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This list is a clearinghouse of membership organizations and advocacy groups with ongoing interest in research and community member participation in IRBs. These organizations may offer IRB consultants or IRB community members regionally or nationally.

Additionally, a list of Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers with research programs is also available.

Albert Einstein Healthcare Network
John Chinn, Phone: 215-456-7214; Email:
A private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing compassionate, high-quality healthcare to the greater Philadelphia region.

American Psychological Association
Sangeeta Panicker, Phone: 202-336-6000; Email:
A scientific and professional organization with the mission to advance scientific interests in psychology as a means of promoting health, education, and human wlefare.

American Society of Clinical Oncology
Suanna Bruinooge, Phone: 703-299-1050; Email:
A professional organization representing physicians who treat people with cancer.

Center for Practical Bioethics
Linda Puetz, Phone: 800-344-3829; Email:
A bioethics center dedicated to raising and responding to ethical issues in health and health care.

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health
Sarena Seifer, Email:
A nonprofit organization that promotes health through partnerships between communities and higher education institutions.

National Organization for Rare Disorders
Abbey Meyers, Phone: 203-746-6518
A federation of voluntary health organizations committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and service.

National Society of Genetic Counselors, Inc.
Beth Rosen-Shiedley, Phone: 617-636-8768; Email:
A professional society with the mission to promote the genetic counseling profession as an integral part of health care delivery, education, and public policy.

Office of Research Oversight
Shannon Williams, Phone: 202-565-6621 Email:
The primary VHA office that advises the Under Secretary for Health on all matters of compliance and assurance regarding human subjects protections, animal welfare, research safety, and research misconduct

PACE Workers' International Union

Sylvia Kieding, Phone: 303-759-2604; Email:
A workers' union that stands for the right to a safe and healthy workplace and fair treatment of workers.

Project Inform
Brenda Lein, Phone: 415-454-2944; Email:
A national nonprofit, community-based organization with the mission to provide information on the diagnosis and treatment of HIV disease and to advocate for regulatory research and funding policies.

U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Public Affairs Division Phone: 301-427-1855; Email:
The AHRQ mission is to improve quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans.

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Office of Biological and Environmental Research
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U.S. Department of Energy

