[NIFL-POVRACELIT:488] Re: Posted for Mev Miller

From: RMALCUS@aol.com
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 12:57:54 EDT

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I would like to just react a bit to our notions of dispositional barriers.  I 
do not differ with anything that has been said about dispositional barriers.  
I would just like to add a dimension to dispositional barriers that actually 
might be more aligned with my understandings of Freire and his ideas about 
the sense of powerlessness among the "oppressed".  I am an African American, 
and one who came into teaching as a result of having had been a very poor 
student, academically throughout grade school and most of high school.  Most 
of my work has focused on African American learners.  

In my experience, it has never been enough to "build a ball park and they 
will come" so-to-speak.   Schools have represented the right hand of the 
dominant culture and as such have often been very effective in destroying a 
sense of confidence and hope in the minds of those  learners who because of  
their skin color (brown, dark brown and red mostly) and/or class are 
considered members of the majority group.   Many learners have been led to 
believe that they ain't qualified to read and argue with text.  
It has not been enough to provide them with the appropriate literature, 
because in their minds they do not have what it takes.   There is a dimension 
of dispositional barriers that reflects learners' heartfelt determination and 
patience in spite of the difficulties.  The participants in my study were 
less interested in the content of the materials they read or interacted with 
and more interested in maintaining a sense of determination to not give in to 
their  self-doubts.

I hope that I haven't rambled here as I am often prone to do.

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