The National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity's mission is to unite the strengths of public, private, and industry efforts into collaborative partnerships that inspire and empower all Americans to lead more physically active lifestyles. 

NCPPA is an extraordinary group of national organizations that independently address a host of issues pertaining to physical activity including health/science, education, environments, population specific outreach, and activity behavior.

Lead organizations include the following representatives: 

  • American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
  • American Cancer Society
  • American College of Sports Medicine
  • American Heart Association
  • Connor Sport Court
  • International Health, Racquet, & Sports Club Association
  • National Athletic Trainers Association
  • National Football League Youth Fund
  • National Recreation and Park Association
  • Nike
  • McNeil Nutritionals
  • P.E.4Life
  • Shaping America's Health
  • Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association International

  • United States Swimming

  • United States Track & Field

  • YMCA of the USA
Federal Advisory Panel, include the following representatives:
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity
  • National Institutes of Health
  • President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports

By building on existing relationships with health, fitness, sports, education, and worksite health promotion organizations in the public, private, and industry sectors, NCPPA is developing new alliances and partnerships to focus and coordinate public education campaigns, policy development, and media education. NCPPA has four strategic priorities:

  • Champion public policies that reduce barriers to physical activity
  • Increase the adoption of activity-friendly community models
  • Promote incentives that result in greater adherence to recommended physical activity behaviors through community, schools, and worksite environments
  • Influence policy and environmental changes for populations with low rates of physical activity.

NCPPA activities and project support the accomplishment of our strategic priorities:

  • Develop a consensus policy platform that encompasses the three strategic priorities
  • Convene regular legislative briefings and an Annual Policy and Research Summit
  • Monitor policy change initiatives at the federal, state and local levels
  • Serve as a resource for state and local physical activity coalitions
  • Serve as an information and communication resource for the physical activity movement