7, 1902 - Sep 9, 1944
LC Call Number:  Film # 2774
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Oct 6 - Dec 31, 1942, Jan 12 - Dec 28, 1943

City:  Sofia
Title:  Dnevnik
Dates of Publication:  Feb 12, 2001 - present
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 2004:188; 2006:10-252, currently received
Index:  Statii ot bulgarskite spisaniia, vestnitsi i sbornitsi

City:  Sofia
Title:  Druzhba
Dates of Publication:  Oct 16, 1946 - Dec 13, 1947
LC Call Number:  Film # 2739
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Oct 16, Dec 15, 1946 - Dec 13, 1947

City:  Sofia
Title:  Duga - 6 chasa vecherta
Dates of Publication:  Sep 15 - Dec 30, 1944
LC Call Number:  Film # 2747
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Sep 15 - Dec 30, 1944

City:  Sofia
Title:  Duma (Continues Rabotnichesko delo)
Dates of Publication:  Apr 4, 1990 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 80
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1990-1993, 1995-2004 Paper: 2005:1-301, 2006:1-305, currently received
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  24 chasa
Dates of Publication:  1991 - present
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  new film subscription beginning with 2007
Index:  Statii ot bulgarskite spisaniia, vestnitsi i sbornitsi

City:  Sofia
Title:  2001 = Dve khiliadi i edin
Dates of Publication:  1991 - ?
LC Call Number:  DR63 .A17
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1991:1 [issue is dated only "1991"]

City:  Sofia
Title:  L'Echo de Bulgarie (Continued by La Bulgarie, in French)
Dates of Publication:  May 14, 1913 - Jun 19, 1923
LC Call Number:  Film # 2736
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Film: [Jun 10, 1920 - Feb 26, 1921] Paper: [1922 not located]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Ekho: Priroda, turizum, puteshestviia
Dates of Publication:  Jan 15, 1959 - present
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1985:1-28, 30-52; 1986:1-22, 24-52; 1987:1-25, 27-52; 1988:1-52; 1989:1-51; 1996:3-20, 23-24; 1997:1-10; 1998:1-12; 1999:1-11
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1965, LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  EK/Ekoglasnost
Dates of Publication:  Mar 8, 1990 - Mar 6/13, 1991
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1990:1-3, 6-35; 1991:1, 3-8 (36, 38-43)
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Ekopolitika
Dates of Publication:  Mar 12, 1990 - Jun 8, 1990; Sep 11, 1990 - Dec 25, 1990
LC Call Number:  JN9609.A8 Z383
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1990:1-12; 1990:1-17 (also has consecutive numbering of 14-20 after which the consecutive numbering stops)
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Emigrant
Dates of Publication:  Apr 17, 1991 - Sep 29, 1992
LC Call Number:  DR 64.5 .E46
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1992:25-28, 32, 34-44, 46-50

City:  Sofia
Title:  Epokha
Dates of Publication:  Aug 3/9, 1999 - Jun 23/29, 2000
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8 E69 fol.
LC Location:  Gen Coll
LC Has:  Paper: 2000:5-7

City:  Sofia
Title:  Erevan (In Armenian and Bulgarian)
Dates of Publication:  Oct 22, 1944 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 2736
LC Location:  AMED
LC Has:  Film: Jul 4-Oct 31; Nov 14-Dec 12, 26, 1952; Feb 13-27, 1953; Jul 30-Sep 3; Oct 8-29; Dec 3, 10, 31, 1954; Oct 5-12, 1956; May 16, 23, 1958; [1992-2000] Paper: 1998:1-47; 1999:1-36; 2000:1-44; 2001:1-45; 2002:31-34; 2004:26-48

City:  Sofia
Title:  Evreiski vesti
Dates of Publication:  Oct 30, 1944 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 2736, DS101.E87 folio
LC Location:  Gen Coll
LC Has:  Film: [Apr 22, 1945 - Nov 22, 1982, not located] Bound volumes: Jan 25, 1963 - Dec 23, 1969

City:  Sofia
Title:  Evropa
Dates of Publication:  May 24, 1990 - Jun 3, 1992
LC Call Number:  D2009 .E89
LC Location:  Gen Coll
LC Has:  Paper: 1992:14-19
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Faks (Continues Mladezh)
Dates of Publication:  Mar 12, 1991- Dec 22, 1992
LC Call Number:  Film # 77
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1991-1992
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Glashatai
Dates of Publication:  Dec 30, 1997 - May 22/28, 1998
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1997-98:1-20

City:  Sofia
Title:  Golos Rossii (Continues Golos and Golos truda, in Russian)
Dates of Publication:  Jun 18, 1936 - Aug 9, 1938
LC Call Number:  Film # 2736
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Jun 18, 1936 - Aug 9, 1938

City:  Sofia
Title:  Impuls (Continues Telegrafonoshtenski vestnik)
Dates of Publication:  Feb 26, 1976 - present
LC Call Number:  HE7.I48
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1994:12-14; 1996:21, 28-52; 1997:1-11, 13-30, 33-47; 2001:1-27, 29-35, 37-47; 2002:1-52; 2003:1-5, 7-22, 24-41, 43-47, 49-50; 2004:1-6, 8-33, 35-41, 43-47; 2005:1-47, 2006: 1-13, currently received.
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Investitsii
Dates of Publication:  Oct 22/28, 1997 - Jan 28, 1999
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1997:1-9; 1998:1-41 (10-50); 1999:1 (51)

City:  Sofia
Title:  Izbor
Dates of Publication:  Feb 24, 2003 - present
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 2003:1-7, new subscription being started with 2006

City:  Sofia
Title:  Izgrev (Continued by Vecherni novini)
Dates of Publication:  Oct 9, 1944 - Jul 31, 1951
LC Call Number:  Film # 3365
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Oct 9, 1944 - Jul 31, 1951

City:  Sofia
Title:  Kapital
Dates of Publication:  1993 - present
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  new film subscription beginning with 2007
Index:  Statii ot bulgarskite spisaniia, vestnitsi i sbornitsi

City:  Sofia
Title:  Kazach'i dumy (In Russian)
Dates of Publication:  Feb 26, 1922 - Apr 27, 1924
LC Call Number:  Film # 2747
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Feb 26 - Jun 18, 1922

City:  Sofia
Title:  Kesh
Dates of Publication:  Mar 10, 1993 - present
LC Call Number:  Microfilm (o) 2004/3005
LC Location:  MicRR
LC Has:  Film: Nov 17/23, 1993- Jan 9, 2002 Paper: 1993:42; 1994:40-44; 1996:35; 1999:42 2
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Khristiian demokratsiia
Dates of Publication:  May 11, 1990 - Apr 24, 1992
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1990:1-19, 21-23; 1991:1, 3-51
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Komunisticheska pravda
Dates of Publication:  1995-Apr 26, 1996
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  1996:1-4

City:  Sofia
Title:  Komunisticheska pravda
Dates of Publication:  1995-1996
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  1996:2(4); 4(6)

City:  Sofia
Title:  Komunistichesko delo
Dates of Publication:  Aug 1, 1990 - Jan 1/15, 2001
LC Call Number:  JN9609.A8 K65435
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1990:1-11; 1991:1-25 (12-36); 1992:1,3 (38?, 40); 1993:1, 12 (42, 53); 1994: 1-3, 5-14 (54-56, 58-67); 1995:1-24 (68-90); 1996:1-16, 20, 23 (91-106, 110, 113); 1997:1,3,6-11 (114, 116, 119-124); 1998:1-14, 16-22 (127-140, 142-148); 1999:1-24 (149-172); 2000:1-18 (173-190)
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Kontinent
Dates of Publication:  Apr 13, 1992 - Feb 28, 1999
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1994:290 (818); 1995:3, 11, 14, 28, 33, 114-115, 125-127, 136-137, 139-161, 163-176, 179, 282, 304 (833, 841, 844, 858, 863, 944-945, 955-957, 966-967, 969-991, 993-1006, 1009, 1112, 1134); 1996:5-9, 39, 44, 47-48, 51-52, 63, 70, 76, 96, 99-100, 106, 117, 121, 124, 128-130, 132-139, 141-148, 150-155, 157-178, 189-190, 205-209, 211-212, 223-224, 226, 230, 241-270 (1140-1144, 1174, 1179, 1182-1183, 1186-1187, 1198, 1205, 1211, 1231, 1234-1235, 1241, 1252, 1256, 1259, 1263-1265, 1267-1274, 1276-1283, 1285-1290, 1292-1313, 1324-1325, 1340-1344, 1346-1347, 1358-1359, 1361, 1365, 1376-1405); 1997:1-9, 11-30, 33-34, 46-47, 50, 75-77, 79-101, 104-105, 113, 117,122-163, 165-168, 170-241, 243-289, 291-301 (1443-1451, 1453-1472, 1475-1476, 1488-1489, 1492, 1517-1519, 1521-1543, 1546-1547, 1555, 1559, 1564-1605, 1607-1610, 1612-1683, 1685-1731, 1733-1743); 1998:1-7, 9-23, 25-26, 28-57, 60-62, 64-68, 70-75, 77-99, 102-116, 119-122 (1744-1750, 1752-1766, 1768-1769, 1771-1800, 1803-1805, 1807-1811, 1813-1818, 1820-1842, 1845-1859, 1862-1865)
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Kooperativno selo (Continues Za kooperativno zemedelie, continued by Zemia)
Dates of Publication:  May 1, 1958 - Jul 31, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 73
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1958], 1959, [1960], 1961-1964, [1965], 1966-1981, [1982-1984], 1985, [1986-1987] Paper: 1982:103; 1983:304-305; 1984:287; 1986:255; 1989:1-19, 21-52, 54-74, 77-90, 92-113, 115-259; 1990:3-48, 50-55, 57-70, 72-106, 108-117, 119-122, 124-141, 143-149
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959, LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Kultura (Continues Narodna kultura)
Dates of Publication:  Mar 2, 1990 - present
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Microfilm: [1991], [1992], 1993, [1994], 1995;   Paper: 1990:20, 22-23, 29, 31, 37, 51 (1630, 1632-1633, 1639, 1641, 1648, 1661); 1992:8, 18 (1722, 1732)
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Liberalna politika
Dates of Publication:  May 11, 1995 - May 31, 1997
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1996:16, 18-20, 23, 25-44 (48, 50-52, 55, 57-76); 1997:1-19 (77-94) + unnumbered issue
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Literaturen forum (Continues Literaturen front)
Dates of Publication:  Jul 5, 1990 - Dec 16, 2002; (resurrected with special issues in 2005); Jan 1, 2006-present
LC Call Number:  Film # 74
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1990-1993, 1995-2001, [2002] Paper: 2002:24, 27-29, 35-38; 2005: three special issues; 2006:1-4, 6-7 [numbering problem, no #5 published?], currently received
Index:  LNSOBV
URL: and

City:  Sofia
Title:  Literaturen front (Continued by Literaturen forum)
Dates of Publication:  Sep 30, 1944 - Jun 28, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 74
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Jun 30, Jul 7, 1945, [1947-1950], 1951-1971, 1973-1985, [1986], 1987-1990

City:  Sofia
Title:  Makedoniia
Dates of Publication:  1989? - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 4281
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1990:3-11, 13-15; 1991:1-48; 1992:1-52; 1993:1-50 Paper: 1994: 12-13,46-47; 1995:1-52; 1996:1-4, 6-36, 39-47, 50-52; 1997:1-22, 25-49; 1998:1-13, 17-47; 1999:1-47; 2000:1, 3-5, 7-47; 2001:1-44; 2002:1-19; 2003:1-11, 13-22; 2004:1-22; 2005:1,3-6, currently received.
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Mir
Dates of Publication:  Sep 22, 1894 - Dec 30, 1944 [publication suspended Apr 1 - Oct 15, 1944]
LC Call Number:  Newspaper # 400
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Jan 3-5, 7-21, 23- Feb 1, 3, 6-22, 24-25, 27-Mar 31; Oct 16, 18-Dec 30, 1944

City:  Sofia
Title:  Mladezh (Continues Narodna mladezh, continued by Faks)
Dates of Publication:  May 23, 1990 - Mar 7, 1991
LC Call Number:  Film # 77
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1990-1991
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Monopol
Dates of Publication:  Jan 10/16, 1995 - Apr 17, 1995
LC Call Number:  HD5671.M66
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1995:1-14

City:  Sofia
Title:  Narod
Dates of Publication:  Oct 4, 1944 - Aug 12, 1948
LC Call Number:  Film # 2727
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1944-1948]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Naroden sport (Continued by Sport)
Dates of Publication:  Sep 25, 1944 - May 24, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 75
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1944-1945], 1951, [1952-1953], 1955-1960, [1961], 1962-1963

City:  Sofia
Title:  Narodna armiia (Continues Narodna voiska, continued by Bulgarska armiia)
Dates of Publication:  May 2, 1952 - May 24, 1991
LC Call Number:  Film # 76
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1953-1954], 1955-1956, [1957], 1958-1959, [1960-1961], 1962-1987, [1988], 1989-1991 Paper: 1988:11945-11952

City:  Sofia
Title:  Narodna borba
Dates of Publication:  Aug 24, 1946 - Feb 1, 1950
LC Call Number:  Film # 2736
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1946-1949]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Narodna kultura (Continued by Kultura)
Dates of Publication:  Jan 26, 1957 - Feb 23, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 42122; Microfilm (o) 85/3; Folio AP58.B28 N24
LC Location:  MicRR, Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1975-1983 Bound volumes: 1957-1971 Paper: 1984:1-52; 1985:1-52; 1986; 1987:1-29, 31, 34-52
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959, LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Narodna mladezh (Continued by Narodna mladezh below)
Dates of Publication:  Oct 1, 1944 - Dec 10, 1947
LC Call Number:  Newspaper # 405
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Bound volumes: June 11, 29, 1945

City:  Sofia
Title:  Narodna mladezh (Continued by Mladezh)
Dates of Publication:  Dec 20, 1947 - May 20, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 77
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1948-1950], 1951-1952, [1953], 1954-1990

City:  Sofia
Title:  Narodna pomosht
Dates of Publication:  Jan 20, 1945 - Jun 2, 1949
LC Call Number:  no call number assigned
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Mar 1, 1945 [not located]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Narodna voiska (Continued by Narodna armiia)
Dates of Publication:  Sep 14, 1944 - May 1, 1952
LC Call Number:  Film # 2735
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1944-1951]
Index:  LNPP

City:  Sofia
Title:  Narodno zemedelsko zname (continued by Zemedelsko zname)
Dates of Publication:  Sep 26, 1945 - May 7, 1947; Feb 27, 1990 - Nov 6, 1992 [resurrected on Feb 27, 1990 after 43 year hiatus according to article on the front page; this may have continued in some form with the same name after Nov 6, 1992; this title and Zemedelsko zname have a very complicated publishing history with competing versions of the papers splintering off from each other at various times]
LC Call Number:  Film # 2727
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Sep 26, 1945 - May 6, 1947, Feb 27, 1990 - Nov 6, 1992
Index:  LNSOBV (in 1990)

City:  Sofia
Title:  Narodno zemedelsko zname (continues Narodna zemedelsko zname above)
Dates of Publication:  Aug 1/7, 1997 - present
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1997:1-8, 10-21; 1998:22-71; 1999:1-3, 10-50 (72-74, 80-116); 2000:1-50 (117-166); 2001:1-51 (167-217); 2002:1-50 (218-267); 2003: 1, 3-47, 49-50 (268, 270-314, 316-317); 2004:1-2, 4-8, 10-52 (318-319, 321-328, 330-372); 2005:1-45,49-52; 2006: 1-52, currently received.
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Nasha gazeta (In Russian)
Dates of Publication:  Oct 19, 1938 - Jan 18, 1940
LC Call Number:  Film # 2727
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Oct 19, 1938 - Jan 18, 1940

City:  Sofia
Title:  Nie zhenite
Dates of Publication:  Jun 13, 1990 - present
LC Call Number:  HQ1104.N52
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1995:1-18, 20-43, 45-47, 50 (236-253, 255-278, 280-282, 285); 1996:1-2, 4-13, 18, 20, 24-25, 27-30, 33-35, 44-47 (287-288, 290-299, 304, 306, 310-311, 313-316, 319-321, 330-333); 1997:6, 11-28, 33-50 (343, 348-365, 370-386); 1998:1-6, 9-52 (387-392, 395-437); 1999:1-11, 13, 15-16, 21-24, 26-52 (438-448, 450, 452-453, 458-461, 463-489); 2000:1-4, 6-8, 10-13, 15, 17-20, 22, 24, 26-45, 47-52 (490-493, 495-497, 499-502, 504, 506-509, 511, 513, 515-534, 536-540); 2001:1-8, 12-19, 23-51 (541-548, 552-559, 563-591); 2002:1-52 (592-643); 2003:6-15, 21-52 (644-658, 664-695); 2004:1-52 (696-747); 2005:1-22, 24-52; 2006:1-52, currently received.

City:  Sofia
Title:  NO: Nauka i obshtestvo
Dates of Publication:  Jul 9/16, 1991 - Dec 20, 2001
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1992:25, 30, 33-34; 1993:18, 20, 22; 1994:1-4, 6-15, 17-20; 1995:1-22; 1996:1, 15, 17-21; 1997:6, 9-10, 13-14, 17-18; 1998:4-6

City:  Sofia
Title:  Nova kambana
Dates of Publication:  Oct 3 - Dec 31, 1944
LC Call Number:  Film # 2736
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Oct 3 - Dec 13, 1944

City:  Sofia
Title:  Nova vecher
Dates of Publication:  Apr 10, 1940 - Mar 11, 1944
LC Call Number:  Film # 2783
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1941-1944]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Nova zora
Dates of Publication:  Sep 10, 1996 - present
LC Call Number:  DR51.Z67
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1996:2, 4, 7, 14; 1997:1-44; 1998:1-44; 1999:1-30, 32-47; 2000:1-47; 2001:1-48; 2002:1-47; 2003:1-47; 2004:1-47; 2005:1-49; 2006:2-37, 39-51, currently received.
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Novini = Praznichni novini
Dates of Publication:  Feb 5, 1945 - Feb 28, 1949
LC Call Number:  Film # 2747
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1945-1949]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Novini (Continued by Novini plius)
Dates of Publication:  Feb 1, 1994 - Dec 31, 1994
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1994:1-3, 38-40, 48-68, 72, 93-193, 242-247
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Novini plius (Continues Novini)
Dates of Publication:  Apr 8, 1995 - Feb 14, 1997
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1995:28, 31; 1996:9,13,18,23-30, 32-52; 1997:1-4
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Novo rabotnichesko delo
Dates of Publication:  Jan 25/Feb 1, 1994 - Dec 7, 1997
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1995:8 (20); 1996:1-8 (22-29); 1997:1-5 (33-38)
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Novoto vreme
Dates of Publication:  Oct 15/29, 2001
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 2001:1

City:  Sofia
Title:  Otechestven front (Continued by Otechestven vestnik)
Dates of Publication:  Sep 9, 1944 - Jun 8, 1990 [Otechestven front resurrected with XLVII, n.13452-13473, Jan 2-31, 1995]
LC Call Number:  Film # 78
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1944], 1945- 972, [1973], 1974-1987, [1988], 1989-1990

City:  Sofia
Title:  Otechestven vestnik (Continues Otechestven front)
Dates of Publication:  Jun 9, 1990 - Jul 14, 1994
LC Call Number:  Film # 78
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1990-1994
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Pari plius
Dates of Publication:  Jan 13, 2001 - Nov 24, 2003
LC Call Number:  DR93.44.P37
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 2001:1-25, 34-42, 44-48; 2002:1, 3-5, 12-14, 22-23, 28-38, 48-49; 2003:6-7, 11-16, 20-47; [2003:20-22, 26-45 not located]
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  La Parole Bulgare (In French)
Dates of Publication:  Mar 2, 1936 - Dec 25, 1943
LC Call Number:  Newspaper # 413
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Bound volumes: 1936-1939, [1940]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Patriot
Dates of Publication:  Mar 3, 1951 - Jan 7, 1965
LC Call Number:  Film # 79
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1952], 1953, [1954], 1955-1958, [1959-1960], 1961-1964
Index:  LNPP

City:  Sofia
Title:  Podkrepa
Dates of Publication:  Aug 22, 1991 - Mar 2, 1994
LC Call Number:  Film # 3514
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1991-1994
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Pogled
Dates of Publication:  Jan 1, 1966 - Jun 25, 1996
LC Call Number:  Film # 2783
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Jan 1, 1966 - Dec 29, 1969
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1966, LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Politika
Dates of Publication:  Oct 11, 1944 - Feb 24, 1945
LC Call Number:  Film # 2736
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Oct 14, 1944 - Feb 24, 1945

City:  Sofia
Title:  Posledna poshta
Dates of Publication:  Jul 17, 1923 - Mar 27, 1944
LC Call Number:  Newspaper # 416
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Jan 9, 1939 [not located]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Prava i svobodi
Dates of Publication:  Feb 11/17, 1991 - Jul 22, 1998
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8 P78
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1991:1-41; 1992:1-46, 48; 1993:1-52; 1994:1-26; 1995:1-44, 46-51; 1996:1-11; 1997:1-3; 1998:1-29
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Priaporets (Continues Zname)
Dates of Publication:  Jul 2, 1898 - May 29, 1932
LC Call Number:  Film # 2739
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [Jul 2, 1898 - Apr 26, 1903]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Puls
Dates of Publication:  Jan 17, 1963 - Feb 26, 1991
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1981:1-6, 8-45, 47-52; 1982:1-26, 28-52; 1983:1-52; 1984:1-51; 1987:8-52; 1988:37,39, 47; 1989: 1-52; 1990: 1-18, 20-52; 1991: 1-6, 8
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1966, LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Rabotnichesko delo (Continued by Duma)
Dates of Publication:  Mar 5, 1927 - Apr 3, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 80
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1944-1947], 1948-1949, [1950], 1951-1990
Index: LNPP, LNSOBV; Kovachev, Velcho Vulkov. Rabotnichesko delo, 1927-1944: sistematichen bibliografski ukazatel na sudurzhanieto mu. Sofiia: Partizdat, 1980.
LC Call Number:  PN5355.B8 Z98324

City:  Sofia
Title:  Rabotnichesko delo (Title continued as Duma, but then resurrected with old Rabotnichesko delo numbering in 1996 even though Duma continues as a separate publication)
Dates of Publication:  June 1996 - Jan 2001
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1996:1 [first issue is dated "iuni"]; 1998:1-7; 1999:2-12; 2000:1-12; 2001:1
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Radikal (Continued by Vreme)
Dates of Publication:  May 15, 1934 - Feb 9, 1948
LC Call Number:  Film # 2727
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1945-1948]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Republika
Dates of Publication:  Apr 26, 1990 - May 10, 1991
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1990:1-6, 8-34; 1991:1-2, 4-19 (35-36, 38-53)
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Rikoshet = Bomba na rikoshet
Dates of Publication:  Sep 4, 1992 - Nov 19/25, 1993
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1992:2; 1993:1-23
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Romano ilo = Tsigansko surtse
Dates of Publication:  Sep 1994 - Mar 1998
LC Call Number:  DX221.5.R66
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1994:1-2 + spets. vyp.[1st issue dated "septemvri"]; 1995:1-12; 1996:1-11; 1997:1-12; 1998:1-3 [last issue dated "mart"]
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Rudnichar
Dates of Publication:  Aug 6, 1945 - Apr 15, 1999
LC Call Number:  Film # 81
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1951, [1952], [1954], 1955-1956, [1957-1958], 1959-1973, 1982-1987 Paper: 1988:1-46, 48-52; 1990:1-30, 32-48; 1991:1-14, 16-29, 31-40, 42-50; 1992:1-39; 1993:1-3, 5-14, 16-17, 19-26; 1994:1-5, 7-23; 1995:1-7, 11, 16-18, 20-24; 1996:1-9, 11-13, 16, 19; 1997:3-15; 1998:1-2, 4-15; 1999:1-4

City:  Sofia
Title:  Sedmichen trud
Dates of Publication:  Sep 30, 1998 - present
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8 S38 fol.
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1999:16-29; 2002:1-25, 27-51; 2003:1-52; 2004:1-53; 2005:1-8, 10-52; 2006:1-52, subscription cancelled after 2006 [2003:25 not located]

City:  Sofia
Title:  65-ta auditoriia
Dates of Publication:  Nov 27, 1997
LC Call Number:  LF5079 .A14
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1997:1 [this is the only issue ever published]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Slovo
Dates of Publication:  Apr 10, 1922 - Sep 8, 1944
LC Call Number:  Newspaper # 423
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Bound volumes: [1941-1944]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Slovoto dnes
Dates of Publication:  Feb 5, 2004 - present
LC Call Number:  PG1000.B84
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 2004:1-39; 2005:1-42; 2006:1-32, currently received
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Sofia Echo
Dates of Publication:  Apr 18, 1997 - present
LC Call Number:  DR51.S62
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1997:13, 15-26, 28-36; 1998:1-22, 27, 29-37, 43-49; 1999:1, 10-11, 13-43, 45-50; 2000:1-41, 43-48; 2001:1-15, 17-52; 2002; 2003:2, 4-7, 9-11, 13-14, 17-18, 20-23, 26, 28-37, 40-52; 2004-2005

City:  Sofia
Title:  Sofia News
Dates of Publication:  Jan 16, 1969 - Aug 2/8, 1991 + special issue on Apr 1, 1992
LC Call Number:  Film # 1934
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Film: 1970-1972, 1975-1991

City:  Sofia
Title:  Sofiiska pravda
Dates of Publication:  Mar 31, 1955 - Dec 30, 1987
LC Call Number:  Film # 82
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1955-1961], 1962-1969 [1955 not located]
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956, LNSOBV - through 1987

City:  Sofia
Title:  Solidarnost
Dates of Publication:  Feb 2-8, 1995-?
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  1995:1

City:  Sofia
Title:  Sreshta
Dates of Publication:  May 22, 1996 - Apr 10, 1997
LC Call Number:  DK511.C37 V35
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1996:1-3; 1997:1

City:  Sofia
Title:  Standart = Standart Nius = Standart News
Dates of Publication:  Aug 10, 1992 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 3644
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1993-2001 Paper: 1999:2495, 2538; 2000:2866-2867; 2001:2940
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  168 chasa
Dates of Publication:  Apr 26, 1990 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 4223
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1997-1999, 2000-2004 Paper: 2005:1-52; 2006:1-52, subscription cancelled after 2006
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Sturshel
Dates of Publication:  Feb 15, 1946 - present
LC Call Number:  Microfilm (o) 85/7, AP115.S77
LC Location:  MicRR, Gen Coll, Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1971-1992 Bound volumes: 1948-1958, 1960-1970 Paper: 1993:2447-2454, 2457-2499; 1994:2500-2550; 1995:2551-2602; 1996:2603-2653; 1997:2654-2664, 2666-2674, 2677-2691, 2694-2696, 2698-2700; 1998:2710-2754; 1999:2755-2758, 2761-2788, 2790-2805; 2000:2806-2820, 2822, 2824-2827, 2829-2856; 2001:2857-2863, 2867-2907; 2002:2908-2919, 2921-2958; 2003:2959-2974, 2980-3009; 2004:3010-3061; 2005:3062-3112; 2006:3113-3163, currently received
Index:  LNPP

City:  Sofia
Title:  Svoboda = La Liberte
Dates of Publication:  Oct 4, 1886 - Jun 3, 1920
LC Call Number:  Film # 2776
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1886-1888], 1889-1891, [1892], 1893

City:  Sofia
Title:  Svoboda (On Jan 1, 1945 Svoboda and Zaria merged to form Svobodna zaria which is on this reel; different title from above, incorrectly given same film #)
Dates of Publication:  Sep 10, 1944 - Dec 30, 1944; Jan 1, 1945
LC Call Number:  Film #2776
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1944-1945]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Svoboden narod (resurrected in 1990 after 43 year hiatus)
Dates of Publication:  Sep 16, 1945 - Apr 29, 1947; Feb 1, 1990 - Nov 11, 1996; Sep 1997 it switches to a magazine format
LC Call Number:  Film # 2727
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Sep 16, 1945 - Apr 27, 1947; 1990-1994 Paper: 1995:41-45 + special issue from 1996; 1997:1-3 (Se0)
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Svobodna kniga
Dates of Publication:  May 1, 1990 - 1996
LC Call Number:  PN777.S88
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1991:1-3; 1992:1-8; 1993:1-4; 1994:1-8; 1995:4-7; 1996:1/4 [this last issue is dated only 1996]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Svobodna zaria (SEE Svoboda)

City:  Sofia
Title:  Svobodno slovo
Dates of Publication:  Jun 13, 1893 - Sep 24, 1894
LC Call Number:  Film # 2739
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Jan 5 - Sep 2, 1894

City:  Sofia
Title:  Tekhnichesko delo
Dates of Publication:  Apr 20, 1949 - Dec 30, 1988
LC Call Number:  Film # 2783
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Nov 20, 1956 - Nov 15, 1957, Jan 5 - Dec 30, 1961 Bound volumes: [1952-1955 not located]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Transporten glas
Dates of Publication:  Feb 23, 1945 - Dec 19, 1997
LC Call Number:  TA1001.T755 folio
LC Location:  Gen Coll
LC Has:  Bound volumes: 1951-1952, [1954-1959], 1960, 1964-1971; [1951-1952, 1954-1958 not located]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Trud = Dneven Trud
Dates of Publication:  Sep 15, 1946 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 83
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1946-1950], 1951-1988, 1990-1993, [1994-1997], 1998-2003 Paper: 1999:176; 2001: 42, 49-51, 190-194, 273, 323-329, 348-352; 2003:79; 2004:1-59, 62-304, 306-361; 2005:1-356; 2006:1-320, 322-358, currently received

City:  Sofia
Title:  Tsurkoven vestnik
Dates of Publication:  Apr 7, 1900 - present
LC Call Number:  BX650.T75
LC Location:  Gen Coll, Eur
LC Has:  Bound volumes: 1933-1936, 1945, 1950-1974, [1975-1979] Paper: 1989:19-21; 1994:1-35, 37-52; 1995:1-9, 14-15, 19-23, 25-32, 35-52; 1996:1-40, 44-52; 1997:1-20; 1998:1-24; 1999:4-22; 2000:2 spec issues + 1-7, 9-10, 13, 15-23; 2001:6-24; 2002:1-23 + spec issue; 2003:1-6, 10-24; 2004:1-23; 2005:1-24; 2006:1-19, 21-24, currently received
Index:  LNSOBV - beginning in 1991

City:  Sofia
Title:  Uchitelsko delo
Dates of Publication:  Aug 12, 1950 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 2713, L51.U32
LC Location:  Eur, Gen Coll
LC Has:  Film: 1951, [1952-1955], 1956-1959, [1981-1982], 1983-1986, 1988-1993 Bound volumes: 1959-1969 Paper: 1987:1-3, 5-12, 14-21, 23-41, 43-52

City:  Sofia
Title:  Utro
Dates of Publication:  Feb 1, 1911 - Sep 9, 1944
LC Call Number:  Film # 2774
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Jan 3 - Dec 29, 1943, Jun 14 - Sep 7, 1944

City:  Sofia
Title:  Vecherni novini (Continues Izgrev)
Dates of Publication:  Aug 1, 1951 - Dec 25, 1994
LC Call Number:  Film # 84
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1951-1959, [1960], 1985, [1987], 1988-1993, [1994] Paper: 1987:45/273

City:  Sofia
Title:  Vek 21
Dates of Publication:  Mar 17, 1990 - May 29/Jun 11, 1998
LC Call Number:  DR93.44.V44
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: [1990]; 1992:51-52 (140-141); 1995:1-3, 9-13, 15-38, 40-44 (239-241, 247-251, 253-275, 277-281); 1996:1-15, 17-28 (282-295, 298-309); 1997:12-23 (324-334); 1998:1-9 (335-343); [1990 not located] Film: 1994
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Vestnik Bulgariia dnes
Dates of Publication:  Aug 24/30, 2000 - Dec 28, 2004
LC Call Number:  DR51 .V47
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: Aug 24-30, 2000

City:  Sofia
Title:  Vestnik na vestnitsite
Dates of Publication:  Apr 23, 1916 - Apr 22, 1946
LC Call Number:  Newspaper # 433
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Jan 30, 1939 [not located]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Vestnik za naroda = Narod
Dates of Publication:  Jul 6/13, 2000 - Jul 24/30, 2001
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8 Z27
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 2000:1-25; 2001:26-30, 33-52

City:  Sofia
Title:  Viara
Dates of Publication:  1995 - 1997 [first issue is dated only "1995"]
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8 V5
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1995:2; 1997:4 [this last issue is dated only "1997"]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Vita Burgara (In Italian)
Dates of Publication:  Aug 10, 1940 - Sep 30, 1943
LC Call Number:  Film # 2747
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Aug 10, 1940 - Aug 14, 1941

City:  Sofia
Title:  Vreme (Continues Radikal)
Dates of Publication:  Feb 16, 1948 - Mar 14, 1949
LC Call Number:  Film # 2747
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Jun 14, 1948 - Mar 14, 1949

City:  Sofia
Title:  Za kooperativno zemedelie (Continued by Kooperativno selo)
Dates of Publication:  Apr 28, 1951 - Apr 30, 1958
LC Call Number:  Film # 2735
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: May 5 - Jul 26, 1951, Jan 1, 1952 - Apr 30, 1958
Index:  LNPP

City:  Sofia
Title:  Zaria
Dates of Publication:  Apr 18, 1914 - Dec 30, 1944
LC Call Number:  Film # 2783, Newspaper # 437
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Sep 20, 1942 - Dec 29, 1943; Jun 15, Sep 11 - Dec 30, 1944 Paper: Aug 14, 1937 [1937 issue not located]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Zdraven front
Dates of Publication:  May 1, 1945 - Aug 4, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 85
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Dec 31, 1952 - Oct 23, 1955, Jan 1, 1956 - Dec 31, 1969

City:  Sofia
Title:  Zemedelsko edinstvo
Dates of Publication:  Nov 22, 1994-Dec 15, 1994
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  1994:1-4

City:  Sofia
Title:  Zemedelsko zname
Dates of Publication:  Oct 28, 1902 - present [it is unclear how the continuation of Narodno zemedelsko zname beginning on Nov 9, 1992 fits in with the original title beginning in 1902]
LC Call Number:  Film # 86
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1944-1950], 1951-1980, [1981], 1982-1988, 1990-1993 Paper: 1989:1-191, 193-257; 1994:1-98, 121-227 (859-955, 978-1084); 1995:1-230 (1085-1314); 1996:1-6, 8-48 (1315-1320, 1322-1362) + 4 issues of 32-35 with same numbering but appear to be a different paper because of different editors; 1997:1-30, 32-99 (1363-1392, 1394-1461); 1998:1-70 (1462-1531); 1999:1-37 (1532-1568); 2000:1-47 (1569-1615); 2001:1-46 (1616-1661); 2002:1-47 (1662-1708); 2003:1-26, 28-47 (1709-1734, 1736-1755); 2004:1-47 (1756-1791?); 2005:1-39, 44-47; 2006:1-47, currently received

City:  Sofia
Title:  Zemedelsko zname [weekly]
Dates of Publication:  Oct 4, 1996 - May 29, 1997
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1996:32-35; 1997:1-17 + special issue

City:  Sofia
Title:  Zemia (Continues Kooperativno selo)
Dates of Publication:  Aug 1, 1990 - present
LC Call Number:  Film # 4199
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1990], 1991, [1992-1993], 1994-2002 Paper: 1998:213-233; 2004:1-164, 166-178, 180-254; 2005:1-247; 2006:1-251, currently received
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Zname (Continued by Priaporets)
Dates of Publication:  Aug 18, 1894 - Jun 27, 1898
LC Call Number:  Film # 2736
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Aug 18, 1894 - Apr 25, 1898

City:  Sofia
Title:  Zname
Dates of Publication:  Apr 5, 1924 - Jun 30, 1934; Sep 24, 1945 - Dec 24, 1946
LC Call Number:  Film # 2736
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Sep 24-Nov 14, Dec 17-30, 1945; Jan 2- May 31, Aug 16, 22, Sep 2-13, Oct 15 - Dec 24, 1946

City:  Sofia
Title:  Zname
Dates of Publication:  Apr 19, 1990 - present
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8Z58
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1990:1-9, 11-37; 1991:1-32 (38-69); 1992:1-16, 20-28 (70-85, 89-97); 1993:18-19, 26-52 (140-141, 148-174); 1994:1-36, 38-61 (175-206, #ing changes to 3843-3846, 3848-3871); 1995:1-70 (3872-3941); 1996:1-34 (3942-3975); 1997:1-41 (3986-4026); 1998:1-2, 5-18 (4027-4028, 4031-4044); 1999:20-25, 27-33, 35-41 (4087-4092, [not a mistake, numbering on paper is odd] 4093-4099, 4101-4107); 2000:1-13, 16-18, 20-39 (4109-4121, 4124-4126, 4128-4147) + unnumbered issue; 2001:9-17, 19-27 (4156-4164, 4166-4174)
Index:  LNSOBV

City:  Sofia
Title:  Zname na truda (Continued by Trud)
Dates of Publication:  Oct 20, 1944 - Sep 6, 1946
LC Call Number:  no call number assigned
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Paper: Mar 5, 15,1945 [not located]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Zora
Dates of Publication:  May 18, 1919 - Sep 7, 1944
LC Call Number:  Film # 2776
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1941-1942], 1943, [1944]

City:  Sofia
Title:  Zornitsa
Dates of Publication:  Jan 2, 1876 - Nov 3, 1948
LC Call Number:  Film # 2739
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Jan 16, Mar 6 - Jun 19, Nov 7 - Dec 25, 1929, Jan 3 - Nov 26, 1930

Stalin: SEE Varna

City:  Stanke Dimitrov
Title:  Narodno delo
Dates of Publication:  Sep 29, 1944 - Feb 21, 1959
LC Call Number:  Film # 2739
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: Jul 23, 1953, Jan 6, 1954 - Jun 15, 1957, Apr 5 - Dec 27, 1958
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959

City:  Stara Zagora
Title:  Septemvri
Dates of Publication:  Feb 24, 1945 - Dec 28, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 2747
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1955, [1956], [1958-1959]
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956, LNSOBV - through 1987

City:  Tolbukhin
Title:  Dobrudzhanska tribuna
Dates of Publication:  Sep 21, 1944 - Dec 21, 2000
LC Call Number:  Film # 88
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1955-1961], 1962-1969
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959, LNSOBV - through 1987

Turnovo: SEE Veliko Turnovo

City:  Varna
Title:  Narodno delo (Called Stalinsko zname 1950-1956)
Dates of Publication:  Sep 9, 1944 - 1950; Oct 23, 1956 - Apr 30, 2004
LC Call Number:  Film # 89
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1945-1946], [1956-1961], 1962-1989, [1990], 1991, [1992], 1993, [1994-1995], 1996, [1997], 1998-1999, [2000] Paper: 1990:225, 239; 1992:292-297, 299-302, 304
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956, LNSOBV

City:  Varna
Title:  Stalinsko zname (See Narodno delo)
Dates of Publication:  1950 - Oct 21, 1956
LC Call Number:  Film # 2872
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1951-1954], 1955, [1956]
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956

City:  Varna
Title:  Vestnik muzei
Dates of Publication:  Jul 1993 - Jul 2002
LC Call Number:  AM69.B8 V47
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1999:5-7; 2000:3-4

City:  Veliko Turnovo
Title:  Borba
Dates of Publication:  Sep 28, 1944 - present [Title underwent renumbering in 1991]
LC Call Number:  Film # 87
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: 1951-1952, [1953-1961], 1962-1994 Paper: 1983:143-156; 1986:66-78, 80, 129-136; 1993:145-147, 151; 1994:6, 21-45; 1995:1-64 (587-650), 122-250 (708-836); 1996:1-252 (838-1089); 1997:1-3, 5-27, 29-226 (1090-1092, 1094-1116, 1118-1315); 1998:1-108, 110-149, 151-252 (1316-1423, 1425-1464, 1466-1567); 1999:1-255 (1568-1822); 2000:1-105, 107-255 (1823-?, 1927-2077, numbering not done correctly); 2001:1-43 (2079-2121); [2002]; [2004]; [2002, 2004 not located]
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956, LNSOBV - through 1987

City:  Vidin
Title:  Cherveno zname
Dates of Publication:  Aug 27, 1950 - Apr 26, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 1743
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1950-1952], 1953-1954, [1955-1961], 1962-1970
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1959, LNSOBV - through 1987

City:  Vratsa
Title:  Otechestven zov
Dates of Publication:  Nov 4, 1944 - Dec 27, 1990
LC Call Number:  Film # 90
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Film: [1953], [1955-1961], 1962-1963, 1965, 1967-1979
Index:  LNPP - beginning in 1956, LNSOBV - through 1987

Bulgarian Newspapers Published Outside of Bulgaria

City:  Belgrade
Title:  Glas na Bulgarite v Iugoslaviia
Dates of Publication:  Jan 17, 1949 - 1954?
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8G5
LC Location:  Gen Coll
LC Has:  Bound volumes: 1949-1952

City:  Belgrade
Title:  Ustrem
Dates of Publication:  May 24, 1943 - Aug 20, 1944
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8U8
LC Location:  Gen Coll
LC Has:  Bound volumes: 1943-1944

City:  Braila
Title:  Dunavska zora
Dates of Publication:  Nov 13, 1867 - Mar 31, 1879
LC Call Number:  WMLC F 83/15
LC Location:  Landover
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Nov 13, 1867 - Jan 6, 1877 (facsimile edition)
Index:  Facsimile volume contains indexes for names, geographic locations, periodical titles, and historically significant articles

City:  Bucharest
Title:  Budushtnost' = Viitorulu
Dates of Publication:  Mar 8, 1864 - May 17, 1864
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8 B772 1969 fol.
LC Location:  Gen Coll
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Mar 8, 1864 - May 17, 1864 (facsimile edition)
Index:  Facsimile volume contains name index

City:  Bucharest
Title:  Branitel' = Aperatoriulu
Dates of Publication:  Jul 19, 1864
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8 B772 1969 fol.
LC Location:  Gen Coll
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Jul 19, 1864 (facsimile edition)
Index:  Facsimile volume contains name index

City:  Bucharest
Title:  Nezavisimost (Continues Svoboda)
Dates of Publication:  Feb 23, 1873 - Oct 12, 1874
LC Call Number:  WMLC F 83/8
LC Location:  Landover
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Feb 23, 1873 - Oct 12, 1874 (facsimile edition of 4 volumes; Nezavisimost appears in vols 3-4)
Index:  Facsimile volumes contain indexes for names, geographic locations, and periodical titles. Indexes appear in vols. 1-2, 4

City:  Bucharest
Title:  Nova Bulgariia
Dates of Publication:  May 5, 1876 - Apr 22, 1877
LC Call Number:  WMLC F 83/7
LC Location:  Landover
LC Has:  Bound volumes: May 5, 1876 - Apr 22, 1877 (facsimile edition)
Index:  Facsimile volume contains indexes for names, geographic locations, periodical titles, and historically significant articles

City:  Bucharest
Title:  Stara planina = L'Hemus
Dates of Publication:  Aug 7, 1876 - Jun 21, 1877
LC Call Number:  WMLC F 83/9
LC Location:  Landover
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Aug 7, 1876 - Jun 21, 1877 (facsimile edition)
Index:  Facsimile volume contains indexes for names, geographic locations, periodical titles, and historically significant articles

City:  Bucharest
Title:  Svoboda (Continued by Nezavisimost)
Dates of Publication:  Nov 7, 1869 - Nov 25, 1872
LC Call Number:  WMLC F 83/8
LC Location:  Landover
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Nov 7, 1869 - Nov 25, 1872 (facsimile edition of 4 volumes; Svoboda appears in vols 1-3)
Index:  Facsimile volumes contain indexes for names, geographic locations, and periodical titles. Indexes appear in vols. 1-2, 4

City:   Granite, City, Illinois
Title:  Rabotnicheska prosvieta
Dates of Publication:  Jan 1, 1911-Jun 20, 1969
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has: Film:  [1911-1969]

City:  Istanbul (Tsarigrad)
Title:  Tsarigradski viestnik
Dates of Publication:  Jan 1, 1848 - Dec 28, 1862
LC Call Number:  WMLC L 83/857
LC Location:  Landover
LC Has:  Bound volumes: (facsimile edition) [not located]

City:  Leipzig
Title:  Bulgarskyi orel = Bulgarskyi naroden izviestnik
Dates of Publication:  Apr 20, 1846 - Jan 1, 1847
LC Call Number:  WMLC F 83/10
LC Location:  Landover
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Apr 20, 1846 - Jan 1, 1847 (facsimile edition)

City: New York
  Title: Nedelnik
Dates of Publication: 1995-
LC Call Number : not yet cataloged
LC Location: Eur
LC Has: Paper: 1996:15, 2007:1-42, currently received

City: New York
 Title: Svobodna i nezavisima Bulgariia = Free and Independent Bulgaria
Dates of Publication: Jan 20, 1949-
LC Call Number: DR51.S86
LC Location: Eur
LC Has: Paper: 1949:1-13, 15-17; 1950:1-24; 1951:2-22; 1952:2-13, 15-21; 1953:1-12; Bound Volumes: [1955-1960] [bound volumes not located]

City:  Nish
Title:  Bratstvo
Dates of Publication:  June 15, 1959 - ?
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8B87
LC Location:  Gen Coll
LC Has:  Film: 1970, [1971], 1972, [1973-1974] Bound volumes: 1967-1969

City:  Novi Sad
Title:  Bulgarska dnevnitsa
Dates of Publication:  Apr 4, 1857 - Oct 23, 1857
LC Call Number:  AP58.B8 B772 1969 fol.
LC Location:  Gen Coll
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Apr 4, 1857 - Oct 23, 1857 (facsimile edition)
Index:  Facsimile volume contains name index

City:  Novi Sad
Title:  Dunavskyi lebed = Le cygnet du Danube
Dates of Publication:  Sep 1, 1860 - Dec 24, 1861
LC Call Number:  WMLC F 83/16
LC Location:  Landover
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Sep 1, 1860 - Dec 24, 1861 (facsimile edition; 2 copies)
Index:  Facsimile volume contains indexes for names, geographic locations, periodical titles, and historically significant articles

City:  Odessa
Title:  Roden krai
Dates of Publication:  1989-present
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has: Paper:  2006:1-18, 21-53, currently received

City:  Odessa
Title:  Ukraina: bulgarsko obozrenie
Dates of Publication:  ?-present
LC Call Number:  Not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has: Paper:  2006: 23-31 (123-131), 33 (133), currently received

City:  Prague
Title:  Zemledelsko zname = Le Drapeau Paysan
Dates of Publication:  Sep 15, 1923 - Nov 18, 1928
LC Call Number:  DR51.Z4
LC Location:  Gen Coll
LC Has:  Bound volumes: 1924-1925, [1926-1928]

City:  Tarakliia (Moldova)
Title:  Bulgarski glas
Dates of Publication:  ? - ?
LC Call Number:  not yet cataloged
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1998:8 (17), 18-22; 1999:25-30; 2000:31-42; 2001:1-6 (43-48); 2002:49-50; 2003:53; 2004:56; 2005: 58

City:  Tel Aviv
Title:  Naroden glas
Dates of Publication:  ? - ?
LC Call Number:  Newspaper 2399
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Bound volumes: [1949-1952]

City:  Tel Aviv
Title:  Narodno delo
Dates of Publication:  ? - ?
LC Call Number:  Newspaper 2400
LC Location:  N&CPR
LC Has:  Bound volumes: Apr 6-28, May 25, Jun 1, Jul 13-28, Dec 21, 28, 1950; Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 8, 15, 1951

City:  Wien
Title:  Svoboden narod (In Bulgarian and German)
Dates of Publication:  1955? - Mar 1992
LC Call Number: 
LC Location:  Eur
LC Has:  Paper: 1972:5-10; 1973:1-6; 1974:1-4; 1975:1-6; 1976:9-16; 1977:17-24 + addition; 1978:25-34; 1979:35-44; 1980:45-46, 49-54; 1981:55-62; 1982:63-68; 1983:69-76; 1984:77-86; 1985:87- 98; 1986:99-106; 1987:107-114; 1988:115-122; 1989:123-130; 1990:131-136; 1991:137-138, 141-144 [last issue is dated "mart"]

Edinichni listove

Edinichni listove or single-issue newspapers reflect an interesting publishing tradition in Bulgaria. They are special commemorative issues published to mark an anniversary or special event. The two main bibliographies of Bulgarian serials, Bulgarski periodichen pechat 1844-1944 and Bulgarski periodichen pechat 1944-1969, both have sections devoted to these items and list thousands of titles. Although the Library of Congress has just a few titles, none of them have been cataloged and thus they cannot be located via the online catalog. To view any of the titles mentioned below, please consult the reference staff in the European Reading Room.

Alekov list. 134 godini ot rozhdenieto na Aleko Konstantinov. 13 ianuari 1997.

Evropa/Bulgariia. Praznichen vestnik. Broi edinstven, mai 2005.

Iavorov list. Iubileino izdanie po sluchai 120 godini ot rozhdenieto na poeta. 14 ianuari 1998.

Iubileen Slavianski glas. 95 godini Slaviansko druzhestvo v Bulgariia. Broi edinstven, noemvri-dekemvri 1994.

Oranzhevo Zemedelsko zname. 73 godini ot tragichnata gibel na Aleksandur Stamboliiski. Iuni 1996.

Pamet za Shtastlivetsa. 100 godini ot gibelta na Aleko Konstantinov. 11 mai 1997.

70 godini Nikolai Kunchev. Iubileen vestnik. Dekemvri 2006.

Tsar Boris III. 100 godini. Iubileen list. 1994.

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