[NIFL-POVRACELIT:573] Re: Habermas & Internet

From: hforster (hforster@strato.net)
Date: Thu Aug 23 2001 - 17:22:33 EDT

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Thank you very much for this lead.   One of the reasons I have followed you
in the various lists is because of  my interest in understanding community
building and communicative action in the internet.   This is a very
interesting subject and one I hope there will be follow-up to.  If you plan
to discuss this elsewhere pleas let me know.

I am not now in my office where my notes and materials are,  but I look
forward to this subject,

Thanks again
Harry Forster


> Colleagues:
> I am dforwarding this from the Habermas list.  Jurgen Habermas is a major
> contemporary social philosopher.  Perhaps this will be of interest to
> some.
> I do wonder if the inmternet does provide such hope as the writer
> suggests.
> I think there's something there, though it's all in the use.
> What do others think?
> George Demetrion
> ___________________________________________________-
> >To whom it may have concerned -
> >
> >Recently a post broached issues to do with JH and the Internet. I
> thought
> >some of JH's closing comments in his reply in Craig Calhoun's (Ed)
> >collection of essays of the _Structural Transformation of the Public
> >Sphere_>were relevant here.
> Yes, that was me, I am busy following all the helpful leads provided by
> the
> readers of this list, thanks to all, esp. to the person who pointed out
> Antje Gimmler's article, 'Deliberative Democracy, the Public Sphere and
> the
> Internet' in Philosophy and Social Criticism  (Vol 27 #4 2001).
> I have some preliminary ideas but I will try to put together a coherent
> post
> on this topic at a later date.  For now I will say that although
> Habermas's
> Structural Transformation laments the decline of the public sphere he
> reminds us of the existence of a glimmer of optimism in Calhoun ed.,
> Habermas and the Public Sphere (p.441) when he says (in STotPS),
> 'it is necessary to demonstrate how it may be possible, in out type of
> society, for "the public...to set in motion a critical process of public
> communication through the very organisations that mediatize it" (STotPS
> p.232)
> I take this to be a call to appropriate the weapons of colonisation,
> (perhaps best exemplified in this case by the technical capabilities of
> computer mediated communication) and use them to rejuvante a still
> declining
> public sphere, reviving, in the process, civil society and participatory
> democracy.
> In this I have allies in Arato and Cohen's 'Civil Society and Political
> Theory'. It seems to me (though there is very little literature to
> support
> this) that the internet fits (with problems that will be addressed) into
> the
> theoretical framework of communicative action and appears to be a very
> 'live' issue especially when we consider the democratic effectiveness of
> the
> internet has yet to be adequately exploited and will be affected by the
> economic and political imperatives that seek to appropriate it for
> themselves.
> I would welcome any thoughts on this subject and thank again all who
> responded to my original post.
> _________________________________________________________________
>      --- from list habermas@lists.village.virginia.edu ---
> --------- End forwarded message ----------

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