Office of Human Capital Management - DHRD - Senior Executive Service (SES) Package Requirements for OPM Certification
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USDA Senior Executive Service (SES) Package Requirements for OPM Certification

TO USDA SES CDP Program Candidates:

Here are the instructions and accompanying files to help you complete your SES CDP certification package for submission to the Office of Personnel Management at the completion of the program. Note - this completion date may vary by candidate. We established a "completion date" of June 2009 for the SES CDP program, but this can be earlier or later, dependent upon the candidate's specific needs.

When you have completed all the components of the program, you may submit your package to USDA, ATTN: SES CDP Program Manager, Jamie L. Whitten Building, Room 17-W, 1400 Independence Avenue, Washington, DC, 20250. The SES CDP program manager will have this notebook with all accompanying documents reviewed by the Executive Resources Board (ERB), signed by the ERB chair, and then submitted to OPM.

Reminder - the USDA ERB is composed of USDA SES members. The Qualifications Review Board (QRB) at OPM will not have any USDA SES representatives when reviewing USDA certification packages.

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General Administrative Requirements for the OPM Certification Package

  • Obtain a small binder, probably about 1" size is sufficient.
  • You will need 10 tabs for this notebook.
  • Print all the files on this web page, in the order designated.
  • Put your name on the Portfolio Cover sheet where indicated. Place this cover on the front of the notebook.
  • Place the SES CDP Table of Contents page on the inside of the notebook, and on the outside of TAB 1.
  • Substitute your completed pages for the forms indicated. Within the files, there are some pages which simply state "PUT YOUR DOCUMENT HERE." When you print out the files, these will help guide you.
  • Ensure you have put your name on the documents where indicated!
  • For your documents which will go into the tabbed sections, the only constraint applied by OPM is to use 1-inch margins all around, and not less than a 10-point typeface.

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Certification Package Documents (Adobe Acrobat Reader required to view the following documents)




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