Virtual Geothermal

CalEnergy Web-Based Geothermal Power Plant Tour
Offers an Information-Packed Field Trip by Computer

Take the tour now!

Now you can take a geothermal energy field trip—from the depths of the Earth through the turbine of a modern geothermal electric generation plant—on your home or office computer! How? By viewing a unique, award-winning Virtual Geothermal Power Plant Tour created by MidAmerican Energy (Omaha, NB)—owner of the CalEnergy Co., Inc. Salton Sea geothermal power generation complex in southern California. Viewers must have either Windows Media Player or QuickTime installed on their computers to enjoy the show, which begins with a dramatic look at geothermal resources far beneath the surface of the Earth. Next, the tour shows how these resources are brought to the surface and converted into steam, how the steam is used to spin turbines and generate electricity, and how the unused fluid is returned to the earth to sustain the geothermal resource. According to Spurgeon, the MidAmerican/CalEnergy Virtual Geothermal Power Plant Tour has been very well received by its target audiences since it was posted a few months ago, and has already won a 2004 Bronze Quill Award from the International Association of Business Communicators.

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