[NIFL-POVRACELIT:425] Re: (no subject)

From: Ken Coulson (kencoulson@baltimorereads.org)
Date: Wed Feb 28 2001 - 15:25:35 EST

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JMontes and others fyi,
I did a search on yahoo using:
"K-W-L" AND reading
and was referred to over 20 sites referencing this teaching method.
You can also go directly to www.ericir.syr.edu
and get info on it also.
Good luck,
Ken Coulson
Baltimore Reads

JMontes807@aol.com wrote:

> Does anyone know much about the K-W-L reading technique? I need to be
> able to
> teach it to tutors any would appreciate any information/knowledge you
> might
> have. Thanks

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