[NIFL-POVRACELIT:516] Items of Interest

From: Mary Ann Corley (macorley1@earthlink.net)
Date: Mon Jul 02 2001 - 21:55:10 EDT

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The following announcements are excerpted from the July 2 Connect For Kids
Weekly.  They may be of interest to you.

-Mary Ann Corley

**Gaining Ground
In 1998, the high school dropout rate was 8 percent for white students,
around 14 percent for African American students and 30 percent for Latino
students. The May/June 2001 issue of Gaining Ground, the newsletter of the
Council of Chief State School Officers, focuses on the academic status of
Latino students at the high school level, Latino students in higher
education, and effective practices for serving limited English proficient
students with disabilities.

**Results Conference Call on Reducing Poverty
RESULTS will hold its July 14 National Conference Call to discuss its
campaign for a welfare program that reduces poverty and the community
forums on welfare reauthorization planning for this summer. E-mail Melessa
(rogers@action.org) by Thursday, July 12 for information on RESULTS and
this national conference call.

**Helping America's Homeless: Emergency Shelter or Affordable Housing
According to Marti Burt, author of the Urban Institute book, "Helping
America's Homeless," mothers are the last defense against homelessness. If
a father is homeless, his children most often live with their mother (82
percent), but if a mother is homeless, her children typically still live
with her (54 percent). Burt calls for a new approach to eliminating
homelessness based on subsidized housing and supportive services. The
report also identifies out-of-home placement in childhood as one of the
strongest predictors of homelessness in adulthood. Cost: $29.50 E-mail

**Low-income Mothers Face Greater Health Burdens
Low-income mothers report they are in poor health at higher rates than
their counterparts who are not mothers, according to research reported on
by the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.

**'Honey, I'm Home': Changes in Living Arrangements in the Late 1990s
Data analysis from the Urban Institute shows that the decline in single
parenting and rise in cohabitation is concentrated among lower-income
families that are most likely to be influenced by new welfare policies.
Low-income people appear to be acting the way policy makers wanted them to
act. While there has been an increase in cohabitation, marriage rates have

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