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How to post and respond to messages

What should be posted?

Etiquette tips





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How to post and respond to messages

Open dialogue begins by simply sending your e-mail message to the list address, All messages are automatically forwarded to a moderator. Upon reviewing content of the message, the moderator will post the message to the entire subscribed distribution list. To respond to any posted messages, simply send your reply email message to the same list address provided.

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Post only pertinent information or requests!
This list should be used to communicate issues related to community members serving on images/irbs, solicit assistance with problems, and share ideas and approaches.

Know what you can and can't post!
Messages that cannot be posted include the following types of information:


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Announce your expectations up front!
Observe these etiquette tips when posting a message:

Update the list on the status of your request for information/assistance
Don't leave a request for information or assistance "hanging."

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