U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
Press Releases
February 2007 Press Releases  « January | March »   « 2006 | 2008 » 
28th -  Sen. Stevens Cosponsors Clinton - Sununu Legislation to Protect Children In and Around Vehicles
27th -  Aviation Subcommittee to Hold Second FAA Reauthorization Hearing
27th -  Sen. Stevens Will Recognize E-Rate 10 Year Anniversary on Wednesday
22nd -  Senate Commerce Schedules CAFE Hearing
16th -  Commerce Schedules Four Subcommittee Hearings
15th -  Passenger Rail, Universal Service Topics of Upcoming Commerce Hearings
14th -  Senator Stevens Applauds Inclusion of Provision to Exempt Universal Service Fund from Antideficiency Act in the Continuing Resolution
14th -  Senate Commerce Committee Approves Security Bills, Nominations
14th -  Senate Passes Continuing Resolution Containing Provision to Assist Rural America and Prevent Primary Phone Line Restrictions
13th -  Senators to Thoroughly Examine FAA Reauthorization
13th -  Senate Commerce Committee Approves 911 Modernization Act
13th -  Commerce Committee Approves Legislation to Strengthen Aviation Security
13th -  Commerce Committee Approves Ocean Exploration Bill
13th -  Senate Commerce Committee Approves Measure to Improve Emergency Communications
12th -  Members Named to Senate Commerce Subcommittees
8th -  Commerce Committee Announces Executive Session Agenda
7th -  Senators Introduce Bill To Improve Aviation Security
7th -  Senate Commerce to Address Overseas Sweatshop Abuse and Coast Guard Deepwater Program in Hearings
7th -  THE HILL OP-ED: Communications issues still need Congress’s attention
7th -  Opening Statement by Senator Stevens on Climate Change Research and Scientific Integrity
6th -  Sen. Stevens Co-sponsors Schumer - McCain Bill to Register Online Identities and Email Addresses of Sex Offenders
2nd -  Aviation Subcommittee to Hold FAA Reauthorization Hearing
2nd -  Space Subcommittee Announces NASA Budget Hearing